<br /> , .:.�� �.,.. . �... . ...:. .�. . ....�. .... . .. . .. . . . . � . . .. . . . � � �..� ...
<br /> ��.�.�'.._ �-�__._�__',..�_._____._.__...__- __..:.....:::... ._._..�.... . -._:... .. ..,. .... .._..._ . -... . ..... ..'. . ...,.. ... -� .
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<br /> ....... . . . ._. .... . ..... . ._ .#�. _. . � .
<br /> � REAL_.ESTATE_MORTGAGE _ FoeM F�e zoe (rte�. .1_77) I�
<br /> � `� -
<br /> ; �— UU2554 DBta rray i, �9�s ii � _
<br /> � ��� � � �� � � � � �� '� �
<br /> ,y Margaret D. Piereon and Edwin K. Pierson, Jr., wife and husband 1� x �
<br /> �,� , Mortgagors, 4�
<br /> ' of Antelope Nebraska ��
<br /> r . County. , in consideration oS � ,
<br /> ,; � the adva[xce of the princlpal sum reciced Sn the note hereinafcer descrSbed,recelpt of which is acknowledged, hereby ��
<br /> r mortgage anG convey to � � " r�-
<br /> �� THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation, �f
<br /> � of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address �`
<br /> } is Farm Credit 8uiidirtg, Omaha, Netrraska 68f00. �! d
<br /> i
<br /> � ��.
<br /> � Mortgagee (subJect to oil, gas, and mineral rlghts owned by partles other thrsn Mortgagors• ezlsting easements of �ti },
<br /> j record; reservatlons in United Staces and State patents;and the rights of the publlc Sn all highways), the fo11ow1ng- � t
<br /> .� + described real estate in Hall County, Nebraska f� ''
<br /> { ` +
<br /> .,� � SEC. TWP. RG. i?
<br /> ,'� �i Y s��
<br /> >� E'� (except tract conveyed to the County of Hall by deed '� ' � ,.��
<br /> �� recorded in Book 57, Page 448; and except tract conveyed �i tit.,
<br /> � to County of Hall by deed recorded in Book 150, Page 388) - - 32 11N 12 W 6th P.M. �; ;r
<br /> � :i +s
<br /> F ��
<br /> F
<br /> �f 'A �
<br /> „'� `f F w x
<br /> 3i �
<br /> �� �� ��
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<br /> , � ��
<br /> 3� � r;� ��ii
<br /> � ��ti.
<br /> �� li - x�. d,4�
<br /> �111f. �!. ' r��.
<br /> .:�. �� :�� �
<br /> :� � ��.
<br /> �
<br /> containing 3�R_1 acres, more or less, together with all of the ri�t, tltle, antl Snterest !�
<br /> ��� (now avned orhereaftel- acquLred)of the Mortgagor, In sald property, Lnc1u43nE All builtlings, imDravements,flxtures,
<br /> OD Sppt1I'CB71ei1CeS ChBt¢otl 07' hETeaft2r p18Ced ChCtBon: all w8Lei', lt'i'igatlon, 8c�d tiI'alnage I'igtlCS' the tenements,
<br /> hereditaments, anG appurtenances Lhereto and the rents, issues, crops, nnd yrofits srlsing from said lands; and (it 4
<br /> � the Mortgagors� rlghts Sn the public domnln are reyulred by Mort�gee i'or cecurity purposes) all leases, permits, tl
<br /> ,� �. iicenses,orprivileges, appurtenant or nonapPurtenant to saiti mortgnged premises, now or hereafter Sssuetl, extended, ��
<br /> or renewed to the MortEaBars by the United States or the state ln whlch the above-descrlDed property ls located or i�
<br /> III aqy department, bureau, or-agency thereof. i� r:
<br /> ,� : �Th1s mortgage Ss gSven to secure a promissory note of even date herewith, executed by Mortgagors to HorLgagee, in i�
<br /> ;� the principal sum of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HiTNDRED AND NO/100 - - ppLLaRs, �; E
<br /> �
<br /> DaYeDle with interest accordinq to the terms of sald note, che tinal payment being due and payable on the first day ;
<br /> of �Janu8i'y, 1998 . �n�1s conve ance shsll be vofd u on Lhe ;� P'
<br /> r'��. . Y � p?Yment of sald promissory note.
<br /> Thls mortgage 1s subJect to the provislons of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and ail acts amendacory thereof or supplemental (!
