� �
<br /> S 78� _ .
<br /> � _�.._.�_�__�_______.____r.__�.._ �
<br /> _ _ _. � _.. ..
<br /> :_^_._..___ ___._________-----------—.__----._ _. ._ __.__.__. ___. ._._ ..--- -J�.
<br /> '1036—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTV DEED (Revlsed 1967) 1'La 8nlfm�n 6eneral eupyl�Aon�e,Lineoin,Nebs. 9�
<br /> SNU�V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That We, Paul R. Bonney and Mi].dred L. Bonney� each
<br /> , in bis and her own r3ght and as sponse of each ather, � ; Cs
<br /> r. : _ � 1.
<br /> ; � �:r
<br /> �
<br /> � . `` ' , ' ` ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, ��
<br /> incoasiderationof Twenty Thausand and no�l00ths Dollsrs ($20�000.00) � .,
<br /> ,:
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto Steven M. McMahan and �
<br /> ' � Gwen M. McMahan� husband and wife, ;;
<br /> ` �i
<br /> na joint tenanta with right of survivorship,and not as tenants in common,the following deseribed reai propertv in f�
<br /> g�y Connty, Nebraska • pi
<br /> t '`
<br /> � Lot One Hundred Seventy four (17b) 1n Buenavista Subdivision� an Addition to the �j
<br /> ; City oY Grand Island, Nebraska 1 r.
<br /> � r
<br /> STAMP TAX ;
<br /> f
<br /> ��AY � i9�8 { �� '
<br /> ! STATEMEl�1T.ATfACHED �f � �
<br /> a � t
<br /> ' $_�z-' BY� ' > '�
<br /> ; _ � - ,.
<br /> tz�
<br /> ; To have snd to hold the above deacribed premises togetfier with all tenementa, hereditamenta and appnr- � $ U�
<br /> tenances thereto belonging unto the grsntees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and ssaigns of the.survivor of �� "r '';�'�'
<br /> j � � them forever. � � � ���
<br /> + And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees sud with their assigns and witfi the l�eirs snd asaigns �� '`�'F
<br /> ' of the survivor of them that grantor is la�vfully seised of said premises;that they are free from enetunbranee ° f r '`x�'�
<br /> ' � except easements and restrictions oP record �� p �" ys�r
<br /> athst grantor has good right and lativful suthority to convey the same;and that grantor watrants and will defend �� '��
<br /> � the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever. � �
<br /> ' ; It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the ecent of the death of either of the grantees, the entire � #
<br /> � fee aimple title to the real estate shall veat in the surviving grantee. #
<br /> � Dated y' 19�� _
<br /> � � �
<br /> ; ................................... ............ . � .�.�.�'.-�_. ......_... ,�
<br /> � aul R. Bonney ��
<br /> .................................................. . t:�![2'�.�.�.....�.:.... ....._... ��
<br /> �
<br /> � ' drea'i:'sonney �J,, O
<br /> Y $3 M1.
<br /> ,i� .................................................. .............. _......... ................._ �� . . �.
<br /> �. , . . . �V :- � .
<br /> ' STATE OF....Nehraska.........., County of...H.al,l-........ '
<br /> ; .......: �i
<br /> i.
<br /> , � Before me,a notary public qualified for said county,personally came p� R. Bonrley and #i
<br /> ,1 l�fi].clred'L. Bonr►ey� each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other� �i
<br /> � p}
<br /> � ;� � f;
<br /> � �
<br /> 4 � Imown to me to be the identical peraon or persons who signed the foregoing inatrument and acknowledged the � '
<br /> '�' execution thereof'tto be hie,her or their volunt+uy t and deed. ��
<br /> � � /� it � . ..���.
<br /> i Witneen my hand and notarisl seal on. ...........,19_7�... ��
<br /> �Y `
<br /> .. _.. .. ...............
<br /> �' t -. � ��� _ �
<br /> ' . �� � . �. . � 6Ex&�:i1�IIOtARY-ShnM�Nnst� ........��'�!.�«�.......... ......Notary Pnblic '� .
<br /> =��� � COLLE£N"SIMON '
<br /> �� ' ' ' ' My Comm.Exp.Nov.B�19�p [. ' �
<br /> . . . , _ ,
<br /> � '" . My comm�ss=on ezpires..<�e�.-1.�.............19��... ��
<br /> �'' t 1 ..c...,..
<br /> �C'�7'E OF. .. . ;l �±
<br /> ���� �i �. � 1� gister of Deeds Office of said Count the �� `' '
<br /> 5 ��
<br /> 1
<br /> � N � `�r�ere�on.nnmerieal indez and �i2ed for record in the Re y , �
<br /> �,
<br /> ���a .. � , �,
<br /> ..• ., � dxy � � ....�.... � �� a ..�
<br /> � :�.. ,� `+-: ' 'ot,. .... .,19. .,at......_....o'cloek and...........miautee ...._......M ''°� ar:
<br /> 4� and.reaorded ia Book... . _..6f............. . ....at page...._............ , v �;�5�
<br /> }... � +;
<br /> .a
<br /> � . ., _........................... . ... .. .. ....
<br /> ,1= Reg.of Deeds _
<br /> � � By..................... .. Depnty
<br /> ,
<br />, —. _---�-- � ._._ ___._--=----y._ �
<br /> � - — � ---� �...____—____.__..��w__ ..�._ ..,- ._. ..,_._ xz_.�...,....
<br /> � . . _.__ _._ .__.._..._ ..__ _ - '._,.� . ,--- -
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