i �
<br /> �e-, �/ 0 2 419 , , .
<br /> � . . ,
<br /> � That tke Mgrtgagor wrll pay the mde6tedness aa �hereiqbefore Qrovided �. � ; � � . � � � � � . . .
<br /> � ., .
<br /> � � � . - That the Mort a o=�iSFt�ta Owiier ol said - y .,.�.,. 1 „ : . ^ � � .. � . . . . . . � . .
<br /> g g z property in fee �simple and has good right nnd lawfu( authority to sell and �
<br /> � ' rnttvey the same and tha0 th�rv�eame ia fLee and elea; of eny Len or. gncumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and �deten8 the; � � ' � . � � � �
<br /> t:He to said 'preinesestiagaitist�Yfte �ClB�ius of'ell ` peraone whoma'oever
<br /> ; ; .
<br /> � � To pap irqmedaately ii^hen 8y`e 'an�d psyable all �general �taxee, apecia! laxes, special assexvments, wnter chazgea; sewer serv-� � ' �
<br /> ice charges, -and �other ta:es and charges against said � property , � and nll taxes levied an� the� debt secured hereby, and to furni.ah the � � � � �
<br /> . :
<br /> . , Mortgagee, upon request, with the�. original .or,duplicate receipts therefor. � The Mortgagor agrec� �that there sha�l be added -!o .` �ti � � . �, ' � �
<br /> � � each monthly payment required hereuniler dr unr3er the� evidence o[ debt � secured hereby an amount estimated hy the Murtgagee �'� � .
<br /> ' � . to be aufficienY; finu enable th+e�� �Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, alf [axes, asxeasments, and similar charges upon thecprem- . � jf�. �� � � � ��.
<br /> � ises �suGjecf thereto;'� anq' deRriertCy because �>( the iusu�ciency � of such addiiional � paymenLs vhall be forthwith cteposited by the � " � � .
<br /> � ; Mortgagor with the Mortgagee u�wn demand by thc biortgagee�. Any defai�lt �mdrr this f�uragrt�ph ahali he derrned a default in � . �
<br /> . +�+fif�yr4l�tit�ot. [�x 'er.r-a�6EF3smerr�`r 1m�l,ar chnrgcs rnquirxd hrreundci�� � ' 1t f - � -. ,. � � � .
<br /> _, c � .
<br /> . r'
<br /> � .) c.�.}' :.. .)4:3c '� ! . ... . . . .�, ._ :" 1 . .. . . ._ _: : T. . 31:;' . .. ) a 1 (" � Ub:'� �s �, 1 ' f. � . .
<br /> � Tha MortKagor agrees that there shult al�.> be aaa�a t�.� each mt�nlMy `paqin�t�F"ot {�rineifiaf and' 3nthYest tN{ilit!e'd`hete> '-` ` �'`� . � . � '
<br /> � under an amount estimated by the Murlgagee tu be sufficient to enable the Mort�;agce to pay, as it txromes due, the insurance � � � � . �
<br /> �� preemium on any insurance policy delivered to fhe Mnrtgagee. Any deficiency hecauae ot the insufficiency of such additional pay - � . .
<br /> ments sfia❑ � he forthwith`depa9iteA � by tFie Mortgagor with the Mnrtgagee upon � demand hy the MortqaR�'� Any de[ault unrler this � _ � .
<br /> paragraph shall be deemed� a default in tbe payment of insuranc� premiums. If the �x�liry nr policies deposited are such as hvme- � ' � �
<br /> ; owners or all risk q>licies, and the depositg err in4u(ficienl to pay the ��ntir�� pre•mium, the Mortga�ce mny apply the depovit to � � - .
<br /> pay premiums on risks reqwred to be insured by, thia murlKage. - .
<br /> � . ... . . , . _ _ . ... . . . . , . .� i . . ..,, � . _ � � .
<br /> j . _.. •1 . . . . . . . . . ... _� : � . .. . .. . .. � . {J . •. . .
<br /> �. � eew . i ♦. - . . . . � . . . . i' . . : � ., a 1 .. .
