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<br /> � � .._:
<br /> REAL ESTA E �_______ _ FORM fL6 2oa (Rev. - i
<br /> 78-•+f�02424 i�
<br /> cete April 25, 1978 li
<br />; ,� �� ;
<br />; ,, t ,
<br />} Dennis L. Huxtable and Barbara J. Huxtable � I' � �
<br /> (also known as Barbara Huxtable),
<br />�
<br /> husband and wife �. }
<br /> . nortgagors, �
<br />� �� £:
<br /> J of Hall count Nebraska
<br /> Y� , in conslderation of 1�
<br /> 3 the advance ot�the prineipal sum recited in the note hereinafter described,receipt of which-Ss acknowledged, hereby �
<br />� mortgage and convey to � !�
<br /> THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, ;I +
<br />{ of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />` is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100.
<br /> I ��
<br />� � �- Mortgagee (subJect Lo 012, gus, and mineral rights owned by partSes other thun Mortgagors• exlsting easements of �!
<br /> � record; reservatlons in United States and State patents;and the rights of the puDlic Sn all kiighways), thefallowing- �;
<br /> � descriDed real estate in Hall county, Nebraska . �1 ,
<br /> f
<br /> � SEC. TWP. RQ. �� S''
<br /> SE3r,NE3L; and NE'-LSF3y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 lON 11 W 6th P.M. �} i x'
<br /> � �� t
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<br /> contalning S0 acres, more o[• less, together with all of the rl�t, tltle, a.nd interest ts
<br /> (now ownedorhereafter acquired) otthe Mortgagnrs in sald property, including all builtlings, Smprovements,fixtures, +(
<br />. or appurtenances thereon or hereatcer placed thereon; all water, Srrigatlon, and dralnage rlgtats; the tenements,
<br /> heretlitaments, and appurtenances thereto antl tl�e rents, Sssues, crops, nnd protlts arisSng Srom sald lands• and (Sf �i �
<br /> the Mortgagors� rights in the publlc domain are requiretl by Mort�igee for security purposes) all leases,�permlts, �I � �
<br />- lScenses,or privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenanc to sald mortqagea �remises,now or hereafter Sssued, extended, �
<br /> or renewetl Co the Mortgagors Dy Lhe United �tates or Lhe state Sn which Lhe nbove-aescrlDed property is located or
<br /> a�y7i department, bureau, or agency thereof. I�
<br /> 1Ttls mort�age 1s Riven to secure a promissory note oi even tlate herewlth, exer.uLed by Mortgagors to nortgagee, in ��
<br /> t
<br /> the principal sum o2_ NINETY-SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - �i
<br /> p$Yable with interest accordinq r,o the terms of sald noCe, the ilnai psyment being due and payable on the f�stAda,y �
<br /> S
<br /> pf MaiCh, 1998 . �,ts conveyance shall be void upon the pa,yment of sald promissory note. �
<br />. ThSs�mortgage is sub�ect to the provislons ot THE FARH C9EDIT ACT and all acts amendatory tnereof or supDlemental �� �
<br />. thereto. The proceeGs oi che loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes speclZled Sn the Hortgagars� app11- �� � �
<br /> cation for�ssld loan anG authorized by sald Act.
<br /> i
<br /> The Mortgagors, and each ot them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged real proDerty; Lhat they ,I � �
<br /> will Aefend the title against all clalmants whomsoever, antl that sald property is free from all encumbrances; that t
<br /> they will keep all�the lmprovements, tixtures, and appurtenances occupled and Sn good repair and permlt no acts oS E� �
<br /> waste• and they will rellnQuisti all rlghts oI homestead Sn said premises, anQ covenant and agree with the Hortgagee, ;'
<br /> as follows: . �
<br /> (S) That they will pay when tlue all taxes, liens, �udgments, or assessments whlch may be lawfully assessed against �(
<br /> . the property herein mortgaged, �� .
<br /> on�sa d8t they wlll insure and keep Snsured bu11d1ngs or other SmDrovements now on or which may heresfter be placed ;� � .
<br /> yremises to the satisfaction ot Lhe Ylortgagee,such Snsursnce pollcy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause ;i -
<br />. with��the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. pny sums receivetl may be used to pay for reconstruction ��
<br /> of the destroyed improvements; or. Sf not so applled, may, at the option oi the Mortgagee, be applled Sn payment of F,
<br /> aqy indebtedness,.matured or unmatured, securetl by this morteaBe. {`
<br /> (3) 7'o pa�Y all rents, fees, or charges now due or to become due under the terms of each lease, permlt, 1lcense, or ��
<br /> il
<br /> �..yrlvilege.oa�the�.publle�domain whlch Ss aypurtenant or nonappurtenant Lo the mortgaged premises, whicn nas been �
<br /> �isaueQ, extended,or renewed by the Untted StaCes or Lhe stste ia �vhSch the above-described proDerty Ss located: and � �
<br /> Lo�perform anG��.observe every act, covenant, condltion, and�stlpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same in good `� ��
<br /> sLanding;.and Lo take�every necessary step Go secure the relssue, renewal, or extenslon of each of the same; anG to .t� -��
<br /> . assign�,�waive; pledge,�,or enGorse to Che�Mortgagee each lease, permlt, llcense, or privilege ii Mortgagors� rights �� §
<br /> 3 n Dublic Gomain are requlreQ�by Mortgagee for securlty Purposes. �j � � �� .;�. s,��
<br /> (4) That Sn the event'�Lhe Mortgagee�is a party tu eny liti �� � �'�'�
<br /> gation.affecting the securlty or the lien of Sts mort- :�
<br /> �gage, includ2ng apy�suit Dy.the Hortgagee to foreclose�thls mortgage or aqy�suit Sn which the Mortgagee may be named �G � �,,.
<br /> �a Darty�defendant in which St� is obllgated to protect its rights or lien, Sncluding condemnation enC bankruDtcy
<br /> .prxeedinga, tLe-�Hortgagee may-incur�e�cpenses and advance paymeut for abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the ,) J�� �:
<br /> extent yrohSblted�by law),�costa,�exDenses,�anG:pther.charges. . . ;� .
<br /> N
<br /> {Fr) lqhat'in the�avent the Martgagors feil to pay.when.due any taxes�, llens�,��uGgments, or assessments, or fall to �� �'�".,,
<br /> malntain�insvrance as.herelnbefore�provideG, or fa11 to pey rents, fees, or charges under the terms oi azyy iease, � ��"-
<br /> .��DgI'mit,. 1Tcense, or�privilege; or Hortgagee is requireG to�incur expenses for abstract fees, attorney fees, costs, �� � '
<br /> ���ex{renses,�and��otner��'chsrges���in�"�connecClon�.wi�th�11t1gstlon,�Hortgagee mqy make�such D�Yment orprovide such insurance, �I� � � � � �•^���" �+.,?�"9 ="�
<br /> �px'1aClu' SUCL obli8at2on,.flnQ the amaunGs paid�therefor shall.Decome�a Dart af Lhe Sndebtedness secured hereUy due '
<br /> aaa D�UaDle immeQiately,�and shall bear lntereat�Iran the d¢Le ol�pavment at t,he same rate as prov:�ed for Gefault ��
<br /> Ss the�note. . . ..:,. . . . .. . �. .. ._ . . .. i . .
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