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1- _ � . <br /> Z8--.0(?2�5 3 <br /> MORTGAGE. <br /> ` THI3 INDEI�7'tJR,E thts 20th - �Y of April 18 7$ <br /> � _. � �.�by�and�between 1� <br /> r JAMES'R WILSON'AND AGNES'K. WILSON, Hiasband and Wife, each in hts and her own right ` , <br /> �and �ae soouse of the �ot� , � _ � � � �� � � .� . , _ <br /> her. _ . <br /> ' Ral2 <br /> . oE County,Nehraeka,ae.mprtgagor 8, and Grand Ielend Truat Company ot Grand Ieland, a corporetion � <br /> � �organiied m�d axtetiag�uader the��lnwe oF Nebraeka with ite psinclpal ofFice and place of bueinesa at�Grand Islead,Nebraska,as mortgagee; . <br /> � W ITNES9ETH_. That eaid mortgagor_.8_,for end in coneideration of the eum of � � <br /> **Seven Thousand One Hundred Three and 45/lOOths** ����� -�, •�^-_ <br /> , ), <br /> the receipt ot which ia hereby aclmowledged,do_by theee preaeots mortgage md warrant,aA.po,��p,��'��„�F�f . re opd aseigns. . � �� <br /> - ' toeever,s�l the following described rent eatate,eitueted in the County of Ra 11 �� ... ....... . . . . ����� ���� .: '�.�.. <br /> � and State of Nebraska,to-wit: � � <br /> FRACTIONAL LOT TWO (2) IN FRACTIONAL RLOCK ONE HIINDREA FORTY—TWO (142) <br /> IN UNI03d PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION, AND ITS COMPLEMENT <br /> FRACTIONAL LOT TWO (2) IN BLOCK TWELVE (12) IN RUSSEL WHEELER'S ADDITIO'� <br /> TO TtIE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br /> { <br /> i <br /> � ; <br /> � o-j <br /> r _ <br /> i <br /> . � � 'Together with atl heeting,air conditioning,lighting,end plumbing equipment and fixtuzes,iacluding screeas,ewninga,storm windows and � � <br /> �doors,snd window ehsdes or bliade,aeed on or in wnneetion with aaid property,whet6er the same are now lorated on said property or hereafter <br /> ... .i .Plaoed t6ereon. �.. <br /> �:.3 _.-TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with ell and singular the tenemente,hereditameats and eppurtenancea thereunto be- � <br /> f� � �.:longing,or in anywise sppertalning, forever, and warrent the tttle W the same. Said morgagor 8 hereby covenant—with said � � �� `�-�y <br /> } mortgagee t6at_t he_3. �=g ,et the delivery hex�eof,the lawful owner—s_of Che premiees above conveyed and deacribed, <br /> and are seized of e good end indeteaeible eatate of inheritance therein, iree and clear of all enwmbrances,and that�he3c_will � <br /> warrant end defend ttse title thereW forever againat the cleims end demaada of ell persoas whomnoever. � � � <br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thia ineWvment is erzecuted and delivered to secuxe the payment of the aum of � <br /> � _ ***Seven Thousand Ond Hundred Three and 45/lOOths***������ 7.103.45 �, <br /> wnth anterest thereon,together with such charges and advnnoee as may be due and payable W said moKgegee under the terms end�nditions � <br /> of the pnomineory note of evea date herewit6 and secured hernby,executed by said mortgagor�_to said martgagee,payable as expressed � � � � <br /> � � ia eaid mte,end to aecure the performmce of a11 the term�and conditioas contained theiein.Ttae terms o[eaid note are hereby incorporeted � � � <br /> ( - hetein by CLie reference. � � _ <br /> � It ie the intentioa and agreemeaC of t6e perties hereto that thie mortgage ahell also aecuxe any future advances mede to eaid mortgagor 3 � � <br /> ' b