<br /> �.;,9 thereto. The proceeQs of the loan secured hereby will be useti tor the purposes specified in the Mortgagors� appli- �'
<br /> °.� � - cation for said loar. and authorized by said Act. iS �
<br /> ? The Hortgagars, anG each oi them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged real property; Lhat they ��
<br /> �i � � w111 deiend the tltle against a11 clsimants whomsoever, and that sald property is free from all encumbrances• that �� �
<br /> �f they wlll keep all the Smprovements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupleG and in good repalr and permit no acts of
<br /> �; waste; anQ they will rellnquish all rights of homestead Sn said premises, and covenant and agree wlth the Mortgagee, �
<br /> as follows: - �,
<br /> 4 (i)� That they will pay when due all taxes, liens, �udgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed egalnst
<br /> �1 �� the property herein mortgaged. I� � �
<br /> il
<br /> (2)� That they will insure anA keep insuretl bulldings or other improvements now on or which may hereafter be placed �
<br /> '� � on said premises to the satlsfaction of the Mortgagee, such insurance pollcy shall be entlorsed with a mortgage clause ��
<br /> _t� ��. with the loss thereunGer to be payable to the Mortgagee. pqy sums received may be used to pay for reconstruction �( :
<br /> � of the QestroyeQ imDrovements; or, ii not so apylied, may, at the optlon of che Mortgagee, De apDlied in payment oi �
<br /> r,�� � aqV inGebteCness, matureC or unmatured, secured Dy this mortgage. �� :i�
<br /> ��i (3)� �To pay a12 rents,.fees, or charges now due or to become tiue untler Lhe terms of each lease, permit, llcense, or ;; , i
<br /> 3 prSvllege on the public domaln whSch is aDPurtenant or nonappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, which has �een
<br /> 9 isaued, eztended,-or renewed�Dy the UniteG StaCes or the state In which the above-descrlDeG property Ss located: and E� ,�
<br /> "�� to�DeTform���anQ�observe every act,�covenant, conGition, and stlpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same in good j� .�
<br /> �� ��standing; sn.d to take every necessflry step Co secure tne relssue, renewal. or extenslon of each ot Lhe same; anci Lo . �"� v;�
<br /> .��6sslgn.-��waive,'�pleQge�,.or enCorse��to�trie Hartgagee each�lease, permit, license, or privilege SS Mortgagors� rights `' '""�����^' � ��
<br /> in.public domain are required by Mortgagee�for security purposes. �I .
<br /> y E
<br /> �' (4j �-That 1n�.the event the Mortgagee is.�a party tu any litlgation affecting the security or the 11en oS 1ts mort- fj I , ,����
<br /> g9ge�, Snclnding aziy suit by�t�e Hortgagee toYoreclose this�mortgage or any suit Sn which the Nortgagee may be aameQ J �,� � �x
<br /> �, ; a yarty Qeiendant Sa��Whlch it� is obllgate0 to DrOtect 1Ls rlghts or lien. lncluding condemnatian and bankruptcy �! ,�,
<br /> � proCAedinge '��the HorY.gagee may incur expenses and aGvance payment iar abstract fees, attorney iees (exceyt�to the �
<br /> extBat�yr�aibited by.law), costs,��expenses�, enC other charges. � �� � � � �;�,�, ,�
<br /> r � (S) `�7het 3n�-the eve[TL Che�Mortgagors�fall�to pay when�due taxes, liens, - �' ;"� r ;!,,,
<br /> =� maintain Snsurance��es�hereSnbefore�yrovlded, or Yail to � Judgments, or assessments, or fa11 to .,,�x „„g
<br />�a � �permit;�lScease, or PaY rents, tees, or charges un0er the terms of aqy lease, ..
<br /> prlvliege;�or ryortgagee 1s requlreA.to lncur e�enses iar ¢Dstract fees, attorney fees, costs, �'
<br /> ezyBa,aes,ariQother�charges Sn connectlon with 1ltigatlon, Mortgagee mqy mske such payment or provlde such insurnitce, i;
<br /> ��' or�lqcur's[aoh�obllgatlon, anQ�trie amoURts-peSG�thBJ'Bf01`�3hs11 become a part of the lndebtedness secureG hereby due .
<br /> anE-p$yabTa imneGlate�y, anA shall�bear Sntarest hrom the date of payment ac the same rate�as Drovldea for default
<br /> lil L218 IIOCO. � � �
<br /> � �_ ���_.____..__..�. .._._.�,........Y.�. ...�.....�:....____�.�__._�_._._ _'_�___._._ ._...__... .. ............ . . . .i ... � .
<br /> ..._... _._. ._ . ... .
<br /> ; {� ., � � �,. _ I
<br />