I �
<br /> 7 �..� oO � ZV �/ � r.. . .yt . , .� ,� .� � � � .
<br /> I �wRa 3'r: d3.:'-..T .. . C. � �A.� .3 .7.' . .1 � I'�. {}'1 . 1J i `l , . . _ . . . 'i
<br /> o �
<br /> . . � � i 'i i. i �;. '. �, S} Y,`� _ � ' .
<br /> � That thet Mortgagor will�_tha mdebtednex. as;:i+ereiabefore'- prwicied. � �� � � � � - � �
<br /> � � � AY , � a � �. �� � . . . . �� �� � .,. r �.�
<br /> �.�. z
<br /> � � That the �fortgagof'i�_the dWner of seid property in fee simple and has good right � and lawful authority to seil and
<br /> !-
<br /> cronvey the sa�an�t�et� the aetnd m Ca�e and clear oC any, lien or en8urtib`rlince; �nd�%'{ITl��lvlartga6ar will warrariE and'��end?"f���'�'��``
<br /> . . title to eaid r reiniees- � einst "' . '' . . .
<br /> . ,p, � g f}�� ci�a�ms oC att peraona whorneoever. .
<br /> cS _ i�C1G � +� w :� £, ; � � : ii".C2 ' '�G3 .. r `
<br /> � To payimmedtate�y ��vhen dne and payable all genetal t8xes, special � taxes. .apecial a�ssments, water charges, � sewer serv- � �
<br /> . � � ice charges, and oiher��� Taxee� and chargrs agninµ said ,p�4 y a a16,,tay5es. levieil on the Aebt securnd hereby, and to furnish the � . . .
<br /> ' ��� . . L � +. .,�J . � l���i a � u r • . �- or. . . .� �. ro. . n t s � . p^ .;�. . . :
<br /> Mort a ee, upo ,.req�est wit .!h �qr' al or du ficaZe rece�pts 't7ieref'oi. � 'I'he �rtqagor agre�K thaN 'th�'r� vfiaU .tk s�d M%� . � �
<br /> — _
<br /> � each monthly p��m�"nt�equir�d` Fi`e.?t;u�drr or iuider the �ev�dence of debt securcd hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee ' �
<br /> . � to �be aufficient t0� enabl� tFie ��Mortgsgee� to pay , as they becom� due, all taxes, ae�4easments, and cimilar chargea upon the, prem• f ' � � - � , .
<br /> ises subject- thereti>; any 'deficiency becaose � �if the insu��iency - o[ such additional paymenta �stiall he forthwith deposited by � the � � � " '. � � . � '
<br /> ' i�+f�tt: Mort�g�o{Fwi� ihc Mo�tgagee upoq., demand 6y the Mortgagee. , ny default undFr this, p�raRraph shail be deemed a default in � . �.
<br /> � � p Y .._ .. : . .' . ,r�.Pv requ� red hrrnunr�r � ' � . : . � .
<br /> �"�en� of tkxe4 ' ^�asaessmentn � nr wmilar cha
<br /> .7' rTi _ t+ i;s YP.1Z7 [ � ...a 'r .. . . . ^Is. s . , _, . .. . . . . . . _. ii.Jr, :> ' , . 1' � . =�,-- . � tr .. i:';.. . , . ' � , . . .
<br /> � , � ., . . . , . . : . .- . . . . , . .. . _ . .
<br /> � The minre.ga%oF,;��ee�-,thnc . 4t�er� $t.alt��lqo�be . a�g�,it�) ' eac�h,: �on4,hly payment o( . principal +and� interest required here_ ... . �. � - .
<br /> � nnder an amount estimated by fhe Mortgagee to be sufficient to enablc � the lvtortga�ee to p:�y , a. it bexorn� duc�. tbe insurance . � �
<br /> premium on uny insurar�ce pulicy delivered. to the Mortgagare. Any deliciency Ix•cause ��f the insu�ciency of such additiw�al pay- . . . .
