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�. <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> : ' ADDITIONAC 'PRQIVISIOIYS <br /> AkRTOR WARRANTS i�ND� COVE\A\TS : ( 2 ) ?hxt a[ctpf � lor the accunty iiiteteat pmn�rd hcr t - � � .�,�,�r i., or ��. th< va(rnt that thie artreemcnt eWto � � <br /> [hat the CoII>tenl is to be acquited a(ter [he Aate hercoL�x'iil be, �de ownerullhc Colliterad [rce frum pny ��dverac - Lv�, .ecunty� �ntertet or mcumMranet ; an1 l4at � � <br /> Uebtor will �defrnd the ColLlenl agxinxt aIi eiaims and de�tianJs of di .yer'sorta pt..anY .time clnimin¢ the cemr ,r :wy interest U�ercin. (2) ?6at .nu tinaneing atatemmt - <br /> oe or more L'�nalne�nRlataam:nta���� °��vmf ix on �fiie in any yufilie offiee and t6nt at the reqnext o( Sceur«i Pany, UeLtor will �:a wi�h Secure.l Yarty in e�ceculiny � . � <br /> g punuanl m the NcbranW Uni(orm. l:ommercial C�le 'n form antufactnry to S<cured Pany and iil pay tLe<ost oi filing eueh fiqancing <br /> statetneoq �thix secunt �Rreetnmt and � ny evu[im�atiun or Nrminatiun rtatemrn4 n all puhlic ufficrs wh<revcr fJiuX :s dccmed 4y Seeure�l F•ar[y �n I�e necaaury or <br /> leairabla ; Yvd if the �Ilalttal i! attaehed ro renl e�tate prior tu the V���etion � f thr �ecunty iutereet gtante7 Lereby or if ILe Culla[crnl iocludea cmpa or o�l, g��a or � <br /> mineml� to 6e e#ractM or timLtr to be cuq Uehlur x�i0, un Aemand nf Se�ured P:�rty, (urn�nh $enved P.arty wity a d�YIA�Me� or diacl�imers or ndlWrdLiahon .lgree- <br /> mmt signed by xll pemna hav�nQ an interea� m thc rral eatate. di»claiminR ��r wJwrdinasing an� intereet in the Culiiter.J whith is rwr w Ihe iut<re.r[ af Settirvd' YaRy. <br /> (3) Nol to acll, Imufer or dispoae o( t6e Coltateral, nor take .the samc or uttcmyt to take the same frum fhc county where ken� >s nloted, �vithout the prior writern � <br /> conxnt of the Seepted � Party. - U) To D�Y ��� taxea qnd xxseexmmta o( �vtt natur< wM1ieh may be /evieA m aseuved xgainst the CuilateraL (5) Rot tope rm�[ or allow � <br /> any adverx lim, aecurity interest or <neumbrxuce w�hats>eaer upon the Col�renl, xnd not m pertnit the s�m� ro he nttaehcvl or reylevined. (6) That rh< Cotlateril ia <br /> �� B�d roMition, and that he w�ill at hia orn exptt�x. kcep [he eamc in qorul eondition and (cum timc to tim<. fnnhwith, replacc and rrpair nll aueh parYn oE the Collatent � <br /> as rtuy be bmken� worn out or damaged ritbeut allowing any firn to Le created upon the Cnllatcr.J uu ace�unt of auch reV�acement or repairo� and � that the SeeurM � <br /> Part� mpy aomine anA inepect ehe Collatenl at an� timer wherever Ioeate�L� (7) That he wilt aL hie nw�n expanFt krep th< Collatenl ioeurcd 'u� a comµv�y aaNn(acmry � - <br /> lo Seevred Party aga inat lou, aa appropriate, Fy theft, rnlluian, fire and extrndeJ coveralS�. wkh lonx p�y�trle io Seeural Party ye ita ineercnt may appear, and will nn <br /> . demaxW deliy�r raid �yoli�iep of irtsurance nr fumi�h pronf of +ueh inwurarter to Secvrcd PartY. (R) ,(� (�y nption ye<ured F'any may pn�eute nueh inaurancq Aiechnr e <br /> . '«+se�,- Lms Or 'aeeurity:intetestl er otAer. cncamerancm .at any �time �evied. or Qlaced on the Cnilatrral anA may pay !or thc mQiir of any dnmage o� injurv to or (p,��e " � <br /> O'esa'vation and maintmanee of thd Cdlateml. Uebor apreee m mimLurx Secured, Pany on Armand Jor any yaymmt -or n!! ' �I . by SKurCd Pirty RYy�1nt <br /> ro the- JoregoinII, �uthorimtion. ,Catii sueh rtimburnemmt, the nmuunt if miy ruch 4+ �*+��I, with , interest af fht rate of W�tr a �m the dateaf pa�q�LintA � � <br /> mmbnr+ee�rnt. 