� �
<br /> :; 8� uo2s��
<br /> ___-- - __ _ _ _ ,-- _.. _._ _
<br /> .___ _ _ .�_�,:___._, _._ _____._ _�_._-- ---- -._. ._ . . . _ . _ _ ,. �Y _ _�_
<br /> . _..
<br /> 53-A—REAL E3TATE MORTGAGE—With Tax Clame (Revised 1962) T6e HuBmen Gemrei Su 1 Hauee,Z.inwln,Nebc � �
<br /> f ti � . .. . � . .
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Gary JOe Berta and Billie Jedn Bertd, '�
<br /> husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the othe ��
<br /> s of Hall (Mortse8o:s ) ii � '
<br /> County,and 3tate of Nebraska , �n rnnsideration o[the aum of i �
<br /> � Thirteen Thousand & No/100 ($13,000.00)----------------------------DOLLaRs ��
<br /> ' in ha.ad paid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto ��
<br /> � Commercial National Banlc & Trust Company '•
<br /> (Mortgagee ) ai .' . �.
<br /> of HaI l county,�a soa�e ot Nebraska the followu�g deecribed premiees �,
<br /> � aicuacea in Iiall � couney, ana state ot Nebraska to-�vic:
<br /> � w ;'
<br /> , Lot Six ( 6 ) . Meadowlark Estates Subdivision, ��
<br /> �� Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW'�NE�,) !
<br /> �;
<br /> �� of Section Thirty Two (32) , Township Eleven (11) , �;
<br /> � Range Nine (9j , West of the Sixth P.M. , HalS County, 'i
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska. !j
<br /> �l
<br /> ,� +
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracte "
<br /> l� to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method '„
<br /> �i whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once +;
<br /> �# become due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure !;
<br /> � to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated i:
<br /> 1� in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the ri ht to exercise
<br /> {± the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. g !f
<br /> �� �� �
<br /> t� t;
<br /> �j T6e inlention being to rnnvey hereby an absolute tiUe in tee simple including all the righte of homestead snd dower. f� . .� � .
<br /> �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the � �
<br /> � said mortgagee and to 1tS heira and as4igns, forever, provided always, and these presenfs are upon the ezpreee �
<br /> .t ;t rnndition that if the atoresaid.mortgagor S, _thE1r heirs-executora�adminiatrators or assigns ahall pay or ceuse to be � � �
<br /> �f paid to!he said mort,agee 1tS heirs,exewtora, administrators or assigns,the sum of Thirteen Thousan �
<br /> � �€ & NO/100------------------ i
<br /> $ Dollazs,payable as follows,to-wit: �
<br /> Thirteen Thousand & NO/OO�ollars on the lst aay o[ October , 19 78 !
<br /> - � Doilars on the day of , Ig �
<br /> �i ff� Dollars on the day o[ , 19 . . �
<br /> ' 14 Dollars on the day of , 19 aj � . �
<br /> �( Dollars on the day of � lg �
<br /> '. E with interest thereon at 10.Qer cent per annum,payab1e10/1/7 8 ��t}y�1 according to the tenor end eHect ot
<br /> ! f a certain promiseory note of said Gary Joe Berta and Bil lie Jean Berta, husband and wif �4 ��
<br /> .
<br /> ; each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, ��
<br /> ' bearing even date with these presents,and shall pay all taxes and assesaments levied apon said real esfate,and all other tazee,
<br /> ! leviea and asaessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ia given to secure, before the same becomee � � -
<br /> 1 delinquent,and keep the buildinga on eaid premises inaured [oc the sum of $13 Q�Q.O� 1oae. if an �� � � � -
<br /> i Y. PaYable to ?{
<br /> �.E � the seid mortgagee, then theae presents to be void, otherwiee to be and remain in full force. .� . .
<br /> -i � I1' IS FURTNER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor ahali fail to pay auch tezea or peonue euch ineurance, the �� � �
<br /> � esid mortgaqee may pay such taxes and procure euch insurance; and the sum eo advanced, with inteteet at 10.0 Per cent �
<br /> f shall be paid by seid mortgagor,and thia mortgage shall stand es security for the snme. (2) That a feilure to pay any of seid F�
<br /> "i � money, either principal or intereat when the same becomee du e,or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreemen}s, ,' �
<br /> 3 . ' ahall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to becrome due and mllectible at once at the option of the mortgegee. ;� �
<br /> ' s;gned this 2 6 th aay of
<br /> April , is 78 .
<br /> , �i
<br /> �'' � In presence of � ..........�. .�..'�«i.u-¢:��, �� . . . .
<br /> - . �.. ......_.._"......'-""'••_-"'-'....
<br /> ' � Gary Jo B" rta •
<br /> t /l��.._. �i
<br /> ,�/ ....----
<br /> ' � ......C.(.�..F.G¢-�..�?� - . .,�c.=. `--- .' �,� ����1�:;�...................•---............ �f
<br /> Y��� .. .. ....
<br /> . ........... . i/�..... . . . . .... .. --- - • --.. _....._......__.....
<br /> ..- .._ . B1 ��Jea4i Berta � �j
<br /> ,? �4 `
<br /> . � ......................................... ........................................... I'
<br /> ,� ............................................".........._..."--..._""--'_-'
<br /> "_.._......'-"•"••'-" J)
<br /> f STaTE oF......._---:...Nebraska...---�•---....._... Coun�y of..........__Hall............................_.: '�
<br /> setore me,a nofary public y�a�isea tor sa;a couney. ��onatiycame Gary Joe Berta and Billie Je n��
<br /> :Bot�e�, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of th
<br /> � .) �.known t{�me to be the identical persoa or peraons who eigned the foregoing inetrument and acknowiedged the ezecution 1! -
<br /> i . the !o be h�eEAB$�6Rh1�.4'�'��bluntary act and deed. ��
<br /> a F AL dNo�OT - I
<br /> t. �em mY han��N eo aeal on................A.R�.�.�,...�.�7............. ._ 19.......7.$ �!
<br /> ............... .......
<br /> � ;_ ' �.�� c e r p ^ '� /' � �
<br /> '� M5�'co�m7esioatez�t*etl7�s ion rZ�...._................. 19P...1_. ..._...-----��—�:.YC�t�i.���-��.. ...�f,�'- -- .... .3L.�....._.Notet Public. {j
<br /> �x. . nWn 3'1.�i 8 ---'� y �
<br /> � �� � ��� � �
<br /> ` '$TATE OF...... _.__..._..._...__...._ 1� a, :
<br /> { _ . .. � � . . ' 1� Entered on numerical indez and Sled for record f� � , ' A�
<br /> a CoiiatY . �.._ ___......-_ - �� '. j � in the Register of Deeds O�ce of eaid County the t ,�:
<br /> -�....._....._.._...�............. {i
<br /> F=
<br /> � .:........... ..........day of...-'-•-'-----..._......_...._....._......., 19-......_..., ai._--..._...-••••-____..._.o'clock and._......-----........_. minutee M., i! s s- �`'j
<br /> .. ...................... ' �;;;
<br /> i ; �,
<br /> :� .�r, , �:., .i�.
<br /> ;�... . ��and reootded in Book...----'._...._..._..--...__.._......of..._._...��....�...__._�..-�t page-•---'--........-........................ � ,
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> - _.._.._...-'-""•'-.........._.__......_....------_.._......._..._......._Reg. of Deede '.
<br /> � ��� �. , $�'................__.....__.__..._....._........--'--..................._.......-'---�P�tY � .
<br /> ._—�_._�,_____._.._...___.._.._ :..-'__c .�-:�.. �.�..:---�.
<br /> �
<br />