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__ _ � — � <br /> 78�[10 2 4�4 MORTGAGE; <br /> � , �ns nvnErrr[ix� r.n� : 25th .,' aay or. .Apri,l, , is 78 . by and between � <br /> TONdNV'B`:�ROEBER AND'<DONNA'`J`. RUEBER ` husband'and wife each in his and her own ri ht ;; ,� <br /> , -� .,:;.,t *��'_! .�� .- ,,,- ,. �. >: ,. �•. - .; ..,.: _ ,:., . ... _. .:� <br /> � and as spoi�se`of the other, ` . „ , <br /> S � � ..: Hd�� mortgegor�._._.,and G;aad Island Truet Company of Grand Isla�, a�.corporation ���- .� �; <br /> ; or8enized'�d"eiclet�Tng��und'er the laws of Nebreaka�wit6�ite principal of8ce and place of buainesa at Grand Ieland,Nebzaeka,as mortgagee; ���� �•� <br /> . � WITNES9ETH:. That eaid mortgagor.�_..,for and in conaideratian of the eum of <br /> ; �**Five Thousand .Ei ht Hundred Sixt -Three and 94 100ths'***°----^~~•• i � .; <br /> '� t6e recet c'of which ie hereb acknow . .. . : ',,. <br /> , � P y ledged,do_by theae prenente mortgage end warrsat ua �i u rs d aseigns, � ,� <br /> forever,ell tha following deecribed real estate,eitvated in the County of <br /> Ha11 "�;' . . <br /> �! md State of Nebraska,to-wit: � � � . <br /> a <br /> 1' <br /> LOTS OCdE (1) THROUGN FOURTEEN (14) BOTH INCLUSIVE ItJ WEST END <br /> � SUBDIVISION OF LOT THREE (3) OF GARLAND PLACE, A SUBDIVISION '' <br /> � OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (Pi�SE;) OF SECTION �i <br /> 1 TWENTY-THREE (23), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) , <br /> WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ; <br /> 4 <br /> � r Y ri <br /> � "� 4�' <br /> �; <br /> -�� ' s. <br /> 1 f": <br /> ' . � .. � � ;�J <br /> s k:'S' <br /> �T ethersvith all.heat' ' �'1 <br /> a `� �8 wg,�air conditioning,lighting, md plumbiag equipment and fixtures, including ecreens,awnings,etorm windowe and � 6 �, <br /> � 'dooro,and window ehedea or blinds,vaed on or in eonnection with aeid propeKy,whether the same are now loceted on said property or hexeafter <br /> � . ;_P�thereon_ . <br /> � s� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and aingutar the tenemente, hereditements and appurtenancen ChereunW be• <br /> � loaging, or in anywiee appertaining, foxever, and werrant the title W the same. Said morgagorS__hereby covenant_witd seid <br /> mortgegea thet�.he J� a►"e ,at the delivery her¢of,the lewfu!ownerS_of the premiaee ebove wnveyed and described, <br /> �„d are ��of a good and indefeaeibie eatete of inheritance thereia,free aad clear of aU encumbrancea,and thet�he�Lwill <br /> y warrant�and defend the titte thereW torever egainst the claims and demends of ell pereoas whomaoever. ' <br /> s � � PROVIDED ALWAYS,end thie instrument in e�cecuted nnd delivered to secure the pqyment of the sum of � <br /> � ***FIVE THOUSAND EIfHT HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE AND 94/100TH5*�llg,.,�$ 5,863.94 � <br /> � �wit�inteeeet.thereon,toget6er with auch chargee and advancee as may be due and payable to said mortgegee under the terms and conditions <br /> � ��.of the promiesory note of even date herewith end eecured hereby,eaecuted by said mortgagor S.__to said mortgagce,payable as eapzeased � <br /> in seid note.and to eecure the perfozmance of all the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note aze heeeby incorporated � <br /> �.