'shail be addM to [he indeLtedne»a e�ved br De6tur and ahali he r,eeiwo-� 1 v . ehia agreem�( ( Thae he � noe �O�yColl��<rai in vio4tyaw !p¢ny ' � <br /> applieable �blute, regutation or ordimnee and i( uny of the Coilater.J �s momr rd. iclr H� +ame will nol�yp d. urci in �l ���,por in an apq d ot(�I�ce <br /> mnleat ( ]0) DeGtor will yay SeeurM F'arty atry and, all eunts and ezpenxa incurred m rccuvcrinK yoesena�on o the Cti1la�aniYipcp� �e�rW� [h ne rit <br /> a�eemenc. and 1he aame yb�71 ye �mured bY Ihis securi'r agrcement. � " '' C � � � y � . . . <br /> UNTiL D$NAIILT Debwr may have po uea�iou . of <he Culla�eral anA ux it in any 4�wfu1 mam�2an '�.f,inco�vsistent w�f�h '�hia agi�c�l�( i�d �jt �ons��m�ritL <br /> /yn� po li of inaunnee tLercof, and upo n d<fault Seeurcd Yarty � shall hnve thc immMiate nght to [he p3i:�ca�ion o( the Col�y{�r,�I. 'q \ co m o <br /> Y� DE�TOR SHALL Il� IN llEFAC."4T under thia agreemort upon the ha{r�<ning o( any uf �hr ?Jlio+ring cvm�x or FuTl�7tione: j] d�u i �he yy�,��i of <br /> peAornunee ol any oAliganon, Mvenant or, liabilit conGined .nr re(nrM to hercm ur m any note evid�pc�ng. the �wme ; ( 2)�y w�arra ta m orWYi[ nt <br /> �rnade or (arnished tn SeeorM Part� Ay or on Aphal�rP Debtor D��es to luve lxen falee in any material ��lipaYe .vhcn ma�1e or (urn.n6e3 - '_ � w.h��� ;p �. <br /> encumb aee� or ofe �:mnlndty ot ehriadebmineaw.of Debtnr tQ uthers, under anr inyimturq agrcemenJ'7�r Y( ertaking : (-1j Io�s, p�e1 am ge e eti or <br /> a p ibt the'.Collateral. or Ihe makine o( any IevY. }riaurc dr uttachment thrrm( or tl�re3rt� 5)' death. d utiWy t ' i (v- � . . <br /> �C7. buunns $ilure, a pointmmt o( a receiver of any part of [he proyerty of, aesignment for the 1xneT�ot2rd211�ors by, or �omnrnelln�[ y a �� <br /> mnr 4aakn.ptey or inaolv�neY lawa Ly or againat Uebtar or any guwnnenr or surcty for DeGmr. �1 ' . . � <br /> UPON SVCH D$FALLT and wt any time A�ereaher, or if it deeme itaelf inxcura Securvl Part��c.m� �dnre ati O61i atione y�Ny�y � <br /> �od � qyable a�d eha11 have the 'emMiee of a r•ecured pssrty unAer the 1eLra�ka Cni(orm Commercia� C�y(e. Secured � ma r h Y m��Ihe � <br /> �ollateral and� ddiver or makt it . avaiiah7e tu Seeured Yarcr at a plwee m Ac Aev�Rn:�ted br Secnrcd f'alry �hi�y i� rcaxunably �.�nwr#��n hoth part'�ew.��is he . <br /> �o�tateeal i� .yRi�hable or thrcatens lo deeline �peediiy in vaivp or ix of a tvy e euatumarily anlrt on a reco d market, Secu ed ParYy wi11 Qive DeLtor r�aao le <br /> .. .NoliCe ofdhe timt 1nd Plaee of snY Vublic xaic therto( or uf the time after which anY private sale ir � n oth ntrnded Ji♦ . . <br /> _`�p _mU of rcaaombtanotice �hali Le met if sueh �wtiee is mai1N. tx�eta e ' Y � �m Nm u io 7x mnde. T T �. . � . � <br /> a!lTer! 'tlu time oY'thr uh�or dispoaition. � g P���"i� �^ �Lr uddre.s uf Debtor nl�n at the Legiyyy�g �f �j ;�grcement at Ieaet�� <br /> , t J No waiver Ly' Santad yarty of aay defuuit shall oyeratc :�a a wnivrr oF any ��her defauli or nf tl�o .amc irfautt oq y (uTLrc xCaiim�, TLe .takinR oi �this yecurity � <br /> � �eeement`ahal�` noE waive or �mpair anv nlh[r xCurity eaid Security Yarty mny ha �r or creafter acqwrc fur the paymrnt of ffie u7wve indeLtedneat, wor phall the laking . <br /> �� df an7 r4eh sdditwna�. eeeuritr. waive or impair this securitY a�reemmt : hut s.i.d $rcurcd Pany may re..�rt to an>' eecuritY :t maY have ii� ti�e oMer it ma9 deem D�Mr. . . . � <br /> aad notw�Rhetnndinq' �n�� milatenl �muritY. Secure.l Pnrtr ehnll retain ux riwhts n! nerolf aR:. n.t Itrt.tar. . . <br /> Alf �righb of Secured Party herevnder ahnll inurc ro �he Ixnefit of its eocta svxs and ,�sx�K��. ; anrl : II yrnmi�es anA .lutie� of Dehtor hall biml hia heirs, executacs <br /> or admini�tntnn or hia or ite sueceswrs or as�iana. If there Le mnre thin o m Ue6tor, their 7wM1ilitiev hen�mder aluJi br jumt and eeverai. <br /> � Thia agrtemm! shatl Fxcome effcetivr when it i� aigned by Debtor. ' � . � . � � � <br /> � . . . . \ � �� .. . <br /> � �._.._.._,. ... _ _ . . . . .._ . .... . _ ._. ._ � � � . ;�. <br /> ; <br /> . `.... . . . � : . <br /> � � � ' S <br /> . . . • q � � �� y <br /> . . . . . . . . � . . ;� p.�t� � <br /> y�i <br /> . . ' . . �6 '. ,• �. ' •( . . <br /> � � <br />� <br /> ` � <br />