_ _ i , � �
<br />: , 1 � ��^� '
<br />=_...._ __.._�.______�.�_ �_---._.��._ _.��_ _��._.__--�.—�
<br /> -- � �__��_____._._____ ___.. .�_. ___. _. _ ._ ---.--- r
<br /> � 53-A—REAI ESTATE MORTGAGE—WIth Tax Clauae (Revised 1962) Tho HuBmen Generel 8upply Eiouee Linaom,Nehr. � �` .
<br />— � .. � —.^� __._�_.�. ._-- -� ._�._.—'-- ���--':
<br /> I
<br /> husband and zriFe, ea.ch in his or her own right and as spouse of the other � ��
<br />�` of�� H811 � � County.and�Stece of (Mortgagor . ) . . .: ; ;,
<br /> � . . NEbraSkB .in rnnaideraGoa oF the sum of i � . ; ?
<br /> THIRTY EIG$T THOUSAflD AND NO/100---------------------------------------------DOLLAR3 `
<br />? �hand paid,do hezeby SELL and CONVEY unW �e State Bank of Cairo, A Nebraska Banking
<br />�. Corporation, �4
<br /> i � 3
<br /> Ha11 Coun and State of tM�rtg�� � (�
<br /> F �f � � tY, Ne�raska �the following described prP+*+;.� ;
<br />� situated in H811 County, and State of Nebrask8 to-wit: ��
<br /> r �
<br /> f The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (S�), and the
<br />� � West Half of the East Ha1f of the Northwest Qua.rter (4A�N47'�), �
<br /> and the West Ha1£ o£ the West Half o£ the East Hal£ oY the East i ��
<br /> j Fia1f of the Northivest Quarter (SJ'�Y}�F�E�NW'-�) al]. in Section Ten � ��
<br /> � (10), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the
<br /> Si�cth (6th) Principal Meridian, Aa11 County, Nebraska f �
<br /> Ii
<br /> � � � � ��',
<br /> ?;
<br /> { � : �i
<br /> ( �� s ; �
<br /> �
<br /> � , �
<br /> . � The inteation being to mnvey hereby an absolute tiqe in fee simple including ail the righta of homeatead and dower: � !� >; y�,�;�.
<br /> TO HA�7E AND TO HOLD t.�����'�,yr0y�,�bove described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the '� . �'�:.
<br /> said mortgagee and to].'ts / h�laa and asviqns, forever, provided always, and these preaents are upon the ezprees (it ; �k�"��f'
<br /> oondition that if the aforesaid mortgagorS their heirs, executors, administratora or assigns ehall pay oz cause to�be �� r ' ' w�
<br /> s�1ccessor
<br /> � �� paid to the said mort,agee , ibs / �aeioG execu�ora,administraiora or assigns,the sum of Thirty—Eight x s� =�2
<br /> ThOusand 8nd NO/100-------------------------- ------------- Dollars.Payable as fo(imvs.to-wit: �� ,y � r r .�
<br /> � 5�000.00----Dollara on the ,�-�j f� day of Apx'il , is79 � �: ����
<br /> . � 5>000.00----Dollars on the a-rjY� day of April , 198.0� f !i `` �' -�-s'�����
<br /> 28�000.00----Dollara on the o?rf�� day of April , 1881 f � g. '"'����v
<br /> Dollara on the day of , 19 � � j �� `��"�
<br /> � r.,:���
<br /> � Dotlara on the day of , 19 . � � {�
<br /> �with�intereat thereon st 10.7$Per cent per annum, payable annually all acrnrding W the�teaor and eHect ot�� �� F
<br /> a certain promiaeory note of said Ly1e L. Harders and Frances A. Harders ��
<br /> � .I
<br /> . �bearing even date with theae preaents,and shall �i
<br /> pay all taxes and easessments levied upon said real eatale,.and all other tazea,
<br /> �levies and assenaments levied upon this mortgage or the no[e which this mortgage is given to secure,betote the eame becomea �� `��
<br /> � delinqueat,.aad keep the buildings on said premises insured for the sum of$ 1�, ][ �y, pay�e� jy f t ,�,
<br /> the�said mortgagee, then theae preseats to be void, otherwise to be aad remain in full force. �� � 7`
<br /> � -IT IS�FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or pracure such inaurance, the �F i
<br /> ��seid mortgagee may pay auch ta:es and � r'�
<br /> procure auch insurance;and the eum eo advanced, with interest at 10,75 per cent �
<br /> .shaU be�paid�by said mortgagor, and this mortgage ahall stand as security tor the same. (2) That a tailure to pay any of said !
