. ,. � � � .
<br /> �8-' E;i:2 3 Q� M ORTGAG E '
<br /> ; ... $ �
<br /> (. �s irmErrruxE. m.ae c� 14th_ ' aay or Apri T "; �g � „
<br /> ..r .. :.- . . . .^,. . 19_. by�and between �, '�. ��' �
<br /> ` ROLlAND R. DIMMITL AND PEGGY S. DIhN�fITT, husband arid wife, each`in his and her own
<br /> � rtght and as spouse of the other, ' >':
<br /> f` Hall
<br /> of� �• County,Nebrasks,as mortgagor�,md Gra�Ialand 14ast Compeay of Grand Ialand, e�corporation � � ���- �'
<br /> _-� organized and exiet'vsg under the lawe of Nebraal�a wiEh ite pzlncipal offiee and place�of bueinees at Grand Island,�Nebraefca,as mortgagee: �� �
<br /> WITNE3SETH: �.That eaid mortgagor S ,for end ia coaeideratlon of the aum of� � . �
<br /> **Four Thousand Eight Hundred Three and 20/100ths�* ����E4,803.20 �
<br /> . t6e receipt of which is bereby aclmowledged,do—by theae presents mortgage aad warrent unto said mort�agee,ita succeasors and assigna.
<br /> foraver,all Lhe foHowing described reat eatete,aituated in the County of ya>> -
<br /> and State of Nebraeka,W-wit:
<br /> (
<br /> t �
<br /> ; . :
<br /> : � , �
<br /> � r.
<br /> t"
<br /> � 7
<br /> i4 �
<br /> 1 ��
<br /> ��
<br /> r�-�
<br /> . . . � i� �sr e i,-
<br /> Together with ell heating,air coaditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment and fixturea,inciuding ecreena,awnings,storm windowa and � d� ti� �'.
<br /> � �-:�� doore,end window ehedee or bliada,used on or in connection with said property,whether the eeme are now Ioceted on said property or heresfter " '� r"
<br /> .; ple:eed thereon. .,�� �.
<br /> . 4 ��.��.. � y��;
<br /> TO�HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all aad aingulaz the tenements,hereditaments end appurtamnces thereunto be- �_ p . �
<br /> � longiog, or ia mywise eppertaining, forever, aad werrant the title to the sam¢. Seid morgagor�hereby covenant_with said
<br /> r � �� mortgagee that_�he v a re ,8�We delivery hereof,the lawful owner�_of the premisee above eonveyed and dmcn'bed. , � yy�
<br /> aad a►'e saized of a good and indefeesible eatate of inAeritsnce Lherein,free and clear of all encumbrances,and that_�he�Lwill �
<br /> :':�j��_ waerent and detend the title thereto.forever egaiast the claime and demande of ell persoas whomaoever.
<br /> `.-�''� � � pROVIDED ALWAYB.and thin iasLrumeat ie�ecuted and delivered to aecure the payment of the sum of
<br /> **�Four Thousand Eight Hundred Three and 20/100ths*** ��,.,�y 4.803.20 �, �t
<br /> �-��with intezmt thereon,together with euc6 chargee and advanees as may be due and payable to eaid mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br /> ,� �of tbe promimory aota of even dats herewith aad secured hereby,ezecuted by said mortgagor S W seid mortgagee,payable as eapressed
<br /> in said note,and W aecure the pm�formaace of all t6e terme and coaditiona wntnined therein.1'6e termn of eaid note ere hereby incorporated
<br /> �Letein by thie ieterence. .
<br /> ° 1 . It is t6e intentioa and ag�eemeat of the parties hereto that t4is mortgage ehall also seeure any future advancea made to said mortgagor�_ � �
<br /> by aeid mortgagee,a�any and all indebtedaeea in addition to the amount above stated whicl�aeid mortgagora,or my of Chem,may owe to
<br /> i . ��eaid mortgegee,however evideneed,whether by note,book account or otherwiee.'Tl�is mortgege shall remain in full force and effect between
<br /> '� � Lhe parties hereW and their heim,personel representatives,suxesson and aeaigns,until all amounts secured hereunder, including fuwre �
<br /> � .�advaneee.are paid in fvi2 with iatereet.
<br />.�, � TLe mortgegor�_hexeby maign_to aeid mortgagee all ients end inmme arieing at any and all timee from seid property and
<br /> heraby aut6orize asid mortgsgee or its agent,at ite option,upoa default,to teke charge of eaid proparty and collect all rente and income
<br /> �� ., therefrom��d'��aPPly.�the eame'to t6o�payt�at�of intereet:PdneiPal:imurance premiuma. taxes.��asseesmenta. rePeirs or�improvemente ��. --�
<br /> �,�.�� .aeoaeeaty W keep eaid peoperty in tenmtable conditioa,or to otber c6arges or peymenta provided for herein or in the note hereby seeured.This ., . �
<br /> ,�.� rent aealgnment ehsll contiaue in force until the uapaid belanee ot eaid note ia fully paid.The taking of posaension hereunder shall in no manner . ��
<br /> .•; �; �:...�:::pre+mt�oc�eeterd s�id:mortgagee in the�.00lleetion of eaid suma by;forecloeum or ot6erwiae. .. . ... ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . , ,.. �.
<br /> _ . . . . ..... .,. .
<br /> V�'} -.�� ��The failura of the moitgegee to aeaert any of ifa righte heraunder at any ticne ehall not be conatrued ae a waiver of ite right to asaert the � - ^�s�
<br /> # �same at nny leter time,arid W insiat upoa e�eaforce etriet oompliance witl�ell tha terme end proviaions-of eaid note a�of this mortgage.
<br /> � If esid mmtgegor 5� ehell cauee to be paid to asid mortgagae the enttre aznount ilue it hereunder,ax�d under the terms and provisions �
<br /> '. � �' . of eaid note Leeby secured.iaclnding futuie advano�.and any extenaiona or renewaTe theneof'vm accotdance with the terms end pmvisiona .. . .
<br /> � �� ' .t6eseof.a�ifaaid mortgagor.�_ahall�ply with ell the pmvieions of esid notg and of tltie mortgage.�then�thase prenenta ahnll be void: .
<br /> `�' '� oEl�arwiee to�ain�ia iulf'force aad effect,:.and esid mmtgagee qLell be enEitled W tl�poaeeeeioa of all of eaid PzoPwty,and mey.et'its option, ' .� �..
<br /> .:. ` . dedete t8e wLole of�esid note and�all indebted�ee repeeeented-�theseb'y'W-.be immediately d��-and�payabte:and mey forecloae this mortgage '.� "' ,`��
<br /> -.: `;. .�.take otLer �aeCioato ite ' ht.A - �r-^~... �.
<br /> ,a-,.,,,i, ; . .. °nY .. �1 �ProtecE n8 PPrsisement�vsived.- � � .;i y . . � - . z�.
<br /> � , ��'; This moe�tg�ge ahall be binding ppon a�shell enure:to the�benefit of the heire.��ecutoro,admiaietrators.aucoeesors and eeaigru of the � rtS*'
<br /> �esPective percies Laeto.; ' , „ �
<br /> �` IN WITNE33 VITHEREOF.asid Mottgegos�ha ���IieeeunW eet their hand� �5 'day s�year�5ist above � . '�z„
<br /> �,
<br /> � �� vvritten. :: �: ._ ..: ,... . . .
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