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<br /> _ __._. __.. _ _ _ . -- ,:_._....
<br /> � 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Taz Clause) (Revlaed 1962) Tbe HuBm.n Gemr.t Supply Hwee,L,noWa,Nebz � �
<br /> ��_. __.
<br /> �—
<br /> f� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENT3: That Daryl V. Beilke and Eleanora M� Heilke� Husband
<br /> 1 and Wife� f�
<br /> .
<br /> �` -�::� of Ha7.1� � County,�end Sffite of NEbL�gSkS ,in rnnsideretioa of the sum of 1 f " �
<br /> Tiaree Thovsaad an+d no/00-----------(S30UQD0)-----------------------------------�OLLARs # t
<br /> in hend peid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto ROndld L. Bot]zke azld MaC'tha J. Botirke� HuSbaiid �
<br /> , � and f�tife,
<br /> of H07.1 County, State of Nebraska the following described premisea situated �E
<br /> in Hall Councy. and State of Nebraska .to-wik j(
<br /> ' f
<br /> ! k The North Fifty-Two and Four Tenths (52.4) Feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block �
<br /> ; � Four C4)� Kcehler Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Ysland, Hall �
<br /> j coant1., xebraslca. �j
<br /> �� ;�
<br /> F ��i
<br /> �1 �I
<br /> 1 ��
<br /> � j�
<br /> ; � }�
<br /> ii
<br /> � d�
<br /> � �
<br /> :i � s1
<br /> � "�
<br /> ; The intention being to rnnvey hereby an ebsolute title in fee aimple, including all the rights of homestead and dowea t ' "
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLI?the premises above deacribed, with all the appurtenances thereunto beloa' �`
<br /> + B�B.unto tl�e aeid �p r
<br /> - � mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and asaigna forever, provided always, and these preseate are upon tt�e ezprees �d :
<br /> f condition that it the said mortgagor(e),his, her or their heirs, executore, administrators or asaigns aha11 pay or cause to be r�
<br /> ;� peid�to the seid mortgagee(s),his,her or their heirs,executors, adminiatraWrs or assigns,the principal sum of$ 3000.00 i� �� s k����
<br /> payable as follows,to wit: to be paid in 36 monthly instal2ments in the amo.unt of 595.40� esck► �1
<br /> { to inelude interest at the rate of nine percent (9%), it is agreed that the balance of f� '4
<br /> s this mortgage shall be able to be prepaid without penalty.
<br /> i )}�� �
<br /> # �
<br /> ; F: f..;�
<br /> 1 €}
<br /> ��
<br /> .� iF
<br /> i
<br /> �! ' 3
<br /> with�interest according to the tenor and etiect of the mortgagors written promiseory note bearing even date with these preeents
<br /> , . and sfiall pay all taxes and asaessments levied upon said real estete,and aL other tazes,Ievies and An��eafs I„vied upon thie �t . �
<br /> } mortgage or the note'which this mortgage ia given to aecure, before the eame becomea delinquent,and keep the buildinga oa i� -
<br /> j� .said.premises insured tor the aum of$ 30�000.00 . lose.if anY.Paya6le to the seid mortgagee,then these preaente �+
<br /> � �to be void,otherwiee to be and remain in full force.
<br /> �! IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor ehall fail to pay such taxea or procure svch insurance,the �
<br /> � � said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure auch inaurance; and the aum so advanced, witia interest at 9.5 per �
<br /> •�� cenk shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and thia mortgage shall etand as security for the aeme. (2) That a failure to pay axyy �
<br /> � .of eaid money, either principal or interest,when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing i �
<br /> � agreemenffi, ahall cause the whole aum of money herein secured to become due and mllectible at once at the option of khe �; � .
<br /> mortgagee.
<br /> Signed this lst day ot Mdy . 19 78 . ?
<br /> , �€
<br /> � In preaence of ......`ti../-.._. ..._ -I/.....--� `j
<br /> f � - ---........._......._--_-.••-_
<br /> ' _......__. _�.��e�cz!�i.�a.l.._ � '
<br /> , �;
<br /> , ...................................._-.............---•-�----.......---.._...._....---......._ -.`-��2----•-- • •- •----...._----..._.._....... � .
<br /> � .. ._.-"_. _.._...._ ............._............"-"'-"'-..._.."".....""'........_ �i
<br /> .....----'.....................................
<br /> �� e; - ,�.
<br /> '` 3TATE O,F_...:. NWE'3SkII . County of.----�-Eiall...................................-0 f�
<br /> ....---.._,.....--•--•__-••..............
<br /> � Before me�a notary pnblic qualiSed tor eaid county, peraonally came i; �
<br /> Dary'1'�Y. De37.loe anora M. Beilke, Husband and Wife, I!
<br /> :'� _, � � pezeon or peraons who eigned the foregoing inetrumeat and acknowledged the ezecution �a �
<br /> by .to.'��eir untary-aM and deed �
<br /> . �,e
<br /> .k ���7� ' � K8]� �.St 7$ �i �
<br /> . on.....................
<br /> ,� �•� .... ......- -•-• -....,,,,(.1.- ....._.._-
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<br /> "" �;��;��Pa�: �.=�........, �s�� . �� �� �`� �
<br /> .. .�ri . - - - --...._...._..._...__No �
<br /> tary Publu_
<br /> ��: y� � ��� ��� �
<br /> �� 'STATE OF � � � � �� �� ._ � Entered oai numerical indez and filed for record �� '� �� "
<br /> ., , Q°uat'�' ..._..---•._ ......._._:....�..._:�..___.rV.._..___:...}� � in the Register of Deede O�c.�e of eaid County the 1 �''% '
<br /> ,- _.....M�_...__...»dqy of..._...----._,......_..___»�.._.� 19.»_...._., at..__.�._. � ..miautea �� �.:."�- .;�ri�;� ...
<br /> . ......•--_-••-•o•clock and.»....__.._...._--•••_ .._--....._...._._.M., vw.
<br /> . . �i .„�� ^,:��.r .'.
<br /> .. :.. . , .. . . . , :
<br /> aod zecotded m Book._.� �_.._...r....�...._•-•..of..._....._..._.»__.�.....__.....at page-••----•_�._�._.._.....___..._ .�
<br />� : . . . . . � .. . ._...�..._..__-....--•_••�............�••----..._.._...-••-•--.._Reg. of Deede ;' � � .
<br /> ..�: -:. . �. . ... : . � . . ......._BY _.. �_..- --..._ ._...... P tp
<br /> .........De u ;�
<br /> . J� Y .,_._.�_..� . .
<br />