<br /> menLQ � sFall � be �&irthwith depositedby �the Mortgagor with the MortgaKae u{wn demand by the MortgagPe: �Any default vnder this �� � .. �
<br /> � paragraph shall 6e deemed u default in the payment oC inavruncF� premiums. � If � the policy or pi�liciec deposited are cueh� [is trome- - � �
<br /> � owners or all risk policies, and the de�wsits are inaufricicnt to pny the rntirr premium, the MortgaKee may app1Y t}�c deposTt to �, . �
<br /> , pay premiums on risku required to be insurrd by this mortRaRe. - �
<br /> , Paymenis mad�P.,. �fy, the Mort�agor un�ler, the uboye� 4�slcagraphs may , at thc _optian of thc Mortgageer .,be held � by it and
<br /> � commingled with other sucM furids �ir iLv own� Punds for the� paytnedt �of� suclt item§, am� 'until "vo applied. 's�2ch ¢ayments are hPreby . � . � �
<br /> : p1edK� � security for the unpaid balance o( the mort�age-�iniieDtedm xv.: �' '. . , . . , � -. � . . � � . . . • . . , �: ��' .
<br /> To procure, deliver to, and muintain for the benefit of the Mortgagee during the life of thic mortgage uriginal policies and . .
<br /> renewels thereof, delivered at least ten days before the expiration o[ any such �liciex, insuring against Cire and other insurable - � � . � �
<br /> . hawtds, cesualtiee, and con[ingencies as the Mortgagee ms�y require, in an amouni equal to the indebtednesa secured by this � � , . �
<br /> . Mortgage, and in rnmpaniea acceptable to the Morlgage•e, with loys payabli� clause in favor of and in form accepfab�e to the Mortga- � -
<br /> � gee. In the event any policy is not :enew<YI un or be(ore ten day� of ity expiratiun, the Mor[�age.e may ��rocure insurance on the . � � �
<br /> impcovements, pay the premium there(or, nnd xuch �sum shall bercume immediately due and puyable with interest at the rate srt �
<br /> forth in said note until paid and ahall tx. secured I>v this �mortgage. Failure on the part uf the 1-tmtgagor t.o furnish such renewale " �
<br /> �. as are he�ein required or Cailure to pay any sums advAnced hereundrr chall, at. the option nf the Mnrtgagre, cnnstitute a default .
<br /> � under the terms of this rnortgage. The rlrlivery of auch puliciaes chall , in the rvent of default, conati[ute an assiRnment of the un- � � � - � �
<br /> . earned premium. �
<br /> Any sums received by the Mortgagee by reason ot loss ur damage insured ngainst may be retained by the Mortgagee
<br /> � and apptied toward the payment of lhe debt hereby secured, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such cums either whally ur in
<br /> �� pezt. may be paid over to the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build ' new buildings in their place or for any � �
<br /> . other purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgager without aRectinK �hP � �en on the mortgage for the full amount secured here- � .
<br /> � �by befure auch payment rver took place. �� � . � �
<br /> r
<br /> Tu prompNy repair. restore ur rebuild any building� or improvemrnts now ur hereafter on the premives which mey be- . � �
<br /> . come damaged or destroyed: to keep yaid premiaes in good condition and repair and (rer frum any mechanic's lien ur other lien or � � � � � � �
<br /> - � � � claim of lien no! expres4ly subordinated to the lien hereof: not to sutfer or permit any unlawful use uf or any nuisance to eziat on � . � �
<br /> � aaid property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor [o do any other act whereby the Pruperty hereby conveyed shall become . � �
<br /> , less valuable, nor Lo diminiah or impair its value by any act oz omission to act : lo c��mply with all requirementa of law with respect � - � � � . .
<br /> to the mortgaqed pzemises and the use thereof. . . .�
<br /> � That should the premises or any part thereof be taken or damagcvl by reasun e�f any public impmvement or condemnation . ,
<br /> proceeding, or ander the righi of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the hlortgagee shall be entilled to all compensations, " � .
<br /> awards, and any other payment or relief therefur, and shalt � be entitled, �at its option, to commence. �appear �in� and prosecute � in ita _ � �
<br /> � own name any ection or prxeeding, or to make any compromise or xettlement in connection with such taking or damage. Al( such � � � �
<br /> - compeneation, awaida. �� dama8es. right of action and � proceeda � are hereby � assigned to the Mortgagee. � who may; after deducting ~�, �� �, .
<br /> � therefrom �ali iffi� expensea, release any� moneys so received by ib or apply the same on any indebtedneas secured hereby. The � Morb � � ��� � . � �
<br /> � gagor-agreee �� to� execute- such further � a.seignments of any crompenxatimi, awerds. damagea, and rights of actiun and procecvlx as the ' � � ' �
<br /> ' Mortgagee, may re9�ire. . . . � . . ` .
