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_ t— � <br /> 78- U02442 MORTGAGE _ <br /> • ._ - THI9'INIDENTURE. meds this 25L}t ' .. day of /�A1"i� ` . 19 78. by nnd between ,'; <br /> f � <br /> � DONA'�D��L": BUTTS�AND BtTTY R': 8�1TT5, h"usband and w�tfe, each in-his •and her own right <br /> �� ..r-., r:,:... �f."1 .:"'.:,t .. .... ..... ...i. -..,� ,_ ... �,.f.: . _ . � . <br /> _ . . .,...; .�.i .... .. .,. ��:� . . . <br /> : and as §pouse of tfie other, � �" � <br /> � of_Ha�� mortgegor S ..,nnd Grsnd Islmd Truat Company of Gread leland. a�-corporation .. <br /> orgaetz�ed�and ezieting�under Ll�e lewre�of Neb=anka�with ite principal office aad place of bveinesa�et Grand Islend,Nebraska,as mortgegee: � � <br /> W I1'NE38ETFi:� TBat eaid mortgagor�_.,for ead in connideratioa of the eum of . � . <br /> t �*Eleven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-eight and No/100ths** . ��ve��;,T.7,69$.00 � <br /> : ,... , , � • <br /> ;� the receipt of which is heieby seknosvledged,do_by theae prenents mortgage and warmnt unto eeid aioitgagee,its succesaors and ansigns. � �� <br /> ��� forever,ell tbe following deeeribed real eetete,aituated in the County of Ha�� � � �. ' �� ;� <br /> and State of Nebraska,to-wit. � � . <br /> �OT FOUR (4) IN BLOCK T4l0 (2) IN DALE ROUSH SUBDIVISION <br /> IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST <br /> QUARTER (E�SW;) OF SECTION FOURTEEN (14), TOIJNSHIP ELEVEN <br /> (11) NORTH, RANGE TEt� (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. <br /> i <br /> � <br /> } F <br /> �" <br /> 'a �t;., <br /> k-. <br /> ' �,� Together with�all heating,air cooditioniag,lighting,and plumbing eqvipment nnd fixtures,including screens,awniaga,storm windowa and _ { <br /> t. dooia,and window ahades or blinde,ueed on or in connection with said property,whether the same are now located on said property or her�her A,�' <br /> � . plaoed thereoa., � � <br /> � . '��'TO�HAVE AND TO HOLD TFiE SAME,together with all and aiugular tl�e teaements,hereditemente and appurtenancee thereu�W be• .. ��� <br /> i <br /> longing, or in anywise appertaining, foxever, md warrant the title to the same. Said morgagori—hereby covenant_with said � <br /> ; moitgegee that�he X . a re ,at t6e delivery hereot,the lawful owners of the piemmisea above conveyed and described, <br /> 2 , <br /> e <br /> y and a� eeized of a good and indefeaeible entate of inherftance thereia,free and clear of all encumbrencea, and that_�he�Lwill � <br /> � warrant sad defend the tiUe thereto forever ageinat tk�cleims and demands of all persons whomnoev�. <br /> � � PROVIDED ALWAYS,end thie inatrumenL in executed and delivered to eecu[e the peyment of the sum of ' � <br /> # **Eleven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-ei ht and No/100ths*�ou,��a 11.698.00 �, <br /> � with inteeeet theeeon,Logather with such charges end advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br /> �� oftbe promieeory note of evea dete 6erewith end secured hereby,ezecuted by eaid mortgegor.�_to said mortgagee,payable as expresaed � <br /> � .in eaid note,ead W eecure th:e performance of all the terms and condttiona contained theiein.The terms of said nate are hereby i�orporated � , <br /> f ��beeein by thia zeference. .. . .