: �, � �
<br /> � �8- �
<br /> - - - ----- _� _. �,
<br /> _ ._______._, :_ ___ ___
<br /> _ _____ _ � .._� _ ._:- .
<br /> , ���.___.�._�-�_�-_____- �__._
<br /> . 58-A—REAL E3TATE MORTGAGE (Corp.)—Wlth Tax Clawe Revised 1982 1be HuHmm Ganer.l 3upply Houae.LmoWa,Nebr. � �� -
<br /> YL � �
<br /> K1�IOW pLL MEN BY THE3E PRESENT3: That Mid—COIItinOrit EritErpriSOS� InC. fj
<br /> �•
<br /> C � a corporation orgaaized and ezisting under end by viztue of the lawa of the 3tate ot Nebraska � �� � + ��
<br /> rnnaideration of the sum of Forty-three thousand & no/100 ($43,000.00)------- noLLwxs �
<br /> ; in I�and paid,dcee hereby SELL end CONVEY unto )
<br /> " Commercial National Bank & Trust Company $+
<br /> oe Hal l councy,State of Nebraska the following described premises sitnated �i
<br /> :n Hal l councy,�.a s�ace ot Nebraska ,co-wic: �i
<br /> !i
<br /> Lot Thirty Five (35) in Block Six (6) , ?f
<br /> � Unit One Continental Gardens, An Addition i;
<br /> , to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, t;
<br /> ? Nebraska. i;
<br /> �f ''
<br /> � In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted
<br /> to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method �!
<br /> whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once �
<br /> ! become due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure �:
<br /> �� to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br /> �� in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right. to exercise '�
<br /> the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. ��
<br /> �� 1'
<br /> �� The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple. {% . -
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all khe appurtenences thereunto belonging uato the said fi�
<br /> i t'
<br /> Mid—Continent Enterprises, Inc. ;,
<br /> � and to 1'tS heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the expresa condition that if the ?; . � �
<br /> � sa;d Mid—Continent Enterprises, Inc. �! �
<br /> i � or asaigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said � ��.
<br /> i Commercial National Bank & Trust Company �j
<br /> ' � 't�eirs,executors,administrators or asaigns, the eum of Forty-three thousand & IIO�Z��— ��lare,payable as j; � �
<br /> c rottoWs.w-W;c: Forty-three thousand and no/100-----------------------________ �i �
<br /> ��
<br /> i ------------�----------------------- Dollars on the 29th day of MBYCh . 19 79 )i ' .
<br /> c
<br /> � � Dollare on the day of ,19 (F
<br /> � �� Dollara on the day of , ly �i
<br /> � 1 Dollars on the day of , ig �f � � .�',,;,;, ,
<br /> ? � Dollars on the day of , 19 j �
<br /> .� �� with interest thereon at 1,0.� per cent per annum, payable SEIii1— annually,according to the tenor end eHect �
<br /> of the promiseory note with interest coupons attached of said �f
<br /> � �
<br /> � Mid—Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br /> .� bearing even date with these presents and shall pay all tazes and asaessmenta levied upon said zeal estate and all other tszes, � �
<br /> levies and aseeavmenta levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomee !i � �
<br /> �� delinquent,.end keep the buildinge on said premises insured for ct��s„m ot g 43,000.00 ,loae, if eny, payable to the t' �
<br /> ' 'y said mortgagee, then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. �� �. �
<br /> � .1 IT IS FURTHER AGREED, (1) That if the said moztgagor ehall faii to pey such tazea or procure such insurance,the i � ��
<br /> ; I. said mortgagee may pay such taxes and pzocure such insuran ce; and the sum eo advanced, with interest at 10.0 per t� � �.
<br /> 4, cen t s ha l l be repai d by sai d mortgagor,an d this mortgage ehall etand as eecurity for eame. (2) That a tailure to pny any o( �#
<br /> ; said�money, either principal or interest when the same become due,or a failure to comply with any of the fore goin g a g r e e- �
<br /> �' m e n t s,s h a l l c a u e e.t,l�e w b o l e eum o f money herein secur e d to become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgage� }� . �
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mid—Continent Enterprises, IIIC.
<br /> has hereuntp�c9Y�se�]�ita cprposat¢aeal to be alfixed end these presenta to be si�ed by ita President �� �
<br /> ! thi8 29i��aayol�+C,"�•.March , is 78 . � �
<br /> . � . Sa�n�il�`seeled and'&¢li6�s,i�-in presence of � .
<br /> ; '
<br /> . � . .� , . � ^ . .
<br /> , � ...... _..� C 't�n�;, _t1-.n�,_='............................................. ..Mid-Continent _rpr�ses Inc �(
<br /> � .. (� ............... •�-�-----•----.....---
<br /> i - .: ��.,�'.
<br /> � ::9 ... . � _ .7�s�� .............r.
<br /> 1.7.L2' - .... ......... "' .
<br /> � _ .
<br /> 1 � d'�.�� �f�l�`t'�`_"�'r� � �
<br /> ... . �s ...... ... ;.
<br /> _ .......... -
<br /> _ �
<br /> f sTaTE T�, '' ��braska__..._..... S.d...
<br /> , 9. - ---- -• ------�-•----..... Coun�y of_....---�-Hall--•--..._....---•-•-•------ �---- ' �'
<br /> b�'x'T• R"��. '-•
<br /> 'i . � � Before'm •eiuo�tdi�...public uati5ed in eaid coun .................. � �.
<br /> ,:
<br /> � Q � tY. paraoaallY came .
<br /> , a "'� Milan D. Bish ji
<br /> President of
<br /> ' ' Mid—Continent Enterprises, Inc. ,e co:Porat�on ?�
<br /> .�f lmowm to me�to be Lhe presideni and identical persoa who aigned the foregoing instrument, and aclrnowledged the ezecutioa' �
<br /> thereof W be his voluntary act and deed ae such o�cer snd the volvntary act and deed of said rn ration and that ita cor- �� � �
<br /> l Pcrate eeal wae ther4.t4RS�R�d�l'�Ns authority. �
<br /> � 'w�a�my hana``��o��11�Yt on......................_--..........March 29 78 if �v
<br /> ��y �'��' -•--� 19.............
<br /> ._........
<br /> ._.....__...._.
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<br /> � MY�`,��' i':' :�� eZPpt',es.c.:.��nsa�.�i�._._ � 19 8,�.. � � � �R . ra
<br /> , ....... ...--
<br /> � �:
<br /> STA3E OF r o� ioa� --�----T�-- .-. Notary Public. � � °,�
<br /> �� :
<br />° � � � __..�::.._�. �� � � �� i
<br /> q �' ,,t � � � � Eatered on nwnerical ind� and filed for recozd�
<br /> �. �l
<br /> . �,�:
<br /> ti��� � Countp. . .__ ...._ ��:., ,�:. . .. . � . . m the Regieter of Deeds OSce of said County the �j � � d r
<br /> #� .„ -___.._.....day oL.__. _.........__ ._...__...._-. 19..... ak _-•............:_.._.....o clock end......_.........---•----....__minutes....-----•--•-..._---M•. i� _ j �
<br /> �'
<br /> � ' �". . ,_�;
<br /> ; ' and'recorded in Book..:_.............._......_____._.._of....._--•••--_..._...•_•-•'---._..Bt page......_._...._.._...._..__._...._.... 1 �:
<br /> j
<br /> , � � � � . .......Reg. of Deeds� "� .
<br /> ' . ...._...._....._..._._....__...--'----......--'--_................
<br /> ` . � � . . . . � . . i 'f
<br /> :. . � � BY . .... --'-- '...... ..........
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