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<br /> � � --�t� ��Nt r _ . �
<br /> 7s-• 002524 �
<br /> EXHIBIT ( A ) �
<br /> DESCRIPTION : Tract I . The North Fourteen feet ( N14 ' ) of Lot Two
<br /> ( 2 ) and the South Forty -eight feet ( S48 ' ) of Lot Three ( 3 ) , in Block
<br /> Sixteen ( 16 ) , in West View Addition to the City of Grand Island , Hall
<br /> County , Nebraska , and :
<br /> Tract II . A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the North , ,. ,
<br /> east 9uarter ( SW�cNE�C ) of Section Seventeen ( 17 ) , Township Eleven ( 11 ) '
<br /> PJorth , Range Nine ( 9 ) West of the 6th P . M . , Hall County , Nebraska , more
<br /> particularly described as follows : Be �inning at a point on the West
<br /> line of said Southwest Auarter of the Northeast 9uarter ( SI,�cNE�C ) and its
<br /> J unction with the F.. ast prolon�ation of the South line of the North Fourteen
<br /> ( 14 ) teet of Lot Two ( 2 ) , Block Sixteen Q6 ) , in West View , an Addition
<br /> to the City of Grand Island , Plebraska ; tY� ence running North on the West
<br /> line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Ruarter ( SW3cNE�C ) for
<br /> a distance of Fortyseven and Port ,y - three hundredths ( 47 . 43 ) feet ; Thence
<br /> deflecting to the right and running Southeasterly on a durved line ,
<br /> concaved Easterly for a distance of Fifty - seven and Thirty- four Hundredths
<br /> � 57 • 34 ) 1'eet , said curved line bein � a portion of a curve commencing at
<br /> the Northeast corner of said Blocic Sixteen ( 16 ) which corner is also
<br /> the p �t of tangency for a curve havinR a radius of Two Hundred Seventy - �
<br /> eight and Ei, ght �r - four Hundredths ( 278 . 84 ) feet : Thence running West on
<br /> the . Eas't prolo'ngation ' of the South line of the North Fourteen ( 1 �1 ) feet of
<br /> ' Lot Q ( 2 ) , in said Block 5lxteen ( 16 ) , for a distance of Thirty-two
<br /> and . our hundredths ( 32 . 04 ) feet , the point of beginning , and Containing .
<br /> 660 �uare .feet , mbre or less , and :
<br /> ; ; � � ract � III . A �art of vacated Custer Avenue inthe City of Grand �
<br /> ; Is1an� ; P7ebraska , vacated by Ordinance No . 4905 , on December 14 , 1970 , ���
<br /> more particularly d cribed as follows : Beginnin � at a point on ttse
<br /> Eas � line and Forty� 3 �ht ( 48 ) feet North from the Southeast corner of
<br /> Lot Tk�ree ( 3 ) , IIlock . Sixteen ( 16 ) , West View , an addition to the City of �
<br /> Grand � Island , Nebras,ka ; Thence running East on the East prolongation of -
<br /> the North line of the; .North Forty -ei �;ht ( 48 ) feet of said Lot Three ( 3 )
<br /> for a distance of Twenty - five and Seventy =three Iiundredths ( 25 . T3 ) feet :
<br /> Thence deflectin � to • the ri �ht and running Southeasterly on a curqed line ,
<br /> concaved Easterly for a distance oS Sixteen and Twenty -eight liundredths
<br /> ( 16 . 28 ) feet , tothe . East line of West View , an Addition in said City ,
<br /> said curved line beinR a portion o2' a curve commencing at the Plortheast
<br /> corner of said Block Sixteen ( 16 ) V�hich corner is also the point of taneency
<br /> for a ourve runninA Southeasterly and havinR a radius of Two Hundred
<br /> Seventy-eight and Eigrity - four Hundredths ( 278 . 84 ) feet ; � thence running
<br /> South on the East line of We � t View , an addition in said City for a
<br /> distance of Forty- seven and Forty -three ( 47 . 43 ) feet to the � ast prolonqat3o
<br /> ; of the South line of the Piorth Fourteen ( 14 ) feet of Lot Two ( 2 ) , 81ock�
<br /> � Sixteen ( 1G ) , West View , an Addition to said City ; thence running West
<br /> ' on the East prolongation oP the South line of the North Fourteen ( 14 ) feet
<br /> ; of said Lot Two ( 2 ) for a distanceof Thirty - three ( 33 ) feet to the east
<br /> line of said Lot Two ( 2 ) ; thence runninp� North on the East line of said
<br /> Lots Two ( 2 ) and Three ( 3 ) for a distance o !' Sixty - two ( 62 ) feet to the
<br /> point of beginning . •
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