i �
<br /> 78-T UO2���
<br /> � MORTCAGEC: � �
<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE avco FiNANc�a�sERvices
<br /> � J�CC�YNT NI:MOLA . '� � . .. .
<br /> � MORTGAGOR S : $$�9$�9 N T-L 1272 WEST SECOND
<br /> �wat r�rac . uar . anouec•s h.Mc � �
<br /> WITNESSETH,khat Mortgagor(s,dces mortgage,grant,bazgain,xll,and convey,unto Mortgagee,its succeswrs or assigns the following described Real Estate � : , .
<br /> � Sn the county of ,State of Nebrasfca,to wit: � . .
<br /> Lot Three (3) oY the Subdivision of Lot Nine (9) Windolph�s Subdivisioa
<br /> of part of the Northeast Quarter oY the Northwest Quarter ( NEl/qtdEl/4)
<br /> aad the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast 9uarter (NW1/yNEt/¢) of
<br /> : Section Fourteen (14), in Township Tleven (11) North, Raage Nine (9) West
<br /> ai the 6th P.M.� exceptiag thereiroa the Eaet Ten (10) Feet ThereoY,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraskra.
<br /> �, together with ali buildings and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon and all sczeens,awnings,shades,sto=tn sash and blinds,and heatlng,lighting, �
<br /> plumbing,gas,electric,ventilating,refrigerating and air<onditioning equipment used in connection themwith,all of which,for the puryose of this mortgage, " � � � � ��
<br /> shail be deemed fxtures and subject to the lien hereof,and the hereditaments and appurtenances pertaining to the property above described,and all streets, � � �
<br /> lanes,atleys,paa,sages,ways,waterR,water counes,rights,lberties and privileges,whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reveraions � �� �
<br /> and lemainders,all of wdich is rofened�to hereinafter as the"premises". --
<br /> TO AAVE AND TO HOLD the abovedescdbed premises,with the appurtenances and fixtures,unto the said Morigagee,its successors and assigns,forever,foc � � �
<br /> ihe purposes and uses herein :et forth,free from all rights and benefits under and by virtue oC any Homestead Exemption�Laws of the State of Nebraaka
<br /> which may be enacted,which said rights end beneFits the said Mortgagor dces hereby expressly release and waive. � �
<br /> Mortga4or also atigns to Mortgagee all rents, issues and profiu of said premises, reserving the right to collect and use Ihe same,with or without taking � �
<br /> a•
<br /> poasesuon of the premises,duzing continuance of de[eult herounder,and during continuance of such default authori"^�Mortgagee to enter upon said premises . � .�� �
<br /> and/or to ootiect and enforce the same without regazd to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby sewred by aay lawfut mearu ineWding ' � �
<br /> appointmrnt of a xeceiver in the name of any pazty hereto,and to apply the same less costs and expenses of operation and collection,including reasonabte � �
<br /> attomey's Fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,in such order as Mortgagee may detem�ine.
<br /> � FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: (1) PerCormance of each agreement of Mortgagor contained herein;(2) Payment of the pzincipa(sum with interest, . �
<br /> � .as provided in accordanx with the terms and provisions of a Promissory Note/Loan Agreement (hereinafter refeaed to as ••promissory note'7 � � . � � �
<br /> dated-� d*�+�i l a(� 1 078 ,herewith executed by Mort gor and payable to the order of Mortgagee, . � � _
<br /> , in the pr5ncipal aum of S 2999.65 ,�d having the date oC its final payment due on 5-15-�3 � � . -
<br /> � � or as extended, defened or rescheduled by renewal or refinance; (3) Payment of any additlonat advances, with interost thenon, as may hereafter be ' . .
<br /> ' loaned by Mortgagee to Mortgagor in a meximum sum of_$3.000.00 within 10 yeazs trom the date of this Mortgage;(4)The payment of any � �
<br /> �� i monry that may be advanced by the Mortgagee to Mortgagor for any reason or to third pazties,with interest thereon,where the amounts are vdvanced to � �
<br /> '��' protect the sewrity or in accordance with the covenants of this Mortgage; (5)Any renewal,refnancing or ex[ension of said promissory note,or eny othez '
<br /> ageement to pay which may 6e substituted ehereton �.
<br /> All paymenb made by Mortgagor on the obtigation secured by this Mortgage sha�l be applied in the foilowing order: � �
<br /> . FIRST: To the payment of taxes and assessments that may be Ievied and assessed against said promises,insurance pzemiums,repairs,and all other �
<br /> charges and expenaes agreed to be paid by Ihe Mortgagor. � � .
<br /> . � SECOND:To the payment of interest due on said loan. � � � ..
<br /> THIRD:To the payment of principaL � .. . .
