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<br /> Loax xo......��.�.3 2 3.-.�
<br /> 78= ��2��4 C��D�t1 C�ji �EIY ��J (�EtEBE �rCSElT�B:
<br /> That ....L.�.Q.s?a.za....1?.:....Howacl.en..,and....Anna....��.e....Pows.den .... . ._._..._ 1?usban�. and.._T:'i.fe...............
<br /> � -t hereinafter referred to as Mortgagors, whether one or more, for and in consideration of.......................................................................... � � � � .
<br /> ` ..�p.,�.�y....�wo .Thqusanci,.Eight...Fiunct_red...For.ty..and .No/.100 ------------------ D '
<br /> . .. .... .. . .... .... ... . ........ OLLARS
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby bargain, sell and convey to NEBRASKA STATE SAVINGS AND LOAh ASSOCIATION, of Fremont, � � . . �
<br /> �' � Nebraska,the following described real estate siWated in...__.. .............�%A.�r�+... ....................................................County, Nebraeka: � �
<br /> AZ1 of Lot �8 and the West 10' of Lot 79 in Wol£e's Subdivision in the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Together with a11 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached floor covering,all heat- � -
<br /> ing, plumbing and lightin�; Fixturea, and equipment and accessories, window screens, window ahades, atorm windows, Venetian- � � ��
<br /> blinds,awnings,atokers,hot water heaters,pressure pumps and tnnks,nir conditioners,and all other mechanical appliances which � . �
<br /> are now or may become attached to and used in the buildings on said real estate; and it is agreed that all such fixtures and ap- .
<br /> pliances shaA be considered a PBrt of said rnal estata If any such items of equipment, fixtures and appliances ahould be con- � . �
<br /> aidered as personalty, then this mort�aRe sha❑ constitute a security agreement with respect to any property ao coneidezed � .
<br /> whether now or herenfter affixed to the abovc real estate_ � �� �
<br /> SAid mortgagvrs represent [hn!w•c arc ]n�vfnllp scized of the eaid premises; that they are free from encumbrance, and we � �� �
<br /> do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of sU peraons whomsoever. � � - �
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,and these prnsents are upon these conditions: � � . � � �
<br /> Mortgagors have executed and delivered to rnortgagee their note for the above-mentioned amount, pnyable according to . � ..
<br /> the terms of eaid note. It is understood and this mortga�e shall constitute notice thereof, that this mortgage is security for not � �
<br /> only the amount advanced concurrently w•ith the execution he:eof,but alt future advances to be made at the option of the parties �
<br /> or their asaigna,not to exceed nn amount equal to 115 percent of the amovnt of the original note,but in no event ahall esid note �� . �
<br /> exceed the maximum amount permitted by lnw, and to the same extent as advancea originally made hereunder. .� �
<br /> ���1 It is further agreed, in the event that payments nnd taxes herein provided to be paid by mortgagor, sre not paid when due, �. � ��
<br /> �i and the premises at that time or thereafter, are occupied by a tenant,the mortgagor herein,hereby sella and assigns and trana-
<br /> ,�� fers to the Nebraska State S�vings and Loan Association, mortgagee herein,all rents and income of all kinda arising out of said � �
<br /> property and authorize said Nebrasku State Savings and Loan Association to collect same and aue therefor in ita own name, �
<br /> and after paying costs of collection to apply the remainder on the debts secured by this mortgage. � � �
<br /> •, Mortgagora further agree to pay all taxes )evied upon this mortgage and the debt secured hereby: and to pay all taxea � � �
<br /> '-.i and sa�easments upon said real estate at or before the time the same may become delinquent; also,to maintain fire,and extended � � �
<br /> �..', covezage insurance on said premises in the amount of$..............4.2.E't4.Q...QQ..................in auch company es mortgagee may direct, � � � �
<br /> with an acceptab)e mortga�e clavse attached for the benefit of mortgagee or the legal holder of said note, and deliver aaid pol- .
