<br /> - .._ - r �
<br /> 78-�t�0 2 4 5 6 M O R T G A G E
<br /> This Indenture,Made by and between �?'i.W_ _SZ�B.AAID ROSE � STAAB, Husband and Wife
<br /> , . ......_---...._..................:..__................................._. ._. .............._�.. .... ......... ..:......... whether one or more hereinaRer referrnl to as mortgagor � . , .
<br /> � � I�'IOL�L B�1I�C OF G[i�.1�1D ISIABID, Grand Island, Nebraska, hereinafter referred
<br /> � , 'The Mortgagor for end in wneideration of(5..._310_�000.00� . ----- � ^
<br /> i :.... . . �.... . . '.. . .� � . .. � �����������_�........................""'............'"""........""" .
<br /> � .�--xvrm�--.�r...zxa�...z�.._rx�l.�o.o-.--........ .......... ....................................._._........�,oi,c.nRs.�abYct��.
<br /> the. receipt whereof ie hereby aclmowledged, hne granted, bargained, sold and rnnveyed, end by the preeente, dcea�grant, .
<br /> ��' � bargain.aell and convey.unW eaid bank.the following deecribed real propertY aituated in the Covnty of..._•--..I�d�.�..................................._ . � ��.. ,.
<br /> �and BSate of Nebraska,to-wik � � ��
<br /> ' The No�th Eleven Feet (11') of Lot Twenty 7.izree (23) ancl Iot Zt,renty-ZWo (22)
<br /> � of Holcanbs Highway Hcmes Subdivision of part o£ the Northeast Q�r of
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (L�3�) and part of Iot Four (4) MainlarYl. Section
<br /> Ztaenty-Eight (28), Zbwnship Ele�ven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br /> ; j 6th P.M., Hall County. Nebraska
<br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same be7onginq, and all the estate, title,daima and � � -
<br /> � demands whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in or to said p:emises or any part, thereof; and said mortgagor does hereby cov- �
<br /> ,�� enant,Yhat the mortgagor is ]awfully seized of said premises,that said premises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor
<br /> will warrant and defend the title to said premises aRainst the claims and demands of ai) persons whomsoever.
<br /> �:���� PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions: �
<br /> .�.; WHEREAS, the mortRaKor has executed and delivered to the Bank..........a.c��ln............................promisaory note � �.: .��
<br /> ' calling for 119 oonsecutive monthly payments including principal and interest of
<br /> $3�284.10 beg�*+*+�� June 5� 1978 and a final pay[rnsit of th� rc�»nina pr'iibcipal
<br /> balance plus accrued interest thereon to be due and payable �y 5, 1988. -
<br /> and has sgreed to maintain fire, windstorm and extended coveraRe insurance on said premises in amounts required and in �
<br /> companies approved by the bank and with standard mortguge clauses which policies shall be delivered to the bank, aad has
<br /> agreed to pay all taxes and asseasments levied against said premises before the same become clelinquent and to maintain ssid -
<br /> � premises_
<br /> �.�j . Now, therefore, if the mortgagor shall comply with all of the provixions of said note and the provisiona hereof, then
<br /> �..a � theae presents ahall be null and void. _
<br /> �i However, if the above note and interest thereon or any paymenta called for thereon are not psid when due or if any "
<br /> ,_�-�� of the covenanta of this instrument are not comptied witti, the bank, or the hoider hereof, st its option m8y dec2srt the re- �
<br /> maiaing balance of said indebtednesa due and pxyable and may maintain an action at Iaw or in equity to recover all amounte �
<br /> due and�enforce the provisions hereof. In the event of the failure of mortgaQor to maintain the premises, or to maintsin � �)
<br /> � insurance as is above provided for, or to pay tsxes or assessments,the holder hereof may advance the aum or sums necessary � � �
<br /> to obtain compliance and such amounts shall be added to the amount due on the above mentioned note and bear interest at
<br /> ��;f� the highestlegal rate.
