� �
<br /> 7_8��{�2286
<br /> The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States �
<br /> E4'.:aae�
<br /> ' TIiIS MORTGAGE, dated as of the.........22nd..... day of.........March.... .. .. .,
<br /> r' .... ............... 19..78.. between �
<br /> Engel and Mildred L. Engel, his wife, and Roland R. Engel and Sandra E. Enge�l,�hasCwife,
<br /> ' whose posr otfice address ;s....Wood River, Nebrasks
<br /> ............................................................_..........................
<br /> ... .. ......................................................................
<br /> hercinafter nlled "Mo�tRagor," and THE EQUI7'ABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIEI']' OF 77iE IINITED S'I"ATES, a Ntev York
<br /> corpontion,having its princ�pal officc a�d post office addras at 1253 Aveoue of the Americas,Ncw York,New York 100t9,hereinaFter
<br /> nlfed"Mortgagee':
<br /> ' WHEREAS,the Mortgagor is justly indebted to the Mortgagee in tfse sum oF�ne Hundred Ten Thousand and no/100-----'
<br /> ; ------------------------ 110 000 00 •• ... ..
<br /> j; .�.............................................................lMllars�5..........a.........�.....................) with interest,all as set forth in his certain promissory nute
<br /> (•,Note") of evrn date herewith maturing....... R.�k_�,...J,.,.......................................19...98
<br /> NOW,THF.REFORE,THIS MORTGAGL•WI'I'NESSETH,that,to scrure thc payment of the principal of and interest on the Note
<br /> and the performance o(the covenanb therein and herein co�mined,and in consideration of the premises,the Mortgagor by these prexnts
<br /> <toes grant,bargsin, se11,convey,trsnsfe�, assign, mortgage,pledge, warrant and con�rm unto the Mortgagee all the property ("the � �� - � �
<br /> �� .►1nr�geged Proprrty") hcreinaftcr dearibed, to•wit � � �
<br /> � I. 'Ihe following dexribed real property located in the County of H811
<br /> ` Nebraska ..............................................................................
<br /> ..........................
<br /> ; State of.................................................................ro-wit
<br /> ; A tract of land comprising part of the Southwest Quarter (S4J4) of Section Six
<br /> � (6), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,
<br /> ; Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner
<br /> of said Section Six (6); thence northerly along the west line of said Section Six
<br /> i 6), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty-four and Sixty-ei ht Hundredths
<br /> � �2,644.68) feet, to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter �SW;); thence easterly
<br /> � along the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SW;), a distance of One Thousand Five
<br /> � Hundred Sixty-one and Ninety-two Hundredths (1,561.92) feet; thence souther7y parallel
<br /> ; to the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SWQ), a distance of One Thousand Seven
<br /> ` Hundred Sixty-three and Six Hundredths (1,763.06) feet, to a point on the Northwesterly
<br /> � right-of-way line of U. 5. Highway No. 30; thence southwesterly along said right-of-
<br /> � way line, a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Nine and Thirty-two Hundredths
<br /> , � (1,709.32) feet, to the south line of said Section Six (6); thence westerly along
<br /> the south line of said Section Six (6), a distance of Ninety-six and Eighty-three
<br /> #+ Hundredths (96.83) feet to the place of beginning and containing 80.000 acres more
<br /> ' or less.
<br /> r
<br /> ;
<br /> r
<br /> Defav.#t by the mortgagor under any other instrument securing the debt hereby secured ahall
<br /> consLitute a default under this instrument.
<br /> �f - 7I. T'he Mortgagori interes[as Icssor in all leases (induding but not limi[ed to,oil,gas and minenl lexses) now or hereafter , � .
<br /> # affecti�g the abovadescribed rcal property or•rny put thereof.
<br /> '� TOGETHER WITH the rcnts, issucs, and rofits thcrcof, reservin however, r P
<br /> i � P g, (unless otherwise rovided herein or in a x anM � � � �
<br /> � instcumrnt of usignmrnt),unro the Mortgagor che right, prior to any def�ult in the payment of thc Note or in performance of any
<br /> ageeement hereunder,to collect and rtain such rents, issues,and profits as they become due and payable,and together also with atl and
<br /> ' singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thc�cunto belonginR,induding irrigation,drainage,and water rights oF every
<br /> i kind aod desctiption.
<br /> ����f TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Mortgagec, its successors and assigns, forcver. . .
