, _ � �'
<br /> STATE OF NEBRABSA, Conuty of ....................................................: NEBRASKA DC�CUM�NTARY tt '
<br /> r �
<br /> ' Filed for record on ................................. 19........at............................•dclock ............. ......... M. STA.,�P TAX
<br /> , _
<br /> ,
<br /> i aad reeorded ia the Deed Itecord ................................. Page :.............. ........... ���: `�d ���� ��: e � �
<br /> ... ;., . c
<br /> ? �s
<br /> ..... ..._..... .......... ........ ......... ............ By .. ..............................,......... .. .«8,r......' �
<br /> � 8egiater of Deede Deputy Register � ` '^ � „
<br /> � :78-' (�0 2 2 9 3 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED sTArEMEra-r Arr�cHEo p;
<br /> � 15NOW AlL MEN BV THESE PRESENT5, Thet Elvin R. Denman and Carline'A. Denman, ` s
<br /> ;
<br /> each in hia and her own right, and as apouae of each otF►er,
<br /> � , herein called the grantor whether one or more, y°
<br /> � in coneideration of One Dollar <$1.00), Iove snd aff'ection,
<br /> � reeeived from grantees, doea grant, bargai.n, sell convey and confirm unto Gereld E. Dunning `
<br /> J
<br /> � �;,
<br /> '# and Connie L. Dunning, "husband and wife", „ �1
<br /> 'i � _
<br /> ` ss joint tenanta with right of snrvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following desaribed real .� y' �r
<br /> �� , : � �
<br /> propertp in ...................N��,�,..........................._....... Connty,Nebraska: A trect oF lend comprising ,.
<br /> �- � ; .: S,r „
<br /> •1 e part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWySNWyL) of Section ;; n
<br /> � Seventeen (17), Township Ten C10) North, Range Nine <9) Weat oF the 6th P.M., 'w �
<br /> � Hell County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: 8eginning 4 �
<br /> et a ppint on the north line of aeid NW�i£NWyL; said point being Seven Hundred � •
<br /> Thirty (730.0) feet east of the northwest corner of said NIJy€IVWiE; thence a`
<br /> � running easterly along the north line of said NWy£NWyL, a diatance of One r � ; ��`�
<br /> � Hundre� Thirty C130.0) feet; thence running aoutnerly, pare11e1 to the east > l +�
<br /> � line of said NW161VWy4, a distence of Two Hundred Eight (Z08.0) feet; thence �- �4 '����
<br /> } running weaterly, perallel to the north line of said NWy�NW1£, a diatance of = t���?r
<br /> �ne Hundred Thirty <13�.0) feet; thence running northerly, parellel to the i; `h
<br /> eest 1:3ne of said NW151VWy�, a diatence of Two Hundred Eight <208.0) feet to the " } ` i�°;;
<br /> pni�t ❑f beginning end cantaining 0.621 �area mare or leas. �,�%
<br /> s� `
<br /> To have and to hold the abova deacrihed premisea together with all tenements, hereditameats . .�'
<br /> and appnrtenances i,hereto belonging �to the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and 8ssigne
<br /> of the enrvivor of tLem foreven „i.;�
<br /> �nd grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their aesigns and with the heirs ; 4t;.
<br /> -� and aseigna of the snrvivor of them that grsntor is lawfully seised of eaid premises;that they are free from �
<br /> � eneambranee except easemente and reatrictions of record and rnad-righta-of-wey,
<br /> t
<br /> �� � � � t-.";
<br /> thst grantor has good right and Iawful anthority to convey the same; and that grantor wsrrants and will
<br /> =3 defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all partiea hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> 1 She entire fee title to thia resl propertv ahnll vest in the aurviving grantee. 'i
<br /> ' Dated �iS�� a.?O 19 7�
<br /> , ................__..................._...... ...................................... ���h4�.�sn�����.rC�r�G.�
<br /> ` E in R. Denman
<br /> : . �j ..
<br /> �� ..............._..... ......._......................_....................._. �..f�.a.r.tn�..`..li�'..icr.-r��.s�r,�.........
<br /> �� :. ���Carline A. Denman ;
<br />,;.� � STATE OF ».........�b���1Sfll...._....................... County of ......................k1�11..................�....._: �,
<br />-;� .
<br /> A� Before me, anotary pnblio qnalified for said county, personally came Elvin R. Denman and i�
<br /> Csrline A. De�men, each in hie and her own right, and as spouse of each ather,
<br /> ,
<br /> r *F,� 4 r;.
<br /> z,
<br /> ..�..:
<br /> a,,']mown to me to be the identieal pareon or persons who signed the foregoing iastrument and acknowledged t~
<br /> the azecution thereof Lo be his,her or their volvaiary act und deed. I �, s ;
<br /> � � _I
<br /> w��e�mp b�a�a o ��,. ` �m ..., I9... ...._. '�z� `� y
<br /> ,, . ,......_...................._... ,7 �.
<br /> .., ` ��€3�',.
<br /> , ,� �
<br /> � yq�.§qAppp, ..�1...� ............ Notary Public �� ,
<br /> � , : , , ........•••• �:.�,"" :�
<br /> � �� .��..�� .�
<br /> _ _
<br />�,�a My commission ezpires.... ... ...... ........»........, 19.��....
<br /> :- Forni �2 To be approved by.1�Tebraska 8tste Bar aseociation Fdton i Wdl Oe..I.lnmla.N�6r.
<br /> g;�� - . . . . . . . . . .
<br />�J . .. . . .. .. . . .. � . ..
<br />