<br /> ' � That in case o[ failure to perform any of the covenants herein. t}ae Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything � �
<br /> � � ' so covenanted; that the Murtgagee may alao do any act it may deem neeessary to protect the lien thereo(; that the Mortgagor wiU � '�� � . �
<br /> �� repay upon "demand any moneys �paid qr � disbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the aFwve purposes, and such moneys toget6er with � �
<br /> � interesE t�hereon �at the rate provided in said note ahall become eo much additional indebtedness hereby � securccJ �and �� may he in- . � � � � �
<br /> � aluded in any decree forecloaing lhis mortgage and be paid out of the mnts or proceeds of yale of said premises if not otherwise ' � . . -
<br /> � paid: that it shel! not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad- � .
<br /> vancing. moneys ��� as above sut}�otized, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any . . � : . �
<br /> moneye�for. snyauch. purpose nbi Eo.do sny� act hereunder, and that � Mortgaqee shall not incar. any peFsuneCliability becnuse of any- � � � - �
<br /> thing:i4.may do or .omit �to do hereunder. � . . . . . . . . � - . . � , � , . � . � � . �
<br /> � � � In the event �of the� default by, �Mu[tgag4r in the payment of any installment, as required . by thr Note secured hereby, or � � �
<br /> . in the performance of the obligation in� thia mortgage or in �tF�e note secured thereby, the Mortqagee shall be entitled tn declare the � � � . - � ��
<br /> :� d@bt egcured. hereby_due. and payable without notice, and. the MorLgagee shall be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself , .
<br /> � or .;by a �ec.�eivei �ko �be appoint.ed. by the` court thereof, and without regard lo the adequacy ot any security for lhe indebtedness se- � . �
<br /> . .. . . . . . .. , . . .�
<br /> � cuied }iere�y. Eo enfer. vpbn ,and fake' 'pos.§es§�on" oT the �mortgaged � premisea, and �to mllect and � receive� the renls. ��issaes� and �profits�� � � �
<br /> _ � . tliereof� and' apply. the same, Jesa costa� o[ operation end collection, upon the indebtednem �aecured 6y ' thisxm�itgage�, pai��m�ts, �_ . , � ;� .
<br /> . . . . , . . ., . .
<br /> c f , s ; - ¢ � °-
<br /> ' ' � � iee�Caand ptoRfe�lieing� hereby'a7�signed� �o� tFe Morfgasee�aa further'-secunty for the payment of sll indebtetirsesi< sa.n�rak}-liert y. � -� ---- '• � �� ` r
<br /> � � . . . . . . . . . . . . -. nk.
<br /> . The Mortgagee ehall have tbe power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire [or the purpoae of repairing �said prem• �,: Y �
<br /> ines; rentin the sav�e• collectin the � rents, revenues and income, and it ma a out of seid income all . ex . z
<br /> 8 o- 8 Y P Y penses incurred in rent- . e :` ��, .� . :
<br /> ,y �, �,: `sng� and-: managing`AEkie aame� and of collecting�the ren£als� �therefrom: T'he balance remeining, it eny, ehalt tie applied toward the � t(`: ��
<br /> . ; , � diecharge o[�� �the mairtqage �ndebtednesa. Th�s aseignment . ie to ferminate and . become null and void upon releJse o( ehis mortgage. � � �� ?i;. .�.
<br /> . � r4,:x'.r< f', Y r� .�.: . . . . .. ,., , . , . , . _ . . . . . - . � _ ' . � . . . . � � � � y. , :
<br /> r . . � , .,. ; . , . ., . ,:, . .. . , -
<br /> �4 _ Y
<br /> i , �
<br /> , . . .. �. ., i%' � 'iy .
<br /> . , ,
<br /> , . . . . . . . . . . . o- • . ,. '.. . ..; _... .. _ . _ . . ... .._ _ .., �
<br /> r, _. _ '____'_'_ ' .__ - , -..`�y' .
<br /> . . � . ..._ -r..._...,..__"_" . . .__ . _.. _ .___. . _"' .
<br /> . .
<br /> :....,. . �.__ .�. ._'__'_'__' " '_ ' _ '_ . .. ' .qt � .
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<br />