<br /> Payments ;made �by the MvctgaKvr Yn�er th�t;aljovnparagrapha �may: �at ���he �, nptiog �, of ,dhr 'Mortg�gee, �. t� hrld ' Ay it and '� � � " �
<br /> � commingled with �otYier auch funds or � its own funds fur thr payment nf RU4'.}I items, and until so An�I1PfI� SUCFI �)OyTClItS are hereby . � - ,
<br /> � pledged es security for the unpaid balance o( the mnrtgagr indebledness. � �
<br /> e
<br /> , TO NI'(K'LLCC. (�PIIVG� CO, AI1(� RIA1f1�81p �U� �f)P hCl1Cf � O� tf'IY �QO��(�HKBB <�U �lilF LFIC �I�Y O( (F114 mortgage uriK � �al policies 9IIC� .
<br /> renewals thereof, delivered at least ten rlays t�fore thr expiration of any such policies, insuring against tire and other insurahle � � �
<br /> hazarda, casaalties, nnd contingenciex ae the Mortgag�e may require, in an amount equnl to the inde6tednesa secu�ed by this . �
<br /> Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mort.gngee, with loati payabte ciause in fnv�u of and in form acceptable tu the Mortqa- - . �
<br /> gee. In the event eny policy is not renewcnl on ur befare ten days nf its �xpiretinn, th<• MortRagee may procure insurance on the � � �
<br /> . improvements, pay !he premium thrretor, and �uch sum shall bccume immediately due and payablr with interest at the rate set � �
<br /> ' foKh in said not¢ until pnid and ehnll Ix• recumd by this murtgaKt•. Failure on thc part vf the Morlgagor !u furnish such renewals � ��
<br /> � � as are herein r uired or failure to >a un � � � `�
<br /> eq � y y sume advanced hereundrr shall, at the nptiun of the MortKagee, cunstitute a default . .
<br /> � under the temv4 of this mortRagr. The delivery of such t�ulii•ies shall, in !he c-vent of defnult, constitute an assiRnrnent of the um � � � �
<br /> . earncd premium. �
<br /> . Any suma received by the MortRagee by reavun o( loss or d•amage insured against may be retained by the Mortgaqee '
<br /> and applied toward the payrnent of the debt hereby srcured , or, at the option of the Mortgagee, auch euma either whn!!y or in . . .
<br /> � . part may be paid over to the Mortgegor ta be used to repair such buitdings or to build ' �ew buildings in their place or for any �.
<br /> � other purpose or object satisfactory to the Murtgxgee withaut ulTectin� the Tien on thF mortqege for the full �mount secured here- �. . �
<br /> �� � � � by before such payment ever took place. � � ��
<br /> : . . . ',..ee,:.y.
<br /> . � To promptty repair, reatore or rrbuild any buildinKw nr improveme-nts now ur hrreafter on tbe Premises which may be• . � � � � �
<br /> � come damaged or destroyed ; to keep said premises in gowl condition and repair and [ree from any mechanic'n lien or other lien or . � ' � �
<br /> . claim of lien not expre�sly subordinated to the lien hereoF, not to suRer or permit any unlawtul use uf or any naisance to exiat on � . . � � �
<br /> . . . said property nor to permit wuste on said premises, nor [o clo any other act whrreby the property hereby conveyed xhall bernme . � � . �
<br /> � less valuable, nor to diminiah or impair its vulue by any act or omission to act : fo comply with al! requirements ut law with respect ' � -
<br /> � � to the mortgaged pmmises and the use thereot � . . �
<br /> � That ghould the premiaey or any parl therrof be takc:n or damaged by reaxon o( any public improvement or condemnation � .
<br /> proceeding, or under Che right ot eminent domain, or in any other manner, the M� rtqagee shatl be entitled to all compensations. �
<br /> � awards, and any other payment or relie[ there(oq and shall be entitled, at ita option.- to commence, appear in' 'and prasecute- irt its - - � �
<br /> � own name eny action ur proceeding, ur to make any compromiae or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. All such �. � � � . �
<br /> � � compensation: awards, damagea, right af � action and pzoceeds are hereby assigned to the Mmtgagee, who may. atter . deducting � . � � �
<br /> therefrom all �its�- expensee, release any: moneys so received by. it or apply the same un any indebtedness secured .hemby..The MotC- � � � . .