<br /> .��? TO�PROTECI' THE SECURITY HEREOF, MORTCAGOR(S) COVENANTS AND AGREES: (1) to keep said premises insured against loss by fire�and � � ��
<br /> l� other hazards, wsua(ty artd contingencies up ro the full value of all improvements for ffic protection of Mortgagee in such manner,in such amounts,and � �
<br /> � in such companies as Mortgagee may from time to time approve, and that loss proceeds Oess expense of collection) shall, at Mortgagce's option,be ' �
<br /> i� appiicd on said indebtedneas, whether due or not or to the restoration of said improvements. ln event oC loss Mortgagor will give immediaie notice by � � �
<br /> � mail to the Morlgagee,�who may make proof of loss iC not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company concerned is hereby suthorized and � �
<br /> d"vectW to�make payment for such loss d'ucctly to the Mortgagee instead of to the Mortgagor.(2) To pay all taxes and special assessments of any kind �
<br /> lhat have bcen or may be Ievied or assessed upon said premises,and to deliver to Mortgagee,upon request of the Mortgagee,the officirl roceipt showing �
<br /> payment of all such taxes and assessments. (3) tn the event of default by Ttortgagor under Paragraphs I or 2 above. Afortgagee, at its option,may (a)
<br /> .place�and keep auch insurance above provided for in force ffiroughout the Gfe of this Mortgage and pay the reasonable premiums and charges therefor•(b) �
<br /> � �pay all said taxes and assessments�withoat determining the validity thereof; and (c) Pay such tiens and all such disbucscmen[s shall be deemed a part of . �
<br /> ; the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage and shall be immediately due and payable by Mortgagor to Mortgagee. (4)To keep the buildings and other � �
<br /> ' improvements now existing or heteaher erected in good condition and tepair,not to commi[or suffer any wute or any use of said premises contrary [o � �
<br /> �� ? nstrictions of record or contrary to law,and to permit Mortgagee to enter al alt reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the premises;not to � �
<br /> nmove or demolish�any building thereoa;to restore promptly and in a good nnd workmanlike manner any buiidings which may be darnaged or destroyed � � � � � "
<br /> thereon, and.to pay, when due, all claims for fabot performed and materials fuinished therefor;(5) That he will pay,prompdy the indebtedness secured � �
<br /> hereby, and pezform all other obligations In fut! compliance with the terms oF said Promissory Note and this bfortgage,(6) That the time oC payment of � �
<br /> the indebtedness hereby secured, or of aay portion thercof,muy bc e+etended or renewed, and any portions of the premises herein described may,without �
<br /> notice, be released from the iien hereof, without releasing or affecting the personal liability of any person or Ihe priority of this Mortgage;(7)7'hat he ��
<br /> does�,hcreby tozever wazrant and will forever defend the title and possession thcrcof against the lawfut claims ot any and all persons whatsocver. .
<br /> � IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: p) If the said Mortgagor shall fail or neglect to pay installments on said Promissory Note as the same may hereafter �� � �
<br />-�.�I �.�bcwme.due, or upon default in performance of any agreement hereundet,or upon sale or other disposition of the premises by Mortgagor, or should any �
<br /> � aotion or p:oceeding be £iled in any court to unforce any lien on,claim against or intercst in the premixs,then all sums owing by the Mortgagor to the � �
<br /> . ��>Mortgagee under this Mortgage or undcr the Promissory Note uwred hereby shall immediately bocornr due and payablc at thc option of the Mortgagee, -
<br /> �:on the application oF the Mort�agee,or assignee, or any other perwn who may be rntitled to the monies due thereon.In such event the Mortgagee shall
<br /> ' ��l�ade the Tight immedistety to ioreclox�this mortgage by complait�t for that putpose, and such complaint may be prosecuted lo judgment and execution � �
<br /> 4 ,and:sale for�the coUection of the whole arnount of the indebtedness and interest thereon, including reasonable attorney's fees, any arnounu advanced �
<br /> .�pu[tumt.to��tl�ts mortgage, costs of wit,and costs oC sale,if permitted by law. -
<br /> �f .f2) In ffie event aaid premises are eold at a�foreclosure sale,Mortgagm(s)shall be liable for any defciency rcmainin�after sale of the premises if pertnittW by � ' �� �
<br /> 5 law;and appticatl0n.of the proceeds of said sale to the indebtedness xcured and to the expenses of fomdosure,mctuding Mortgagee's reasonable attorney's `y
<br /> ; feea and 1egs1 expenaes if allowed bY�ew. �
<br /> � '(3)�Mortgageewshal!�.be subi0gated to We �m of any and��all pdor�encumbrances, llrns or cha�ges paid and discharged from the proceeds of the loan n
<br /> �hemby secuted, snd-�even though sa9d'.pxior liens�have been�lelea�W�of record, the�repayment of said indebtedness shall be secured by such liens on the
<br /> aW ,
<br /> s' �.porhons of Yaid pnmiaes nffected thaceby.to the,exlent of such payments,�respectively. .-' r: , .,,�
<br /> , . . ..; , .. ,. . . ..... . . . ry .,.� .
<br /> (4) Wheilever. by the teima of'this inatntment or of aaid 1Romisaory Note, Mortgagce 1s given any option,such option may be exercised when the right
<br /> aec[ues oY at any Ume'thereafter, snd�no acceptanx by Mortgagee of payment ot indebtedness in default shall constitute a waiver of any default then
<br /> ��� �e�t$Hng�and contlt�uing oz�theresfter accrving. � �, �" . '
<br /> .� (S) By accepting�.payment.of_any sum accrued hemby after its due date,moitgagec docs not waive iu right either to requtre prompt payment when due
<br /> .o[al!othaz wmr ao secuied or to declare default for tailure so�to pay.It Mortgagor shs(1 pay said Promissory Note at the time and in the manner aforcsaid
<br /> � smd shall abtde.by,rnmply with,and duly pedomi all the covenants and agreements herein,then this conveyance shall be null and void.
<br /> sso�vs Irtcv.�o-v�) � . .. . . �
<br />