<br /> � � � ' IT IS FURTHER AGREED, this mortgage shall constitute notice hereof, that thia mortgage is security for not only � �
<br /> '�[' � the amount advanced concurrently with the execution hereof but all future advances which may be made at the option of the � �
<br /> . parties or their assigns up to the total smount stated in this mortgage, to the same extent as advances originally made here- � �
<br /> � under. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each Mortgage Note including the interest rate, psyment, maturity, �
<br /> '. � penaltiea, and other terms ahall concurrently upon execution become a part of this mortgage. �
<br /> ; IT IS FURTHER AGREED,that the said Mortgagor shali snd will pay all taxes levied upon this mortgage or the debt
<br /> ,�. . aeeured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessrnents which may be levicd under the I.aws of Nebraska, against the �
<br /> said MortRaBee or the legal holder of the said principal note(s)on account of this indebtedness.
<br /> ��'� . IT 3S FURTHEft AGREED,if at any time, while the mortgage is in effect and the note for which this mohgage is
<br /> ::�� � given as security,or any part thernof, remains unpaid, the vndersigned MortABKars sell, convey or contract to sell the real � � � �
<br /> eatate herein deacribed,or any part thereof, or the JSortgagors do not have or cease to have title to said resl estate or any
<br /> ,:� � part thereof,then and in any such events, the Mortgagee may,at'_ts option,dedare the unpaid principal balance,and interest, � � �'
<br /> ��. ot.the note aecured hereby immediately due and payable.In the event that these premises are not now,or should hereafter,not � �
<br /> � � be occupied by mortgagor then thia instrument shail constitute an assignment of rentals and service of a copy thereof upon the �� �
<br /> :�y ocenpant ahall be aufficient to mquire all payment ior rental or use of the premises after date of such 9ervice to made to � � �
<br /> ....:i' .� mortSaBee. , . . . .. .
<br /> , 3igned thie-•---..__24.�3..........._day of............ApYil.--...............•••_--.•./1�riL� LC/.....
<br /> � . � � In prnaence of /T�-� —' _ � ; .
<br /> KP��Y1E W..... ��b�`�� -
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<br /> '� � � � I�BRASKA � �.�.
<br /> '� 3TATE OF...................�'..i.'.....__.._..............., County of....... ....._.... .................. .---'°
<br /> � � Before me,�a notary public qualified for said county, personal! came EC0tIT12t1'1 W. S ��,�� � � � �
<br /> ��� � known to me to be the identical person or persons who si�ned the fo egoing instrument and acknowle g��e execu ion ere�
<br /> � � ot-to bn h�,::-her or their voluntary act and deed. � . .
<br /> { CENERIU.NOT11�.SIM�et/NOr.
<br /> .,. Wi hotarisl seal on.................. . .APr�1.2:4-•---...... ..--'-- .. 19..78.... .
<br /> �117bwaE�..Gw.t�..ff'7P .....---��---. . .. � ' �-
<br /> f �.. - � /�-/a �7G� - � � � � : .; ,,,�
<br /> � � MY,cornmiaeioa`eapiree:: .... .........._....................., 19// + �� otary Public. . . . . ,,,,ti�_...� "' , s;.
<br /> 5 ... . . . .. . � '6
<br /> STATE OF � �� ......... Entered on numerical index and filed for rewrd ''
<br /> f ..� .�. . t aa. �
<br /> � ���� � •• -�---•• f in the Register of Deeds Of�ce of said County the
<br /> � . . . .. . �. . - •� . � � �i Y
<br /> • � � ;�,.Y_ _..........day of.__.... ......... . ........ 19. ...... at ....:....... � ,,. ���
<br /> . ...... ..........o'clock and....... ...,...... .. . minutes ._..M., .
<br /> ..............
<br /> >.
<br /> ,�' .:.. .. .:. . . .. . . .. . . ; -
<br /> � �.. �� '�d recozded in Book..._.. :........ ......... of _....,... � �......................_..at page......................... __..................... � . . a;.�` w�x�
<br /> c 8 . . . . � . . . � �..�:, ...:,�
<br /> . *
<br /> � ........................................ ........._. .... ._....._........_..Reg- of Deede "'`
<br />. a � � � . . . �. . .
<br /> .� . ; . � � . . . � . By....................................................... .. ...._ ....... . ...... ....Deputy . . .
<br /> Aj
<br /> : �
<br /> �.,.._.. _ _. _ _
<br />