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<br /> � REAL ESTATE.MOR�AGF _`FoaM F�e zos (aev. �
<br /> , �$� - • '
<br /> i - ������l�f�.r Date April 25, 1978 �! ,
<br /> i ;
<br /> �4 � w.
<br /> ��
<br /> Meierside Farms, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation ��
<br /> ! '
<br /> I� +
<br /> . . Mortgagors,
<br /> � ��
<br /> � Hall Nebraska ��
<br /> .9 � �I County. � , In consideratlan of �i
<br /> �� � the advance of the principal sum recited ln Lhe note hereinaTter descrLbed,receipc of which Ss acknowledged, hereby 'i
<br /> f� mortgage 8t1d COI1VBy LO j�
<br /> n �s THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA; a Corooration, t� •
<br /> � of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, wMose address �(
<br /> i is Farm Credit BuiTding, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, �`
<br /> � �� ��
<br /> Mortgagee (sub,7ect to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by partles other thxn Morcgagors• existing easements of ����
<br /> . record; reservatlons ln United Scstes and State yatents;an�Lhe rights of the public Sn all highways),the following- � �
<br /> � described real estate in Hall county, Nebraska
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> I SEC. TWP. R0. 'i
<br /> � NW3G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 — — " �
<br /> 12 �` F
<br /> W'-� S W'Z ,,
<br /> i, N'-� NW'-4; and SW3L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13 - �� t �
<br /> �� All in - 12N 10 W 6th P.:i. r�
<br /> � '' � }�
<br /> j ,i <�
<br /> �i �.
<br /> � � '; 4 ��:��.
<br /> i� � �'� �;
<br /> �3i1, _ .f„
<br /> 4 � pe.
<br /> �' ��'i�
<br /> ��7 . .. I� � �4,.
<br /> :+ � � '� �' �'
<br /> '; !1
<br /> _ . �i a
<br /> contriining 4 74.32 acres, more or less, CoBether with all oS trie rlght, tltle, and Snterest � �
<br /> (now�owned.6r hereafter acqulretl)pT the Hortgagors in said property, includSng a11 bu11d1nE3. imprnvements,fSxtures, i� s
<br /> or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placetl thereon; all water, 1rr1gatlon, and dralnage rlp,hts; the Lenements '
<br /> � ., heredltaments, and appurtenances Uhereto and the rents, Issues, crops, and proflts arSsinR from said lands- anG (if " �- �
<br /> the Mort�agors� rights ln Lhe puD11c Qomaln nre requlred by Mortp,agee for securlty purposes) all leases,�permits, i�.
<br /> � llcenses,or prlvlleges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to ssid mortpdged premises, now or hereafter issued, extenGed, �'f
<br /> or renewed to the MortRagors by the United States or the stnte Sn whlch the aDove-descrlbea property Ss located or '
<br /> aqy depai�tment, bqPBeu, oz'a�ency LAereOS. �
<br /> Th1s mort �;•
<br /> � gage 1s ftiven to secure n promissory note of even date herewlth, executetl Dy Mortgagors to Mortgagee, in �;
<br /> �f the princlpal sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND NINE HCTNDRED AND NO/100 - ppL�,qAS
<br /> 1 p�yaDle wlth Snterest flecorAinq co the terms of saltl note, the f1na1 prsyment being due and payable on the first day �� �
<br /> � oi March. 1983 . �tt�is conveyanr,e sha11 be void upon the p�yment of said promissory note !�
<br /> �f
<br /> � This�mortgage is suDJect to the provlsions of PHE FARM CREDIT ACT and all acts amenaatory thereof or suDPlemental ;'
<br /> �� thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby w]11 �e usea for the purposes specified Sn Lhe Nortgagors+ appli-
<br /> � � cation for sa1Q loan and authorized by sald Act. �� . . -.
