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<br /> I f�V
<br /> 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clauae) (Rev(xd 1962) The HuBmen Cenecal suppty Houee,Ltnaoln, Nebr. �� ,
<br /> � f
<br /> �{
<br /> f KNOW ALL MEN BY Tf�SE PRESENTS: That Dick D. Osburn and Louise I. Osburn, husband and I
<br /> '
<br /> of Hall County,and State of Nebra5lca ,in consideration of the sum of ` � ���
<br /> _--wife-
<br />� �'hree tiousand Ninty dollars and 09/100-- ------_---____ ___($3090.09) DOLLARS �"
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Flower-EvanS Company �
<br /> � -�of Iiall County, State of Nebr'aska the following deecribed premises situated j
<br /> in Hall County, and Stute of Nebraska .,to.wit; � -
<br /> � Lot Nine (9) and the South Half (S''�) of Lot �
<br /> Eight (8) in Block Five (5) in the Town of I
<br /> Cairo, Nebras7ca. ��
<br /> !�
<br /> � ((f
<br /> f� {t ij
<br /> f� i
<br /> �� ��
<br /> ;� II
<br /> �� ��
<br /> �i The intention being to rnnvey hereby an absolute title in fee eimple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. � �
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the eaid �
<br /> mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heira and assigns forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the espresa �
<br /> � condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his,her or their heira, executors, administrators or asaigna shall pay or cavee to be ��
<br /> gaid to ihe s3i3 mortesgee{s), his,her or their heirs, esecutors, administrators or assigns,khe princiga!sum of S 3Q94.Q9 ?
<br />- j} payable as foliows.to wit: i�i ..
<br /> � is k't
<br /> According to the note given herewith '•
<br /> � '
<br /> - � �
<br /> �(
<br /> ,�� �� with�interest acrnrding to the tenor and eAect of the mortgagora written promissory note bearing even date with these preaeats ' �
<br /> and shall pay all taxes and aasessmen4s levied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,levies and sssesstnents I..vied upon this ��
<br /> " mortgaRe or the note'which tk�is mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep ihe buildinga on
<br />� �i said pmmises inaured ior the sum of$ , loss,if any,payable to the eaid mortgagee, then these presenta !� �
<br />� to be void, otherwine to be and remain in fuli [orce. + � �
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor ahall fail to pay such tazes or procure such insurance,the f�
<br />� said mortgagee may pay auch taxes and procure auch insurance: and the sum eo advanced, with interest at per ( . � �
<br /> cent,aha11 be repaid by eaid mortgagor,and thia mortgage ahal! stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any �� � � �
<br /> � of said money, either principel or interest, when the same becomea due, or a failure to cromp(y with any of the foregoing i� �.
<br /> agteemenfs, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and wllectible at once at the optioa of the t� . �
<br /> mortgagee_ .
<br />: � Signed thia 17 day of April . 19 7 � �; .
<br /> � �!
<br /> In presence of ... . '-''�.�..." " -" •"'-'.......... ....._._'....._ f t :� .
<br /> o � _
<br /> /� ,,
<br /> _`..............._"............""'-'.._........""
<br /> ��J'� f� i ,
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<br /> ................."--..............._ � - - :' �:�:
<br /> � ............. ..�..'C...ec,...F_: .ei... c�<..."•-'..."'•"_ � � '
<br /> . ...... ....... ._........ ;� . . . � � �
<br /> +'
<br /> '_'•_"-"........."-..."-""'................""..._..................................._...... �� .
<br /> ""'-"'-".....__..............".............."'.............."'...._..............'-'--'-•""' i � � .
<br /> -3TATE OF._....♦Nebr.aska...............•---- ... CoantY of........Ha11..._ .....----. `�
<br /> .__........ ...----�----....: t,
<br /> otary public qualiSed for said muaty, peraonally came ?� � � � �
<br /> ,'
<br /> Dick D. Osburn and Louise 2_ Osburn
<br /> � �tl� .�.�ideatical person or persans who signed thc forngoing instrument and acknowledged the execulion '+ . .
<br /> ^4 x o eir votuntary act and deed. i�i � . . .
<br /> , NQ'lARY ' �p notarial eeal on-----....._!��P..ril.--17....................... ....................19...7R. �I
<br /> .. _.
<br /> a
<br /> �! �
<br /> Y' ��' ' : ••1"la--...18= .... 1981.... � .._s4i_-.��1.....�-.c�i.a.,r:.r.s�.Notary Public. "'
<br /> Y � �
<br /> .0 -.-.. . ,�
<br /> i I ,
<br /> �-� ��r,�q� � ;:
<br /> .. a �,.;
<br /> � . F�lse- ";'- z-. � � Entered on numericel inde: and filed tor :ecord )� �
<br /> � �CauntY��� - -__. �_..... � � � � ... } in the R�gieter of Deeda OSce ot said Cwmty [he ij � j` ,.
<br /> � . . . . .1� j� # ��
<br /> if
<br /> l �
<br /> .._.._.»...._.__-da9�o�. . . . __.:. 19..._..._.-, at...._...----^---._....._---.o'clock and..............................minutea----........-•-•-----M., �. • ,..� ' . ��.7
<br /> .._.._................ ;; �,z._. :: .
<br /> ��and recorded in Boolc�......--- � ....,.... ..of..................................._._at Page.--........_....----- :o � ...
<br /> ( � .. . . . . . . .. . .� .
<br />...�''�� . . . � . . --._....__.._..._...----------'.................---'-'•-_•--'•-'_-----..Reg. of Deeds ` � .
<br /> - By ._. �.. .._.... ....... ................... .........De�"�' �
<br /> ' -=- -=�_..._�_._----- . _
<br /> _____-�_. �.�.,�_.._.___._..
<br /> _ _ _.:�� ..�._ .� -_. �
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