<br /> . gagor ageees � to execute such . further aesignmentx of any compensation. awarda. damxgea, and riqhts of acliun and .proceedn as �.ihe . �
<br /> .. Mortge8ee maY re4uire. . _ � . . . . . . � . . .., . _ .
<br /> . . That in case of failure to per(orm any of thr covenantx herein, the Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything - �
<br /> . so covenantetl; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereoC: that the Mortgagor will - , � �
<br /> repay upon ' demand � any �moneya paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee for any uf the aFwve purposes, and such moneys togetliei with � � .
<br /> �� � interest fhereon� -at ' the rate provided in said note shali become so much additional � indebtednesx hereby srcured � and may be irt- � ' � �� �� � �
<br /> � cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of the renis or proceeda of aele of said premiaes if not otherwiee ' .'�� . � . .
<br /> . ! . � paid; that it ahall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee lo inquire into the validity o[ any Iien. enc�mbrancex. or claim in ad- � � � � . � � .
<br /> , � vancitig.�moneys�.aa� above .autt�orized,' but nothi�g hereia contained sha11 be construed as � re�quiring the Mortgagee to advance any • � � � � � ��
<br /> i . moneys�. for any �such�. purpoae �nor to .do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any persunal liability . becauxe of any- �' . � �
<br /> thing.,it,may do or omit to do }iereunder. . ''~•��...
<br /> . . F . . . . . . � . . �
<br /> � � � � In the event o! the defsult by MurtgaKor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note accurecl hereby._ or � � . � . .
<br /> . in the performance o( the obligation in [his mortgage or in Lhe note secured tfiereby, lhe Mortgagee shall be entitled t<� declare the � . � �
<br /> � � � debt xcured hernby due and payable without notice, and thr Moztgagee ahall be entitled at its optian, wilhaut noticr, eilher by iLael( � � �
<br /> ' 1. � � or,..by a ieceiyer to ;be app�inted by. 4he � court thereof, :and- without regerd to the adequacy of any � security for the �indebteclness se- . � . . .
<br /> r � ': . curEd hereby; to;enter' upon 'and take� pos§edsion�oY the �mortgaged� premisee; and to collect and � receive the � rents. �issues end �profits � � ��-
<br /> ; tFiereqf 9n3' apply t}ir` �ame: ]ese coet��� of operation and �colfection, vpen the� � indebtrdnese secured l�y � thi�s .,r�qr�gagg;, sejc� �, renta;' � �
<br /> . , s. �. �. ieeties'end piofits being hercbyeaxigned-. to the Mortqager� as further aecurity Jor the payment ot a0 indebtednesa 'stcurrtl� Irereby:' " � � . .z - � :"'F� . -
<br /> n . . . . . . . , . . . . . . „
<br /> � . The Morlgagee shall have the iwwer to appoint any agent or agenb it may deaire (or the purpose of repairing �said ryrem- �� �
<br /> • iees; ronting � the same; collecting the. rents, revenue� and income, and it .may pay out of said inrnme all expenaes incurred in rent- � �� i
<br /> . :
<br /> �..�,_ �� ing '�:and managing fh 'e aamA and o[ colleuting tFe rentals� fherefrorri The� balance remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the , �� ,, ,
<br /> -,# �diachsrae ot the mortgage indebtedneeis,_ Th�s� asaignment ia lo Lerminate and become null and void upon releese o[ thin mortgage. � �
<br /> �' ' , i . .s� .... >S 3eiG. q �il > . i . ..: a �.{ ... . . . . � . ..
<br /> ., . . , � :.i" . . , . . . �. � . . F :..'. . . f . . , �. . . . f � �� ' . . J
<br /> y . . � Y. . . . � , .
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