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<br /> 78-- Uf12�49 5 �
<br /> No.!S7 R.C.MOFsT6AGE(oeurw�cuwor��w.q . ^ . �a,rru�.e rew sa.a e•c+.�« .�n.r ce..••r+
<br /> (
<br /> , . I� ���T�i��� i'
<br /> . I ;
<br /> �+x �( ( /���f ' 1
<br /> �LL1��� .21n�e�turE� Dtede md E:ecuted thie,._...�(.��.�day o[..�.�."!__.=y._4G-----A_ D._...197�_._._ f� " '
<br /> byaudbeo.veeo..__r.Hanover Grandt_Inc_,.i,�,an_Illinois corporation ��� , ^ _ _� _ �� ,I . ,
<br /> �f �:... ._...�� �_...__._.._._.____.........._.--.--..___.....__.._.__..._�._.._._.__._......._..._.............._...__..__...-..�__.._...._.......____.__..perty of tha firot peet. � . .
<br /> � md....The FiYst.National.Bank. of,Chica3�......._._._....�..._...__�.._._---......._._....._.__..___....�.._
<br /> ---._........�_ .
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<br /> �:� . � �._.. ._._...._....� _.._..__.... _._...__ _.__......._..�..__.._....,._..�.'•-"._._..__............._......._.___......�._�._party of t6e eecond part i� . .
<br /> �� � LVITNESSETIi,thnt tho eaid pntty ot tLe firnt pert,for nnd ia coneideration o[.._Ten and.__N�100---�r---r-----� � �
<br /> ;7 ____._..._ �I . .
<br /> _�.._� _-__----______^----------------------------------- �I
<br /> 'i �($10.00)�.._. .... . . . .........._.....__......._....._.._.._....__..._._........._...._..------......_....._..__._._---DOLLARS, paid by eoid pnrty of t6e ;
<br /> . �eeoad pnro,the reccipL whercof ie boreby scicnowledged,hm grmted,bargnined,eold ead conveyed,eod by thesa proacata,doea grant, bar- �' � .� �
<br /> `� - �nin,eell wd convey,unto naid purty ot the eecond pwrt,CY�e folloaing deaeribed reel property eiCusto in the County oE....___.Hdll � ��� � � � �
<br /> I
<br /> � end Stata of Nebrnekn,to-wit: ""'-"' � . .
<br /> i.ct.s....2.....3__at1d...1.._i.i1._F.tanix�7G...SeC�zlti_..S.ttkd].Y..k�io,�,,,__�_.pa�t,�of_the„_Southwest,1 4 of section
<br /> L......_.._.•--....---..._........_.._ {
<br /> ; 22,' Township 11, North, Range 9 West of the 6th P M Hall County Nebraska. _ y � ?
<br /> Y..__.........._._.._....:........___....._._._____..__�.�_......_..._._......_ ...-•-.._ -•--•--- .......-- ---..._.. ...__.....____...__..._
<br /> ; �._......�_..._..------.....__...._.__.............._.--•..-----......_..---.__.._..••---.....�.._.._..__....._._............._._T....._.._..._--•._...__..__....._.....�...
<br /> ' Subiect to liens�_Claims�_�S-�F!!�2�.�5,�.�_.r�s�...md.t�erS._s�f..�oosa3.._---.............. f'
<br /> ; i
<br /> ; .._.._.............-_..---.. .._._....._. !
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<br /> ---_.:...._._____._.____.._.__.....___---.___...-••--...___..._._......_._..-----....._....__...-----..._..---.._..---._.............._._.._.._._...._..---.._..---.....__.._.�....._.__...._..-
<br /> _.__..:__..._._.._......__._._....__..__..____.__-__.._.._._.......-•--•--.___._.....__..._._....__-------_....__....._..-------.._._......___....___....._.___....._..._......_.__ �
<br /> ._ ._..�_._.._._._....._...____.._......_�_._._..____.._.._.
