1 �
<br /> �s_ [)02594
<br /> i aou�r 2ExwxcY _ THI3 INDENTURE.Made thie 29th day of ApTll I
<br /> � �o� n.n.is 78 between Robert F. Lewis and Margene
<br /> L. I�ewis, husband and wife
<br /> �
<br /> Eaterad in Trana[er Record In
<br /> , rsaY o[tice,thia day of Of
<br /> Ha11 County,:n the State of Nebraska.
<br /> w.D.1a of the first part,and
<br /> _ Robert E_ I,ewis and Margene L. I,ewis, husba.nd and
<br /> --------•----------__--------------
<br /> CounW Clerk. �fe
<br /> � BTATE OF�. rTebrastca Lµ
<br /> County, f of F�1 County,in the State of Nebraska. �
<br /> ThL laetrument was tt�ea tor recora an the as joint tenanta with tl�e right of survivorship and not as tenanta in commoa,
<br /> aay ot a n. of the aecond part.
<br /> 18 ,at o'c3orJc �i.,e.nd - . .
<br /> aulr recoreee tn Hook or necae. WITNESSETH,That the said part lE?S of the firs! part, in consider- �
<br /> nt yage
<br /> � . ation of the eum of O112--------------8nd ri0 Dollazs �
<br /> --_..... .._. _... ___......_. _..------.._------ �
<br /> �ReRuter of Deede. .�� . �
<br /> . ar�.---��-----------_----------�ovuty. the receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledged,do by theae presents,grant, � � �
<br /> bargain, aell and convey unto the said parties of the aecond part, as joiat � - ��
<br /> FE�s. tenanta with the ri ht of survivorshi � �
<br /> Rertetor ot Deeae,tor recordins.i.�-.����- g p,and not as tenants in common,all the .
<br /> �� ����� ���_' following deacribed Real Eatate, aitvated in the County of Iia,ll � �
<br /> County Cierk,tor trxnafer, ¢ ._.._....._.. a � - �
<br /> 2oiat,s.____.___ State of N2bI'aS}sa, .to wit:
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Block 'Itw (2) in Dale Roush Second S�zbdivision in
<br /> Section Fourteen (14), 7.bwnship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br /> of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
<br /> :*,{.,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO $OLD THE SAME,Together with all and singvtar the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
<br /> thereunto belonging or in anywiee appertaining,forever,as joint tenants,the survivor to take the whole eatate.
<br /> And said grantor,(ip for thanselves, their .heira,executors and administrators -�
<br /> do hereby covenant,promiae and agree to and with said partiea oi the secoad part,that st the delivery ot these presents, � �
<br /> they az'0 lawfullY aeized ia their own right of aa sbsolute and indefeasible estute of inhezitance,
<br /> � ia fee simple,of and in all and siagular the above granted and deecribed premiaes,with the appurtenances;that the sume are free, � �
<br /> clear,diecharged aad unincumbered oP and Yrom all former and othar granta, titles, charges, estutes, judgments, taxes, assess- �
<br /> menta and incumbrancee, of what nature or kind eoever; . �
<br /> aad that they will WARRANT AND FOAEVER DEFEND the same unto the said parcies of the second part,as �
<br /> joint tenanta with the riglit of aurvivorship and not as tenants In common,their easigns,and the heirs ar�i nssigns of the svrvivor �
<br /> of them,agsinat the said part 1@S of the first part, their heirs,and all and e�-cry persor. -persons whomaoever -
<br /> lawfully claiming or to claim the same.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Tha said part iggot the iirat par hereu set rtheir hand ,
<br /> , � the day and year firat above written. � �.
<br /> ' NEBRASKA DOCUPAENTARY ` �O ���- _._.____ __-_-_
<br /> STAA�P TAX �,`Z' � E• I.ewis "
<br /> �P .-- - - — --
<br /> �._...___ __----------
<br /> P��i�Y 2 i 9�8 �.�Q' Marg e Lewis
<br /> ' `� --� ------ -- ---�
<br /> ---- -___ __--
<br /> � -__-
<br /> �,/�� ��[ �
<br /> $C.{rt��rG]-BY �Q'� ..._
<br /> 3TATE OF KAN3AS, 5�iith COUNTY,ss. `
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED,That on thie 2�h day of ApT11 ,19 78 ,beYore me,the ' :r l
<br /> nnderaiRned,a NOt1TY PL1b11C in and for the Counto and State aforesaid,came '��'`' -�
<br /> Robert E. I,ewis and lrtargene L. L,ewis, husband and wife � ��,
<br /> � who az'@ pe,Fsonally known to me to be the same peraon g who executed the ioregoinq in-
<br /> J ���
<br /> ' �,snd duly acknowledged the ution of the samc. ��.,�"��^�
<br /> �,. � JAMES R.FH$'0�8ffi ONY WHEREOF,I have he nto et my hand a ffixe my riOtfl,xy . �
<br /> ; State NOfesYc8u1*i�da9 Yad 9esi laat abovewriEte
<br /> ' 6mtth County, f(ansaq � ' �� '
<br /> � M Appt p• - -----_._ .. . ..--- ------�-----
<br /> � . ,19 �'t2TS NotarY Pub]ic.
<br /> / �
<br />