, � �
<br /> i'
<br /> a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the 9tate of NebTaskB
<br /> in conaideration of TEN TFiOUSAND and no hundredths Do11aZ`s ($'!0�000.00)
<br /> received from grantee; does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> a corporation,
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the follo�ving described real property in
<br /> H817. ... County, Nebraskn:
<br /> .............. ..........__...............................
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section
<br /> Twenty One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br /> P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska, and also being part of former B1ock Ten ('10)
<br /> South Park Addition (now vacated) and being more particularly described as
<br /> follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of former Block 10; thence
<br /> running southwesterly along the southerly line of former Blocls 10, a distance �
<br /> of Two Hundred ZS�venty Six and Eighty Three Hundredths (226.83) feet to a point;.'
<br /> that is twelve and five tenths (12.5) feet radially distant southeasterly
<br /> from the center line of a railroad track; thence running northeasterly along
<br /> a 13ne twelve and five tenths (12.5) feet radially distant southeasterly
<br /> from the center line of a railroad tracic; said track being curved, concave
<br /> with a radius o£ 573-? feet, a chord distance of Two Hundred Fifty Three
<br /> and Ninety Nine Hundredths (253.99) feet to a point on the easterly line
<br /> of former Block 10; thence running southeasterly along the easterly line of
<br /> Former B1ock '10, a distance of One Hundred Sixteen and Forty Eight Hundredths '
<br /> (1'16.48) feet to the point of beginning and containi.ng 0_360 acres more or
<br /> s
<br /> less
<br /> � STAMP TAX
<br /> �N.�P�PGN� (�;iAY � i°i�
<br /> P��� 7 i r ,
<br /> `�� ��/�o D SY��z�=�_
<br /> To have and to Lold the above describe3 premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and
<br /> appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> j And the grantor for itself nnd its successors does herebp coveuant with the grantee and with ,
<br /> grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor is la�vfu:h- seised of suicl premises; tl�ut they nre free from encum-
<br /> brance
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and thnt grantor warrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful clnims of all persons «�hosoe��er_
<br /> ' In witness �vhercof, grantor has hereunto exused it, corporate seal to be affixed and these
<br /> presenLc aigned by its President.
<br /> .,
<br /> , �� y,,3a.tyd May 1, ]9 `78
<br /> ; � c
<br /> �; �� '.f O ' 4�::. . ..................../.,�/�/.............................._.......................................
<br /> GL �T.. y`- _ ;'�!/ —s � � �
<br /> � '. ^ v
<br /> _ � � �, t..�. j ` ���� . . .
<br /> � �� y� F� '� �y�� ...... .....:. .......'.. �4:k�C L.President
<br /> .... . .
<br /> - -'
<br /> .� . ���.;M1, � ..• a�1,..��. .,. ; .
<br /> � ��1��`6F�`��RASKA,County-of.............���..�.........
<br /> ._..........•••..........:
<br /> • +,.,..
<br /> �*- ,'r,Before me, a notary public qnalified i» said county, personally came
<br /> P. 1
<br /> GEORGE/O'BRIEN, Preaident of
<br /> � _ � .:
<br /> 1 , y
<br /> THE ISLAND SUPPLY COMPANY , a corporation, y�_ ''"
<br /> ��� � known to me to be the President and identieal person who signed the £oregoing instrument, and acknow-
<br /> < <, 2edged the eaecution thereof to be 1us voluatary act and deed as such officer nnd the voluntary act and � �
<br /> ,
<br /> deed of said corporation snd that its eorporate eealwas thereto sffized by its suthority. �r;< „�,g
<br /> ' Witneae my hand and notariaT seal on „��,Y....�. ....., 19.7$..... • `'""'" �
<br /> , ..... ... ......... .......... .....
<br /> , � :,. ��" �
<br /> ; � HOWARD s.�HINMAN ...... Notarq Publio,
<br /> . � � OENERAL NOTARY—State.W Nebr. � � . .... ..•...�......."'...........................
<br />� � My commission Expn+ . .
<br /> weamwr i9.3979 &Iy com�uixeion expires ..........AP..�..�A1.U_P.7r:_..:I.�.........., 19..7.9... �
<br />