<br /> . .....__...-_-••--.__...---___..__..._------.__.._..�_..___._____._.. �
<br /> ,
<br /> � i( '
<br /> ' togather with oll tha tenementa,6ereditsmeuLa and appurteaancea to Ehe eame belonging,and aIl the entn0e,title,dower right of homr.atnnd, i �
<br /> . e:aime snd demaude wvhataoever of the eaid psrty of the firet pnri of,in or to eaid premssea or any part,thercof;sad eaid party of the firot � � �
<br /> psrE doen hereby eovennnt,thst aeid party oE the&zet part ia lewfully eeized o(aaid premieee, . � . � �
<br /> !�
<br /> .. -.__.� .�.�_---.�r._�._..._�..__...._._ :i � .
<br /> 1, i�
<br /> . .� : • ' ."'.__.._......._...._..u»_._..__ � ' .
<br /> S � �. � . i , '� ,;.
<br /> � . ....__._....._.._....__ ....._._.__.._.�_ ._._. ..._._�._...__"._......__._....'_'._._.�..._..._..___.___.,........_...._......_...._.._.._..»_..__ l . . . ..
<br /> i �� . .PIiOYIDSD AL;VAYS,nnd tLeee presenta nre upon theae conditiom: � � � �
<br /> , r '
<br /> � � - NHEREAS,eaid party o(Ebe fi:st part Sss executed and delivered to the aaid party of the eecond pert____..one_ _ ' �i * � � . �
<br /> � -.—.___ ..�� ��:..
<br /> ' promiaeory note—.L.Note"�,to the_First National Bank of Chicago _made_bx_Hanwer..Development � '
<br /> -_._--------._�.__..._.. r.
<br /> Y Co�ration,�_an Illinois co�orationl_ the._undersigned._and others of even date herewith, ° ,;
<br /> -_-----._..__ ._._......�..._ _...__...__.r..._._.._.'....._..._._.....�..._
<br /> �` a able in such amoun at such time and bearin interest all as rovided in said Note. ' '
<br /> P... '�_�._.._.__.__..._.._._.._.._.__rr._.��___- _._.._-- ..___......___..3_.... ---.....- ---___..___....�_.....__........--�---__..__._�....._...-----•-- '
<br /> ` �._______.W_._...�..._._______..__.__.�.._...�,.._._-_..____-_. �
<br /> j ---.__.__..------_._.__�.._...__---.__._. _ n�
<br /> . ...--._____.__._..__.__.__.____ .
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<br /> i
<br /> 3 ��aad whereae,the pertq of the fiiat part hae agreed to kee tLe buildin e zf m u ����'w� ���""�-�"'�'-"'-"- f� � �
<br /> . __.. ...
<br /> { p g, q, pon anid premieoa,inaured ia eome compeny or companiee �. ��
<br /> �sppzoved by snid party of the seeond part,for the sum d5 required.,by,.,the,_party,_of_the„second part_,.... � � �� '��
<br /> � -and deliver to eaid party oF the second part the policy or poucies containing s clausa�citl�the 1'ose payable to eaid psrty oE the eecontl part ;� � . �
<br /> or sasiqne,and hae acreed to pay nll taxes and sseeesmenta against snid premises before the eame,bx law,become delinqueat,and Les nRreed �
<br /> �`thnt if eaid party of t6e Cirnt part docs not provide such inaurzsnae,or tails to pap nll taxn as a(oresa�d.Lhen snid p�rty ot the eecoad psrt,ot ��
<br /> � �ho2der hereof,.may pay euch iasurunce and tasce,or either of them,and all nmounte eo pnid by said party o[the second part eLall besr ia- � � � �
<br /> , �-tereat at Lhe rate of nine per ceat per annum from the date of pnyment,and thie mortgaqe shall stand as eecuzity therefor,and esid ewn map �
<br /> ' . be�added to the a ount pf che�a ortgage debt,a d the aeme recovered sa a pnrt there f.N ow,if the ea�'d artv of thefi L arc ehatl well �!