said mort � <br /> . Y 6eSee,aad eny and all iadebtednees in additioa to the amount above atated whicY�said mortgagora,or any of them,may owe to � � <br /> i eaid mortgegee,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise. This mortgege ahell remein in full force and eEfect between � � <br /> � � the partiee hereW and their hein,persoaal representetivea,successors and eaeigna,uatil all amounta secured hereunder,includi future <br /> . i• advancea.are paid in fuQ with intereat. � . . .. <br /> = The mort r s � <br /> SeBo hereby aeeign_to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any end all t'unea from said property and � <br /> } heeeby�aut6orize said mortgagee or ita egent,et its optioa,upon defeult, to talce cherge of said property and collect all zents and income <br /> ; .,.��Lhmnh�om and�apply t68-eame to��the PeYment�of intereet.�PrinciPal. iaeurmca premiume. tasae� aeeeaements. repaire��or impzovementa � . <br /> � t�eceemry W keep said property in tenantable condition,or w other chargea or paymente provided for herein or in the note hereby aecured.This � <br /> � q .� tent eaeignment ehall comtiaue ln forca until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid.The takiag of posaeasion 6ereunder shall in no manner - � � <br /> �t .�-,.:.p�evenLor�reterd�eaid��mortgegee m�the collection of eeid eume by foreeloaure or otherwiea. � .�. <br /> �.. The feilure of the mort ��� � � .. . �.�- . . ..,.� .. .... .� .. � � . . ;..�. <br /> ,,t . , BaBee W aeeert eny of iW righfa hereunder at any time ahall not be conatrued as a weiver of its right to assert the . <br /> a esme at any later time..and W insint upon and enforce atrict compliance wit6 atl the temv and provisiom ot said note and of this mortgage. - � . . <br /> ' .If eaid mortgagor 'e ehaL cauee to be peid to yeid mortgag�the entize amount due it hereuader,and�mder the terms and provisiona � <br /> �� of said npte hereby eeaared,ineluding luture advancee,nnd aqy eztemione or reaewale thereof ia eccordence with the terms and proviaions � <br /> � , <br /> t6ee'eof.aad if eaid mortgegor.�_ehalt comply rvith ell the prpvisione of aeid aote aad of this mortgnge..thea G}iaee Preseata ehnll be void: <br /> ,# othetwiee to:e�sin fn tn7!force a�efixt,.ead eeid mortgagee ehdl be entitled W the poeaeeeion of eIl of seid P�P�Y,and may,et its option. � � . . � , . <br /> � declat�e che whole of eaid mte end all indebtedneee:+epreeented tlmeeby�W be immedietely due aed�peYabie.end mey forecloee thie mortgage �� <br /> � or take aay oEher legel attion W proEect its.;(Bh�•a�PPreieemeat�walved.,� � . _ � . ... . .,.�...,,, "%�,.».:�.. <br /> .:� � . _. � . , � .7 <br /> � Tbis mort8ege ahalt�be binding�upon and ehell eauro to the beaetit of.the heus,�ezecutqis,administratoie,aucaessors and asaigna of the �� � �� � � <br /> T'esPective Parties hereEo. . " � �, :. .�. ' ., ..,. . . � . . �:K�,- , <br /> IN WITNE83 WFEEREOF, asid bfortgngoz�_ha ve��o��� th0ir hand�:the day end year firot ebove <br /> weitte�- �',,. <br /> #� � � � r� �/r/'�'� � � i'= <br /> � ,. ames i�n' �' � �?� <br /> 4 ��'�% _ <br />.i � .. A�[I�8 K. �Wi�I.302f � � . <br /> ,.. . <br />,.} 3r'i)F ..,,M-9�t: .av, -;SP� s.,.,��. .-, �� .. ��. � . <br /> . . . . . . .. ,..�_... <br /> .., -.___,,,.. � <br /> .. .___ .,. . .. . . . � . ... -...,, � .. . . � . <br /> f.'... . . . . . ' . <br /> I <br />