<br /> money, either principal or interest when the same becomes due,or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, �� -
<br /> � shall cause the whole�sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. � � � `
<br /> 3igned thie alj�` day of April . ts7$ ,. `
<br /> . �
<br /> �� �' ,r . �
<br /> . � . In presence of ,� . � �
<br /> . ........ ... ...._ --- '-'- • •-`---........_.. ...__...........__. , . ,
<br /> . .........._... . ..
<br /> e '�:'--H'-- e s
<br /> . .. ... ......_'...._ .. .... ----�---............. ...... ! i .
<br /> '� rances A: � , ; ;,
<br /> .......................... ......._---�---��----........-�-----............
<br /> ......... ..................................................•-�•---.........--�---...._........._..........__......
<br /> � ...__........._.._._._.._:....._ ..:--..................__......._....._....
<br /> � � �
<br /> ., .................... ...... ............... � �'
<br /> . ..............---............._.........-----..__.......---................... � ' '
<br /> r ; ; , ,
<br /> -` :,3TATE.�'OF._:_.�����. ........ .......:�. County oL---.....__��+I.e..---�---...........---...------: � ;: ;
<br /> � Before me,�a�tary public quatiSed for eaid county, peraonally came Lyle L. Haxdex'S end � � � `�
<br /> ,,,; Frances.A. Harders, husband and wife,
<br /> ���own'to aie to�be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing inatrument snd � �� �
<br /> _ ':thareof to be I�is.�her o:their voluntary�acE and dee/d.� p Q ` -
<br /> ' v Witnees�my hand an�>aotarial�eeal on. _......._._4t.1/.!�!!/......G�./. . 19..l...S�._ � _ �
<br /> ,/ C ............ . .
<br /> ,� ..M9�iaston expires:...=:�1-17!._..O��.._......_,19........-• •••---�--....�..._.--_. ••----......__.._�........_--..NotarY Public.� �'� i,
<br /> r
<br /> ,.
<br /> �
<br /> .,
<br /> . •- ��� �, �.
<br /> Y
<br /> .BTATE�OF �.�, ...�._.. ��� � � Entered on aumerical indez and Sled for�recrord � k�,
<br /> ... I
<br /> �
<br /> r :Coonly �,�....�_,..;. � ... . s. }��� . . . � .: . in the Regieter of:Deede O�ce of eaid Coanty the � ' .. ' ��� �.
<br /> ,
<br /> ... . . . . . . � s
<br /> ; .-..........__.:.......dsF of ....__.�•• •._....» ......:.� 19_-.._...-.-..at__._..--• -•__•_.___.o'clock and_........_..__.___.__...minutee ..........._.........M., � „�u.^,.
<br /> ;:. ., .�., . . . ... . . . .. � . � .: .. �. �. ,� a. •.};.
<br /> md zecoxded"m Boo1c._.,.�---• ....._..ot...�..�...._.._ ..--_....._..._...at page ._.._..__.._._____.__.._.... . j .: a�t,:, , �+ . _
<br /> ', . . � . . .... ................._.....----....-�---...___....RcE- of Deode ', .� . � .
<br /> . � . � � � . .. �
<br /> �; ' By_.... ».....•--__.._.._...._.._....._.._............•.....................Dem�t9 i
<br />__... � _.: .. � �
<br /> � - _ __..� ---_____ '--�_ _...^:_---�_._,.�_�_`__ _
<br />