<br /> � .��sndtculy� comp�y with tne terms o� said D7ote, the party o� the second �aYt sk�a1� gelease � � .
<br /> r the lien,of this mortgage as provided in said Note. But if the terms of said Note are
<br /> # . not complied with �or it eaid baildinge ehalt not ba Icept insured as atorceeid,or if the �.� �
<br /> �tsxrs and ansesements againat eaid premiaea are not paid at oi before the Lime the same become by law delinquant,or if aeid party of the �� �
<br /> ��Srat part ehall fail to keep aad perform any coveaants herein coatained,the holder hereof ehall have the option to dectare the whole ot eaid �� �
<br /> iadebtedneae due sad payable at aay time a(ter auch[ailure or defBult,and map maintain an actioa at law or equiiy.to recover the eame, f
<br /> ; and the commencement of euch oction ehnll be tLe only noEice of the exercise of snid optioo required. � � �
<br /> -": l�}�t�j'iT I3 I�URTBER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the aaid Afortgagor ahell and wc�l pay all taxrr levied upon thie moet- ,
<br /> i, g� oav�0k�{bt eaeured thareby togekhar with aay oiher Wcee or aeeeeemeate whiob may be lavied uader ttie Lawe of Nebrnelcs,agaieet the � � � � �
<br /> �s��Yox{�geE'��the legal holder o[the esid prineipal aote.�on sccoimt o[this indebtedneee. � � .
<br /> , �'��l` - Party o£ _,.
<br /> ^ ��t�xonp ��jereuf� first�7azt�.._hereunto set its . hscd_.�_LLa date sbove writtea.
<br /> z _p �< i � �+#�tsIN PRE3ENCE OF Hanov and nc. _
<br /> 1 ,t,�'� .?-'� g .
<br /> � �d? �� f '� -- .�._ .
<br /> . `� � �X.. .. .. � 'esi erTf�"'—
<br /> r .y r - ,--- —A�-t-es - - ---- .._._.�_
<br /> S ' ". . .,.." �__ �- �
<br /> M .n; .. ._..__-..-tar..�.__�_.._ �
<br /> BTATE OF ILLINOIS)} ' �{J� / 3'
<br /> Cmmt�ot COOK�)°° On thie ___Lti.�._ �/�Lf/�
<br /> �
<br /> ey oL_ �.�.�A.D.197fj �1 .
<br /> � . . :betore me,s Notsry Publie in and Cor the esid CouaEy personsUy oame tLe sbove nsmed.� �� � �
<br /> ' 'Donald A. Kahan and Marc A. Kahan, the President and
<br /> � `. 's ;, � ? Secretary, respectively, of Hanover Grand, Inc., an �TM
<br /> �� � ;..i�� �'��`'c�r : ra i;no+a zoo a on �
<br /> i� $, t.+� r r�.�p _.����.� � who.,�'e pereonallp known to me � . ��+ `�
<br /> t � �� ' to be the identiesl rsocS�wLoee nsmes are � ���
<br /> �" _.»affued to the above iastrument , I
<br /> i ; , ,�����_� ,� on b al£ o sai 4 rat'
<br /> �}� r $ ,:
<br /> i �- ,�y� �.�, t �s� .m grmESr_m��yr� � �ledged esid iaet to be the voluntarY �
<br /> � _t �x.:? � �y�'a�i"`x���.� � � act�nd deed.of said corporat'- n. c;�
<br /> .. }�.
<br /> �,���(� �$�r' WITNESS my hsnd snd Not� el !he eat afo aid. ' kY "
<br /> r .t� �'�5:�.' ,• �9 � . . �F.. •x"�
<br /> ���+��•�� �; . _ '
<br /> AIy oommis�ion eat{Sit+er�m�Lfle d�y of � A.I��� � .
<br /> .... � .. . � . - �� � � �. . � � �
<br /> i
<br />