. � ~ � ;.
<br /> , ; STATE OF NEBRASgA, County of ....................................................: '.
<br /> � ff�.:_
<br /> �.,.
<br /> E`iled for record on 19........ at ............ o'clock M. = 's a,
<br /> ................................. ............ ........................
<br /> 's _ STATEMENT ATTACHED ? :+ ti �
<br /> sa� reeorde� zn t�a Das3 S�cord •-•.............................. Pege .................._......... � .._.:'
<br /> � ....... ...»..... ......:. ................................._........ By ........................................._ ..........STAMP TAX -``�aS`s
<br /> ,
<br /> ...................�..... /F ,'� 4 3'
<br /> Register of Deeda Deputy Regis r of Deeds � �' ,�
<br /> :; M F�Y 4 19?3 ` ���
<br /> � �g_0 02 6 7 9 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY D D�,�,�� 7,,,� �
<br /> ' � � � � � � � � �-ia-�Q—BY���=�-- r
<br /> ;
<br /> ",:F
<br /> �� Jamee D. Roth aad Donna F. Roth, Huaband and Wife, each in his and her own
<br /> right aad ae apouee of each other , herein cslled the grantor whether one or more, ;;
<br /> � in consideration of Sixtq—One Thoasand and no/I00 DQLLARS
<br /> � � � � ���' �
<br /> '' received from grantees, doea grant, bargain, aell eonvey and confirm �to ,�
<br /> SJoseph D. Jolet and Carol A. Jolet, Hueband and Wife `'
<br /> � �a
<br /> � h�
<br /> jas joint tenants with right of eurvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following deacribed real a: {r
<br /> ..� property in _.....�d��................................................. County,Nebraska: ' ^ • �' �;
<br /> t
<br /> `,� Lot Setrenteen (17) in Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number 7bo C2), being a part �
<br /> � � of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Ouarter (SF3�NI}t) of Sectfon ��-"
<br /> f Th3rteen (I3�, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th ? ; ���
<br /> ' 1 P.M., in Hall Countq, Nebraska, e�ccepting 0.04 acrea of land, more or less, ,; �"'
<br /> ' j and more particularlq deacribed as: Co�endng at the moat southerlq corner : vy�'�;
<br /> � of said Lot 17; thence from said point of co�encement aorth 65� 11' West � ," � �,x"
<br /> along the Southerlq line of said lot a distance of 169.82 feet, to the most ' ,. �i�`"'
<br /> � westerly cornes of aaid lot; thence North 43°04' east along the westerly line d, „�;y�
<br /> � of aaid I.ot;lb:00 feet to a point; thence, leaving said westerly lot line, i ''cS�f�,
<br /> along a liae which bears south 62� 31' east a distance of 165.58 feet to the � �,�s��;
<br /> � easterly line of said lot; thence south 29° 30' 30" west along said eaaterly ;,, 4 „��
<br /> '� liae 7.50 £eet to the point of co��ncemeat; containing 0.04 acres of land ? _= � n��'
<br /> � more or leea. E- -"" '`
<br /> ; To have and Lo hold the above descrihed premises together with ail tenements, hereditamente
<br /> ( and appurtenancea bhereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their sesigns, or to the heire and sesigas !
<br /> j of the snrvivor of them forever.
<br /> � And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their aseigns and with the heirs :
<br /> � and aesigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premisea;that they are free from ','
<br /> enanmbra.ace Except eaaments and restrictions of record_ x ,p,
<br /> ,� r �
<br /> { _ ^`
<br /> , f that grantor has good right and lawful authority to canvey the same; and that grantor warrants and will '
<br /> , � defend the title to said premises ngainst the lawful clnims of all persons nLomsoever. y
<br /> It ia the iatention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of Ehe granteee, ��
<br /> the entire fee title to this real ro erty Ahall vest in the survitin rantee. �;
<br /> � P P B 8
<br /> ; f Dated liay.1 ,, �f 19 78
<br /> %
<br /> � �Il.a'C.�.�. _....
<br /> ' ��.,�r..ap>....rl.,..iC..P�.. .................... ......_............................._......................................... . �"
<br /> 1 . . .......................... .................._..........._....._........................................._.....
<br /> {
<br /> � ':.' STATE OF ..:..�li+�1.��1R�.................................... County of ..............._�A�.�.._................................: Y
<br /> ,�
<br /> � Before me, s notary public qnalified for said county, pereonally came
<br /> Samee D. Roth and Doana F_ Roth, Huaband and Wife
<br /> 5 4
<br /> x
<br /> �- .� �f;�'.. ... � .� . � .. . ��
<br /> �knowa to me to be tI�e identical peraon or persons who aigned the foregoing instrament and ac�owledged ;�
<br /> � u'�q '�""tbe ezeeution thereot to be his,her or their voluntary act and deed. � .7';
<br /> � " �. �.. .� �..� �. � . � . .. �5���� 5�
<br /> ,� � Witneae mp hand and notarial sesl oa /�...1�t14..7....................... ............., 19....7.A........ r
<br /> "� ,�[MOiA�Y-i4adM�Maap ..�K..�1.�� ����.?�. Notary Pnblic ';�5...
<br /> a-
<br /> .... .. .?k9+.,�,.�
<br /> ,�9� . , . . . =.' EWNEL' . �NBECK � . . .. .. . . ,�.�
<br /> �. _
<br /> ,s . �..Mf!O�mm.ExM1�� 1 SI My commission eapires .�-!..'.�'�C�' . �. 19.��...._.
<br /> .... ...... ....,
<br /> Form 4.2 To be xnnroved`by \ebraska State Bar�seociation gd�+�a'��r o�..u� n,N�Er.
<br /> �. �
<br />