<br /> �,� PROVIDED, ALWAYS, that if ihe Mortgagoq his heirs, representatives,successors or assi1Gns, shall pay unto the Mortgagee, its �
<br /> ��� suceessors or assigns, the said sum of money mentioned in the Note nnJ thc intcrest thereon at the times and place and in the manner
<br /> �,.� speei6ed in the Note,and all other sums that may become duc and owing to the Mortgagm pursuan[to any of the terms,covenants and � �
<br /> � condmons hereof,and perform al! the conditions and covenants contained in this mortFage("MarrRoge"),thrn these presents and the
<br /> � estate hereby geanted shall cease,determine and be void,otherwise to remain in full force and eBeet.
<br /> �' AND SUBJEC7'to the covrnants and conditions Eaaeiaafter set(orth.
<br /> :.�� F7RST: The Mortgagor hereby mvanants and agrees,to the extent permitted by law,as follows: (a) to pay prompNy when due ' � � ,
<br /> the prinnp ai and interest and other sums of monry provided for in the Notc and in this Mortgage,or eithcr;(b)to pay all taxa,assess- -
<br /> i mcnts and o[her charges (induding diteh,canal,«servoi�,or other water charges,taxes or assessments) imposed by law upon the�1tort-
<br /> :�' gaged Property, the Morigagee's interest therein,or upc+n thc Mortgage or che Note; provided however,that, in the evenc oF the pas- � � �
<br /> I , sage of any law changing the laws for the taxation of mortgages or debts secured by mortgage so as to a8crt this MortAage, �he entire �
<br /> .�� indebtedness secured hereby shall,at the option of the Mortgagee, become duc and payable;(c) to keep the Mortgaged Property and im- � � � �
<br /> t provements thereon in�;cwd condition and repair and noi to commit m suffer waste therrnf,and except as authorized in any xhedule
<br /> j u�nexed heteto and forming a part henrof,neitMr ro rernove noc permit t'.e removal of any timber,buildiogs,oil,gas,minerals,stone,
<br /> rak,day,fertilizer,gra.•el or top soil without thc prior writtcn conscnt of the Mortgagee:(d) to maintain and delivor m the:v(ortgagee
<br /> � polieics of insunnce against auch haztrds on tbe buildings now or hemfter 3aated on the Mortgaged Property as the Mortgagee maq � ��
<br /> �tequire,ia such compa��es and nmounts and wich such Ioss payable clauses as sFw{I be satisfadory•to the Dio:tt;.:gce;tiut in the event of
<br />..�� . Ioss�.the Mortgagee is espressly authorized ro settie or compromise claims under said jwlicies and the�+rocecds sh�ll be paid ro the MorF � � �
<br /> ,qagee who may appty same oc any put thereof on the indebtedaess secvred hereby or to.vards the reconstmction or repaic of said build• �
<br />,}. ings or rdease same to tbe Mortgagor; (e) to pay any lien,daim oz chuge s�,rainst the Mortgaged Property which might t�ke j+retedence � � �
<br /> over the Iirn hereof;(f) to pay on demard all lcgxl expenses,tide searthes,or attomey fecs rrrsonably incurred or paid by the Mortgagee .x�� ;�,
<br /> ,� � � to collect the Note or foreclose or proteet the Iirn of the Mortga¢q (g) that in the event he shall fail to wmpfy with 2he provisio�s of ' �=
<br /> (aj through (f)above,the Mortgagee may mke such nceion u u necessary to remedy such failu�e and all wms paid by the Mortgagee � �.;,
<br /> pursuant hercto w'tth intercst at the rate hereinafter provided shall constitute a lim upon the Moetgaged Property, shall be secured by .
<br /> t6ia Mortga8q and ehall be immediately due and repayabie to the Mortgagee; (h) not to ull the prcm�ses oc any portion thereof, or, �
<br /> if the Mottgagor is a corporation,not mom than,�.-...�of its mrporate stock shall be sold,tnded or disposed of to persona aher than � ,r. ��
<br /> the•prctmt mvnen ptioc to the time the indeb[ednas secaced henbq shaU have been reduced (exclusive of prepayments not permitted �:;.
<br /> � .. p�k
<br /> p`,� . . . ... . . . � ...__ �-.. .
<br /> iy:j � � . . . . � � � . . .
<br /> c.�- . . . . . .. . . . . . .
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