��hereln by tl�ia re[�ence. . � . <br /> � It ie the Satention and eg=eement of the partiee hereto thet thia mortgage ahall also aecure any tuture advancea mede w said mortgagor�. � � <br /> ; .by eaid mortgegea,end any and ell indebtedness in eddition to t6e amount abuve atated whicti eeid mortgagora,or any of them,tnay owe to � � <br /> aeid mortgagee,however evidenced,whMher by note,book acwunt or otherwise.This mortgage ahall remain in full force and effect between � <br /> ; , � t6e pertiea Lereto and their heire,peraona]represeatetivea,aucceseora end assigna, until all amounte secured hereunder, induding future � �� <br /> �advmcee.are pald in fuL'with intereat. � � � <br /> .� ��� The mortgagor�_hereby asafga_to said mortgagce all renta md inrnme erining at any and all times from said property and � <br /> � heraby authorize eald mortgagee or its agent,at ita optioa,upoa default,to take eharge of said property and collect ell renta and income - <br /> .".•:ttt�efsom��and��aPPly�the��eeme to:the�PaYmenL of��intereet.�PrinciPel.imuranoe premiume. tsxes.asemsmmta.�rePaira�or improvemente . . <br /> � � neceesery W keep eaid property in tenanteble condition,or to other chargea or payments providad for herein or in the note hereby secured,This <br /> �� rent aeeignment ahall eoetinue in tone uatil the unpeid balence of said aote in fully paid.The taking of posaeesion hezeuader shall in no manner <br /> -;..:� .P�v�►t or;ratecd.said-mortgegee.ip tde-.wllection oF eaid forecloeure or othm�wine. . <br />� �� � �.. � The failure of the mortgagee W aeeert any of its righW hereuader at any time ahall not be conatrued as a�weiver�of ite�right W�assert the � � .r <br />¢ eame at eny tatec time.�:ind�to ineist upon and enforce atrict compliance with ati the terms and provieions of said�note and of this mortgage. . . - <br /> � � �If esid m � � . . . <br /> aatg'agor5" aball canee to be paid to eaid mortgagee Lhe entire amount dae it hereunder,ar�d under the terms end provisionc � <br /> of°aid nota heeebY aepired.iecludiug fuWre advances,aad any eztemiom or renewale the=eof ia,accoedance.-with the terme and provieiona �� . . <br /> theroof..sad if�ea9d moetgagor_.5__e6all compty with all the.pmvieiom of said aote and of thia mortgaga.then these preaenfa�aheJl be void; � <br /> .. otharwtee W reimin in fiill�-torce�and eHecf,�d s8id mortgagee ehall be entilled W the ppeseeeioa of�aU�of eaid penperty,and mey,at ita option. � <br /> declera the�ebois of seid�te and ell Indebtedneee repreeented tLe u; <br /> ' �� or teke an othar� . � immedietely due and peyable:and may foreciose thia mortgage � � ..,_`,:. .: <br /> ' `�� . Y :kBel aeEion to pratect ite right_Appe�ateement��.waIved..�. . �� .. .. . .-. . <br /> �This mottgege ahell be binding.apoa and ehall enure to the beaeQL of�the h�rn.ezecutora. administrators.sucoaesorn and assigna of the � � � �4 <br /> � �esPeetive parEles:hereto. . . . �� .. . ... . . _ <br /> . _ . .. ��:� . <br /> �vrItOeri:WTTNE98 WHEItEOF.nid Mort�gagor S� ha �e heteunW aet t�1Bl T' .�ds�'d�e day and yeer first above �, <br /> . �c <br /> . . ' r"-� .,n <br /> - � ,,. ; , . , , , .. ,. <br /> - u . .. ,. ., : . ' <br /> . . . ,. _ :kx �� <br />• .. ,��. . _..�,; � <br /> . . . �. .. , . ,.. '.1 . � `.�' .. :`.. . . `... . . .i.. ' . ..?' '. . . .wrs.,: "' ;. <br />.e <br /> �f <br /> r <br /> Donna J. Roeber <br /> F:.: . .,:.: -„ <br /> .. .,�� ,�� �-; .:;. . � <br /> � . ..: ., ... . <br />�a _ ,..,. ._.,........ � <br />� <br />� <br />