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<br /> �s- U02417
<br /> 'j'HE Md�TGPi('a01Lt4FF�THSIZ�:`'�C'..OVENAN7� �A�ID�•!A(�f2EE6Y j ` • • r., � � ] ,
<br /> . , _ . .,. . . � . .. . :. .
<br /> � Thet�-.tha Mortgagor ' I � � mdebtedness aa' hereiqbefore provided. � . � . _ — r � �jt:q �
<br /> _ , :� -: � .-�fi'' � , .� : , . . ;, ,' ,'= f ` - .
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<br /> That th� Mort� P�a or ts.:the ¢w=ier o( eaid property in (ee aim�le and haa ood ri ht and lawful authorit to sell and
<br /> ' _ 8 B
<br /> Y
<br /> � � convey the eam��qt�@K'�-�the eetne� �a fseg and cte,ar ot any, lien 6'rFe�c��matance; an'c�r;t,lR�YYA'�ortgagor will warratrt. ti!'. -
<br /> ?�S �f�4tY� Fk�!4i:,.AG
<br /> . � � � tiUe � to eaid �preinises'� ags�nsL 4He claiais:`of aI� Iiezeon4 whomsoever. ' , �= � �
<br /> � � . ' � a' 3� . (1� GJ ,.., � r .i 4 • '. : ' .:�. . . � i� ' : ` . 1 ,.
<br /> ' { , • � n_,, . . � .. .
<br /> � � Tq payv�atejy 'whe� due�"aitd payabla ell general taxes.. spec�al Laxes, npeciat assesnmrnts, water churgea �.uwfi�f� serv- '- �� ,
<br /> � ice charges, and .othec �taxes and c6arges agains��aid;�}�ropegCy u,n,!F%�i1?t���',levied on the debt secured hereby, and to Curnish the . ,
<br /> , .' � : Mortgagee, u� req�est�awith thY �or��nal or duplicate ,receipts therefor. �'I�h� Mortga{tor agrees ihat �. tAefe,.''. shatl kie^,�BdfI�1 x'p'L,3i:;
<br /> � each monthly payment reqm� hereunder or uoder the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Morlgagee _ . . ��
<br /> �, , .o . , , , r :� > . � .
<br /> ���, � to be sufficient� fd Enab!'e the Mortgagxe,' to Vay, as they become due, etI � taxes, aagessments, and similar chargex upon tbe 'Prem• : .a" .. , . . ,
<br /> �� � iaes �subjeet thereto; �any deSciency because ot the � insu�ciency of � such ndditional payments shaii he forthwith depa5ited by lhe � � .
<br /> � qu��p; tylth LhK. Mortgagee upon. .demand by the b2ortkaF,r. E•. At�' default undcr th�� PPregrapl-� sht�ll br dermed a detault in � .
<br /> � ��fit �i[ �tsx�c '�A.4H��.'s�menta � nr xi*hilar chrargPs require�l_ hFr��un�l'Er � � � � .
<br /> e , , .
<br /> . , . . , , . . , , . . : , � ,. , . . . - . , :. � : �. , , .�. . � ., ,.
<br /> '� . . -.. : . � . ..ir. .: . ,.. -� : , . � . . .. . . . � � . . ... _ . . .
<br /> , f . . . .. , . . - a . . _ , . .. _ ' ' � . . .
<br /> � The Mortgxgor agrees that tM1ere sh�ll � alsn k�r added to esch monthly payment of �principal and intercxt requirecl �here- � � � �
<br /> under an amounY eatimated by th<• Mortgagec tu be si�cient to enubir the bfortgage� Ln yny, as iY becomes due, the insurance , � .
<br /> I prnmium on any insurance pulicy delivered to Che Mortgagee_ Any de6ciency tHxause n( lhe inaufficiency o( such . additionai puy• � . -
<br /> mentn � shall `be �forthwith dePacited by the � Martqagor with thc MortgA�ee u�n demand� by the hiortgagee. Any default undr.r this � . _
<br /> paragraph ahall fie deemed a defaUlt in the payment of incurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited are snch as fx�me- .