� <br /> �� �� It ia the intantiou aad ag:eemeat of Lhe puties hereto that t6is mortgage ehall also aecure eny future advencee made Eo said mortgegor�_ � � <br /> ' by aeid mortgagee,and any and ell Indebtednma in addition to the amount above atated whick.eaid mortgagors,or eny of them,may owe to . . � <br /> � seid mortgagee,however evideaced,whether by aote,book accouat or otherwise.This mortgege ahall remaia in full force and effect between � � <br /> 1 L6e pertiee hereW and their beirs,pereonal repiesmtativen,succesaors and assigna,until all emounts secuxed hereunder, including future � � � <br /> b' edvancea.are paid in fuL'with interest. � � . <br /> � �� 1'be�mortgagors hexeby aseiga_to said mortgegce all rente md income arising at eny and all times from seid property and �� � <br /> � hereby aut6orize eaid mortgagce or its agent,et iW option,upon defeult, to take cherge of said property end eolleet all renta and income � � � � <br /> ..� . "� ..��therefrom'�a�.'.apply�the�aame.W��t6e payment of intereet� Pr3ncipal.ineurance premiume.�taz�. eseeeemenW:i'ePaire or�'vnprovements ... . . :. ::�,. <br /> � necessary to keep eaid pcopercy in teaantable condition,or W othez chargea or paymente provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.This <br /> j . .rent anaignmmt ahall continue ia force until the unpaid bnlance of eaid aote is fully paid.The teking of possesaion hereunder ahall in no mnnner � ��� � <br /> � . •.prea�en4.or�reterdsaid.moetgagee:Snt6e,collection.of.eaidsumsbyforecloeureorotherwiee. . . . � ,,; <br /> ! . .. . .. . , . . . .. - . �.. ..� �� �.. . - ' . <br /> i The failursof the mortgagee to aeeert any of ite rigY�fs hereunder at any time ahsll not be construed ea�a weiver of its right to assert the . ' <br /> i � neme at sny later time,.and to imiet upon and enforce strict compliaace with ell the termn and provisions of said�note and of this mortgege_ ' � <br /> � . � If eaid �'-�.�. . r.� ahall eauee W be � . � . . � . <br /> . _ mortgego $ paid W eaid mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder,and vnder the terms end proviaions <br /> of said note hereby eecured,iacluding fvture edvancea,end any exCe�reioae or renewela theieotin eccordnnce with the terms and proviaions .. . . . .. . . <br /> e eo <br /> .,d :� �fd+�eof.end if�eaid mortgagor�_ehsll comply with nll the pmvisione of eaid note and of thia mortgagei�then theee preeenta ehall be void: � . .. . <br /> "4 �.otharwise W�eameia ia fiill fozee and�eHect:aad eaid mortgegee ahall be entitled W the poeseesloa of all of eald PropertY.and its option. . <br /> 's � 'declare the wh'ob of eaid.note and ell indebtednees ropreeented thereby to be immedistely dve end payeble,md may fomlose this mortgage �. <br /> 3 .�. or teke aqy ot6er bgal�.ection to protect ite zig6t.Apprainemeat.waived.;. . .... ; .�. . , � �_�,.::.� ..., <br /> ��� ' . Thte mortgRge shall�ba bmding'�upoa sad ehell enure W the beneHt of�the heire,eaecutare.adminintraWn.encaesson and essigns of the . � <br /> �e�cu�a p.rt���rew.;� _� �. a :. :, �r� ��� � ; ti <br /> , �<,r ' <br /> F ��.IN WITNE.98 WIiEREOF,seld Mortgegor�_ha�.hexeunto.aet thP_ �i�_�hand S�_the day and year�.first ebove � . <br /> � �vrlCten. {.. ; � .., .. .. � ���Y• <br /> t - �� ,� .���r--- �-, �� <br /> � . vmta�az--ane : ��_ ��:x <br /> � ; ,�,��.- <br /> ,.. �:: tt�y�t gutts' . <br /> � �; . <br /> ', i '.fv"< <�.::, .�.::;"f: s. � �:.,, j � ��.::�.r .. ,..:;.� a- .,,...,.,� :. �. . .. .., . . . . . <br /> . . ..N: .. -_ ..._.. . . <br /> ^ . . _. . . .,. '... . _... �.. . <br /> '',. . .... .> �....... ....c.. .. , . . .... . �. J <br />