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<br /> . 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clauae) (Revlsed 1962) � Tne HuBman Gmer.l supp�y Hou.e, Linoaan,Nabr,� f � �
<br /> �! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENTS: That Rodney H. Iiardera and Norma Hardere, husband and {�
<br /> � wife, 8t. 3� �7ood River� Nebraslca '�
<br /> �J of� Hall County,and State of Nebraeka ,ia consideration of the eum of '
<br /> Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Five and 12/100-------________________________DOLLARs ��
<br /> � � in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto �!
<br /> , Home Loan Corporation r�
<br /> � f 416 Weat Third, Grand Island, Nebraska ��
<br /> of� H811 County, 9tete of Nebiaeka the following described preiaises eituated
<br /> � in Hall County, and State of � .
<br /> Nebraska .to-wit: ��
<br /> �� The Northeast Quarter of the Southweat i`
<br /> Quarter �NE}Sii�) of Section 1Q, Toc.mship 11 �
<br /> ;� ;i North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. '
<br /> 4; ,3
<br /> � �� �;
<br /> ' �s 5fi
<br /> ; S( ?s
<br /> �� li ,
<br /> �y ;i �
<br /> ,� s;
<br /> �, �
<br /> ii �' �
<br /> €� �� �
<br /> ,, �,
<br /> i „ YI
<br /> � The intention being to convey hereby an absolute tiUe in fee aimple, including all the zighfe of homestead and dower. j� � s ;
<br /> ' �f TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with al1 the appurtenancea thereunto belonging,unto }]�e eaid ��
<br /> t� mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and aesigns torever, provided always, and these preaents aze upon the ezpreas �?
<br /> . j; oon dition that if the said mortgagor(s),his,her or their heire, e:ecutors, adminiateators or aeaigna shs11 pey or cauee W � P{
<br /> �� paid to the said mortgagee(s),his, her or their hein, e:ecutora, adminiatrators or asaigns,the principa!aum of$2�755.12
<br /> ` payable as totlowa,to wit: '� i �.
<br /> i
<br /> � ;f T�velve (12) paymenta of $252.92 each beginning May 10, 1978 with a like payment
<br /> � it due the 1 „ y of each aucceediz�g month Lhereafter and the final a ��
<br /> �� intereg4�+ • pril 10, 1979. P Y�ent and �
<br /> � �' � �j = ; ::
<br /> j f t . 2va'a.w. en n o..r o1 M . . .... � .
<br /> � wn oe M� !w+a wncip�l b�1 r in ass of f�00 7%�p�r monih an Hw �( '"r"'^"'',,�.F
<br /> p�id P nNw/ GI� . af 3J00�rM f c�at Of f500 IV576 OK H�an t
<br /> {� .. rote� �Uai p�rt e1 rhe unp�id p r.c p�l bN I s70p �nd
<br /> ; �� s���lf`etf:.... �'Maruh en Y em�i der ot"aveh D Id prfnciPyf�brl�ntf Iwhid+nft�rhe��ac�u 1 f1:000.�wM.�iE Pw . . �� .. ..
<br /> ; t' �= - asd�felnwnnu WrW�Mr��n� W�Irrd�factesw�of��Hx� �f� )' . .
<br /> n eqmpL�nc�wiM Nebr�Nca bw). �nd�pq�M.�r M M.y dNwtt�nd �
<br /> :�✓ ' � K ��. � j�
<br /> �. � � �..� � . ;.
<br /> i _ .
<br /> ii 4 +� .
<br /> . i with iaterest socording to the tenor and eHect ot the.mortgagon written Aeo�usorY note bearing even date wit6 these preeeats . . .
<br /> � . i' and ahalt pay all fa=es and saeeasmenta levied upon said real eafete.and all other tazes.levies and aeseasmeata levied upon thia �� .
<br /> .� { mortgage or the note which this mortgage ia given to secvre, before the same becomea delinqueat, and keep the buildings on �
<br /> ea9d premiees insured for the sum of$ , loes,if an ��
<br /> i Y�Payable to the said mortgagee. the�},h�pr�}� � .
<br /> � E to be void,atherwiae to be and remain in full force. '
<br /> � IT IS FURTHER AGREED 1 That it the said mo E�
<br /> . �E ( ) rtgagor shall fail to pay such taaes or procure wch insurance. tf�e ji . . .
<br /> �§ aeid mortgagee may pay sach tazes and procure euch inaurance; and the aum eo advanced, with interest at per �f ��
<br /> ,f �cent,eball be repaid by eaid mortgagor,and this mortgage ahall etand as eecurity for the eame. (2) T6at a failure to pay aay �� �� �
<br /> � f� o[said money, either principal or intereat,when the same becomee due, or a feilure to cotnply with any of the foregoing !S � �� � .
<br /> � .,� agreemenfn, ahall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and rnllectible at once at the option of�the
<br /> '�t� .{ mortgagee. � �
<br /> ! ii Si�ed thia 14tta day oE Apri1 . 19 7g '
<br /> � r '/
<br /> �� In reeence of �rL s�
<br /> -�---- --------- .:.�,..c.�...__--••••_
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<br /> '' ' �orma Hardere)
<br />, '
<br /> f:� ....__......_. ......-••----_.....--- f .
<br /> ' ` '__' ..._......._......."".............................._"'_" .......__."'..................."""'..._........._...._'.__.."'...__....._......"'..._....._...."
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<br /> � y � �/ �
<br /> jj ' 3TATE OF.... ... .�a.�..�............... County of---'�C/_,t,Q�,.. ;
<br /> ;�.. �i; _ lmown to me toabe t2�e identicat pernon orrpereo e who gned�edcf�o$`regonf�inntrument y H & Norrtla Harders� '� � �
<br /> 1 � Roane
<br /> thereof to be}us.her or[heir wlunta B and b�7maRdedged tha ezecu4on � .
<br /> �3 . .. rY aM and deed. �i
<br /> s �; .. ,w���r .�4�1�'�5��.e!.. e � �--1.9.�.....7........... ..,is ...�. {I t
<br /> . . , � PRiP,IC1A A.JQNNS�W�i . O l ...-" ' .:....--••-- .� :"R�.
<br /> .3 (i . MS'.:�m'°sion `.td�Cc«am.E�..a;a�.sa,lr.sy.._, is.......... l 7'�C�, ' l cary.Pubiic. �� _.. �.,
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<br /> � :.1�� STATE'OF__._... ���Y. � � Entezed on aumerical indez and Sled for recotd ' ( "� s.
<br /> ' Co�ty ` �°e' ( (..
<br /> � .
<br /> .�...-.-»....-....=..�- j in the Register of Deede Office of said Couaty the •�
<br /> ii � � �`{
<br /> r � .:� .....�.�....�.._._dqy of....._. � � 19 � ---o'clock and.._--• �.
<br /> t ..._.---_W __.�.._..._... ---...--•-^ at...---••••-•_•-......._.._ .._...................minutea........._............M., i� '".�.M �'k�
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<br /> k � � � . .. --».................._.._�........___....--••----..._.-----....._...._Reg. of Deeda �,, .
<br /> ��
<br /> !i . � . . By.............. � _...---
<br /> • --�- .... ........
<br /> _.. ... PntY
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