<br /> � owners or a❑ risk poficies, and the de{��itc arr insuffici�nt fo pi3Y th�• entire premium , the MortgaRee may apply the de�sH to . � ' , " � �
<br /> '. pay premi�ms on risks required to be ingurecl by this mortgaga � . ,
<br /> f ;5 + . . -: '; :: �, .. �_.� . . , . . ,. . . . r � , . . � .. � .
<br /> , : � v �
<br /> Paymentc made 4y ,the� b4urtgagw u��jec ,the n6yvc "pazngra��hs may, at khc � option �oC�t�ie. M�tttg�,gee ' be hetd ' by it and � .;
<br /> , � � . , . . . . .: �
<br /> � commingled with othet 'vu8}i��fu�ids nr' it4� Awn � (Unz15 foP the pu'ymint �At such 'it�ms; hnd "ontil so appliedj �sveh Payments are hereby ; . " = .
<br /> � pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortga�:r { R(IBh�BIIlIP58. � .
<br /> To prucure, deliver to, and rnaintain for thc h.�ni fit ��f the Morlgagee during Lhr li(e o! this mortgaqe uriKinn) policies and � . .
<br /> renewals thereoE, deliverecl at least ten days Ixfare the cxpiration of any such polit•irs, insuring against fire and other insurable . . . -
<br /> �� hazarda, csaualtiea, and contingencies as the Mortgagec may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this � .
<br /> Mortgage. and in companies xceeptable lo fhe Mortgagce, with loss paynblE� claose in favor of and in form acceptable to the Mortga-
<br /> � gee. In the event sny P���cy is not renewed on or before ten days uf it:: expiration, the Mortgagee may procure insarance on the � ,
<br /> improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum sha❑ ber.ume immediatcly due nnd payable with interest at the rate set
<br /> �� forCh in eaid note until paid and sha❑ tx• secur.•d by this mortgage. Failure ��n thr. p�rt o( the Mortgagor to f� rninh such renewals
<br /> as are herein requirr.d ur (uilure to pay any sums advanced b� reundrr � shall, at thr option ot the Mortgagee, constitute a detautt � .
<br /> under the terma u( lhiw mortgage_ The drlivery of surh policies chall, in the c•vent o( drfault, con4titutc an aaciKnment o( the un- .. . �
<br /> �.. eamed premium. � � � � - �
<br /> � Any sums received by the MortgaKr.e bY reason ot loss or damuKe insured aRainst may be retained by the b9ortgaqee : �
<br /> and applied toward the payment o( th� deM hereby s�rcured _ ur, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly or in
<br /> � + part may be peid over to the Murtgagor tu be used tn repair such buildin�s or to build ' new builrlings in their place or for any
<br /> . other purpoae or object satisfactory to the MurtKage�� without aftecting thr lien on the mortgage (or the (ull amount securAd here-
<br /> by befure such payment ever took place. . � � .
<br /> � To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildinKs � r improvemrntx now ur hrreafter on the premises which may be- �� �. � �;.,,.,..��.;
<br /> come damaged or destroyed : to keep �id premises in gewd condition and repair and free. from any rnechanic's lien or other lien or _ ,
<br /> daim of lien not expressly subordinated to the tien hrreof; not to sufter or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on � �
<br /> eaid property nor to permit weste on said premises, nor to do any othr. r xct wherebp thr property hereby conveyed shall hecome
<br /> ' � less valuable, nor to diminiwh or impair its value by any act or omis+ion to Hct: to comply with a❑ requirements of Iaw with renpect
<br /> . to the morlqaqed premises and the use thereoL � . � � �
<br /> � That st�ould the premises or any part thereot be taken or damuged by rEeason of any public improvement or condemaation � � �
<br /> � proceeding, ot under the right oF eminent domain, or in any other manner, the MortgaSPe shall be entitled to all compensations, .