<br /> . + `i
<br /> 'E� F The Mortgagors, and each of tAem, hereby warrant chat they are fee owners of the mortgagea real property; triac they ;; � �
<br /> i g will Gefena the tltle against all clalmants whomsoever, and that sald property is Iree from all encumbrances: that
<br /> �� � � they w111 keep all the improvements, SSxLures, nnd appurtenances occupieQ and in good repair and permit no acts of �i � �
<br /> waste• and they will relinquish all rlghts of homestead Sn said premises, and covenant rind agree w2th the Mortgagee, !;
<br /> as follaws:
<br /> ¢ (i) That they will pay when due all taxes, lSens, Judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against �f
<br /> �� � the property herein mortgaged. �
<br /> (2) That they wlll Snsure and keep insured bulldings or other improvements now on or whlch may hereafter be placed i) �
<br /> �.:f on sa.1a Dremises to Lhe satisfaction of the Mortgagee, such Snsurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause �
<br /> � �with the�loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. prly sums recelveA may be used to PaY for reconstruction �i . .
<br /> -of the destroyeQ improvements; or, SI not so applied, may, at the optlon of the MortP,aBee, be app2le� in payment of
<br /> any SnGebtedness, maturetl or unmatured, securea by this mortgage. �!
<br /> � . (3)� 1b DaY all rents, fees, or charges now due ar Co become due under the terms of each lease, ,^.ermit, 1lcense, or �i
<br /> prlvilege on the yublic domaln whicn Ss appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, whlch has been }t � � �
<br /> SssueG,extendeQ,or renewed by the UniteG States or the state in which the above-described property Ss located: and 'j
<br /> . to�perform and observe every act, covenant, conditlon, anG stlpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same in good
<br /> � standing� and to take every necessary step Co secure the relssue, renewal, or extenslon of each of the same; anA to � i� � � �
<br /> assl�, Walve, Dledge, Or endorse to the Mortgagee each�leflse, permlt, llcense, or prlvllege Sf Mortgagors� rlghts � ��
<br /> .in�pubiic domaln are required by Mortgagee for security purposes. �I � � �
<br /> Ca)�'That�ln�the event the Mortgagee is a pe.rty to any lltigatlon afSecting the securlty or the llen of Sts mort- ,� � �
<br /> gage�, Sncludlag any sult Dy the�Mortgagee to foreclose�thls mortgage or any suit in which the Mortgagee may be named I; �� �
<br /> a party defendant ln whlch it is obligated to�protec4 Sts right5 or lien, including condemnatlon an0 benkruptcy '- � � a��y
<br /> ptoceedinga,��the�Martgagee�mag incur� expensgs and�advanceg qyment ior abstract fees, actorney fees (except to the j� � � ��y;"
<br /> eztenL Prohlbited by. law�), :costs, expenses„and other char es. �.:F-,.,^
<br /> !i
<br /> (b) �That Sn the event�the-�Mortgagors�fail to pay�when Gue any ta�ces, liens, �uQgments, or assessments, or fall to r' h:"° =a�,.�c
<br /> maintain insurance as hereinbefore Drovlped, or fail ta pay rents, fees, or charges under the terms o1 riny lease, �; � r;s�
<br /> De:'mlt, license, pr pridilege; or Kortgagee is repulreG to Sncur e�cyenses ior abstraoc fees, ntcorney fees, �costs, � ��--N°.��
<br /> ���� � expenaes,and-other�charges�ia�connectiion wSLh�11t1gation, Mortgaqee may make such rn�vment orprov3de such Lnsurance,
<br /> .oi�.incur such oDl3gatlon, snd the amoUnts�paid thereior sAall become a part oS the indebteMess secured hereby due �
<br /> enQ D86'able�imneQiate�y, and shall Dear Snterest.Yrom�Lhe tlate of DaYment�at the same rate as provl4eG for deSault �
<br /> �.ln`�the�note.��. � �. . . . � � - �
<br /> . ...___ ..v,.__—�- .._—_-_�:�,. ._. , .. . .. . ..
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