<br /> icies to mortgagee. If mortgagors fail to pay the taxes at said time or fail to comply with this proviaion with reference to in- � �
<br /> surance,mortgagee may pay said taxes or may obtain such insurance, and mortgagors agree to repay the same with interest � � � �
<br /> thereon at 11 per cent, and this mort�age shall secure such repayment with intereat.If the said note and intereat thereon,and � � �
<br /> all inaurance and taxes paid by mortgngee or assigns, shall be fully paid, this mortgsge shall be nuil and void, otherwise to be -� .
<br /> and remain in full force and effect. The neglect or refusal to poy any of the monthly inetallments on the same,agreeably to the � .
<br /> Constitution and By-Laws of mortgagee, or according to the terms of said note,or in case ot waste or in ease of breach by mort- � �. �
<br /> gagor of any covenant in thie mortgage, mortgagee may declare all amounta aecured hereby at onae due and payable and may � � � � �
<br /> Sorecloee the mortgage therefoc .
<br /> In the event the mortgngors hercin convey the above described premises, the Asaociation, at ite option, may declare the � . �
<br /> entire balance of the above mentioned note due and payable. Acceptance of payments hereunder from auch purchaaer, without .
<br /> wtitten notice to the home office of the Association shall not be considered as a waiver of thia righk . . � �
<br /> In case of default of psyment of any installment of principal or interest, or in payment of the taxes or insurance or in- � � �
<br /> terest on the same,the mort�agee shall be entiUed to the immediate possession of said premisea and to the receipt of all rents �
<br /> therefrom,and in case of foreclosure it is atipulated that upon request of the plaintiff a receiver shall be appointed for said prem- �
<br /> ieea to take possesaion thereof and to collect the rents snd profits thereon. � �
<br /> ' Dated this-----•�-•---�-2f3---•---- ---------day of-----•-----.._.... April --•---�--...A. D. 19.-•78--��----•
<br /> ,,/! /J •-•-�--
<br /> t � , �
<br /> . �-���-•---=--�-��-�"`-�'•.'---�................�--------... .__...:.C`ZysrCS...-----.��f.._...`..1.����CI���.��......_._.
<br /> Leonard D, liowsden Anna b!, tiowsden
<br /> ....................•---�--••-----�--._.............---------•---�....._..._......
<br /> ' } sa.
<br /> � .Bl1ff31o........ COUNTY ) .............................. COUNTY � as. .
<br /> r
<br /> ,, Oa�tlaie ........_..._28.........-•---....... day of......... Apz',il.............. 79...7�....� before Filed for record on this ..................:......... m
<br /> i -� me, the underaigned a Notaey Public, duly commissioned and qualified for said day of ......... ....... . . q.D. 19........, �
<br /> ' Levnard D. Howsden and Anna P'. Howsde �� �1.
<br /> .� �� CountY.Personally came . . . . . ............. ....... . $t .......................... . o'dock ......M. and - - a*
<br /> r,..
<br /> , qi�xs�ya�rcrt-..�.n�...�.i.f.�.. ........
<br /> ...:
<br /> -'' to me known to be�the identical person or peraons whose name is or names sre recorded in Book .... ............................ of � �
<br /> �
<br /> T�• 4 .`
<br /> .7 . aubacribed to the foregoing�instrument,and acknowledged the execution thereof .................................... . p8ge � .- :
<br /> :� , to be;hie,her or their voluntazy act and deed.
<br /> �,., . .._.. _ ��; �'.
<br /> ��. Witneu my hanT'snd officisl Seal the day nd 0ar sbove wrilten. ......-........................................................ � � .'.
<br /> # � ' � � � g ter of Deeda
<br /> , . . ��+� � `��%/�ivG�/j By...................... . .........................
<br /> Re is Y � ,�
<br /> � ............... �� • �F,�
<br /> ..t . .. ,: . .. ....7........................ Deputy . w
<br /> �Robert E. �Hob� Notary Public
<br />,< 1�1►�.1�"'..... . .............. _
<br /> " Ca"'^•lA..Nn.li.iN= Fee-5.........................._.....
<br /> i . . —._.._.�
<br /> �� . � Indexed..._........ Reginter......
<br /> :.. �MY co� ineion expiree the......__.........�5.......................... dey ot.............Januasy...., Grantor............ Compared...
<br />�r 19..........� Graatee............ Paged..._...... �
<br />