<br /> � � awards, snd any other payrnent or relief therefur, and shall be entitled, at ita option, to commence, appear in and proe�ecute in ib ..
<br /> � own aame any action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or setUement in connection with such taking or�damage. All such . ..
<br /> � � compeneation.� �awards. damaBes. right of action and proceecls are hereby assigned to the � Mortgagee. who � may:� . after - deducting � . �
<br /> � therefrom all its-expenses. release any moneys� so receivec! by il or apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort• . -
<br /> � � gagor egreeg to . ezecute � such . further axsignments of eny compeneatiun, awards. damages, and rights ot actian and � Prcxrcrls ex the
<br /> Mortgagee . may. require. . , . . � � - � .
<br /> That in case of failum to perform any of thr covenants herein, the Morlgagee may do an the Mortgagor's behalf everything . . � � � � .
<br /> ' so covenantetl: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may derm necessary to protect the lien lhereof; tha[ the Mortgagor will . .
<br /> � � repeY upon demand � any moneys' paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the akwve purposee, and vuch moneys � toRetBer with � �. . . � �
<br /> � intere'st'�thereon �at the rate prwided � in seid note ahall become so much addilional indebtedness hereby secured and may Ae in- . � .
<br /> cluded in any decree (orecloxing this mortgaRe and be paid out of the rentv or proceeds of sale of said �premises if not otherwise � � -
<br /> paul; that it shall noC be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity ot any lien, encumbrancea, or claim in ad- , .
<br /> . + vsacing moneys "es above atithorised, but nothinq � herein contained shall be construed �as requiring the Mortgagee t� advance any . . .
<br /> moa�eye for:any � �auch �purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any persunal liability becau.ve o( any-
<br /> � thing .it mag� do: or.. omit .to du hereunder. . � . � � .
<br /> �� � � � In �Lhe event� �oE the default by Murtgagor in the payment o[ any instellment, as required by the Note secured hereby. or � � . �
<br /> i�. in the pedormance ot the obligation in -thie mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the MortqaRee shall be entiUed to declare the :
<br /> � debt.eecured harebX . due ,and peyable.. without notice.. and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at ita option, without notice, either by itself �
<br /> ' or. .by' a �eceivet to �be appointed by the �court thereof, and without regerd to the adequacy o[ � any �security � for� the indebteiiness ee• �
<br /> � cured hereby, to `eriter' vpon � snd take�� posSessibn of the � mortgagedpremisea, and to cotlec! and receive the rents, ii+sues and profits .
<br /> thcreot end`epply tHe dame. aese costs`of operation and collection, upon�� the �indebtednesa secured� hy � 4his mortgage;, - seid tents.� . .
<br /> ' . . .. , � , . . , ,. .. „ . .
<br /> . < " � � ies+ues�and ptrifEta b`eing hereby��aasigned��to the�� Mortga�+ee'�as furth�er security Jor the� payment of all indebtednesd` 'seeure'ri'�hereb�:' j` . . �
<br /> , .. , . . . . , .. - . .. � � . � � � ..> ..-. �. .
<br /> 'The Mortga8ee ehall have the power to appoin! any agent or agents it may desire for the purpoee o[ repairing said prem- . r-�`c"�� � �
<br /> ' ises; renting� the same: coUeqting the,: rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out o[ said inrnme all expenses . incurred in rent- � � t+ . e �
<br /> � , �
<br /> � � , .�, ing and managing�the name �and o[ �collecGng the rnntals ' theref rom_� The balance remaining, if any, shall be applied � foward the
<br /> ��� .diecherge: o[ ttae mortgage indebtednras. Thia ass�gnment is !o terminate and become null and void upo� retease of thia mortRage. ' , �♦
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