� �
<br /> 78— U 0 2 2 6 � '....--"..� �
<br /> . s.-- --w ;
<br /> � . That t4e Mr��tqegor, w�ll pay 'the indetrt0dnea+ as ,herembetore provided �; - �� �., . .� �_. , .. : � '_
<br /> . i . ,, r,�ts ... .. , , . � . , q ;. , . . � . . � - .
<br /> � That the Mortgegoc.is fhe Myner o[ se�d property in fee s+mple " -and has �good right and lawful authority to sell an�C � - `
<br /> � rnnvey the sar@e< apd, thaE tha sem� -fa [iee and cleat ot eny Len or ;encumbrer�c�; and thEit Mortgagor will wazrant and • deEenii the ' .' . . ��
<br /> .. title to said ;premiaes af�aTnat,:, the�ctain� oF aif ��;pereons ':w}fomsoever_ � �� � . . . , ,
<br /> :^T� .�- ..� ' : _� t .
<br /> '.: .... . f�. .. . � � . . . . r _.
<br /> � � To pay uhaiedta{ely� W7�eri t!!��"aiul �pgyeWe all' ge'neral tazeS speci9l texes, � 9pecial a�esaments, water charges; sewer seiv-' �
<br /> � � � ice charges, and , other.taxee :and charges against said property, and all taxes levivcl on the debt securnd hereby, and to furnish the �
<br /> Mortgagee, upon zequeef; with -t6e:` erigir'aC or .'duplicalc '.receipty therefoc_ The Mo�t�gor agrnea Ehac there she71 6e added 'to
<br /> ,- � each monthly payment required hereunder or�� under �the evidence of debt secured hereby an amuunt estimated by the Mortgaqee ,. � ,
<br /> � to be aufficien� Ctl B'e'abje� the'„l�lortgggee... to Pay, as they become due, ail taxen. aawec.ymen4a, auJ �in��;a.- chnr� � . s;c.-, the _� . � � � � .
<br /> . e - � . e� � � i•rem- , . . .; �.
<br /> � ixs 'anhject ��thertto; �any de$ciency because � of� the � insufticiency of such additional p "syments �hall � [orthwith deposited � by Yh'¢ ' � � .
<br /> Mortgngor with the Mortgagee upon„slemand by the Morttiagec Any default under th�s paragraph xhall }� deemed a default in �
<br /> -. j , .. : ,
<br /> . . �gff'e�5f� �����y�°�}jen�s,Fnr �i�1���.c. ck�f�"� r�e,g4uir�d h�eFeun� i.i� rr.. � � ,� . , .. . � .
<br /> .. . , .-^.... , . .
<br /> - _ : . ^ A : . . J 4 ♦ : _ �l A '.3 y . f .ii! J .,'4 : . . . :. . ., ♦ n . 'r . }� .
<br /> � . � . � r.[ � r •:>
<br /> � { l d f .+ 2] :- Y r .- . .:: � .., .. , _ . . ' � � r_!: � F: [� > '. g7 . ^r . .
<br /> The Mortgagor agrecs that there nha❑ uiso be ndded' ti�� each monthfy '��ayinenE of� prmCipa3!an2l �m�terest requirei3 fier'e- " � . � .
<br /> under an emount evtimated by the Morlqagee to be .�cient to r. nable the bfortgagrE� to p�y, as it M•comes due, the insnrance � � � �
<br /> . ; premium on any insurancepolicy detivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency Fxcause o[ the insufficiency o( ruch additional pay - � �-
<br /> � � mentc sRa11 � Ae forthwith deposited � by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upcm demand by � the Mortgagee. Any default unde� this , � � �
<br /> paragraph shall be deemed a drfault in thrt payment of insvrance premiams. I[ the policy nr poliries Aeposited aro such as hvme-� � � � � �
<br /> . owners or a❑ risk �licies, and Lhe de�wsiLv are invufficient. to pay the entirr �'�remium, thr Mortgagee may apt�ly Ihe de�sit to : . �
<br /> pay premiums on risks required to be insured by thix mortgnge. � �
<br /> . Pa mentv maddh6 '��=Eke� Mur ' � , �`.• . . . . . . . ��� . � � �
<br /> Y � tqager� �und�u' 3}ie �Fiove �.j�Ma�rap}is may, �ilt��_ the:- .optikin�;of bh�e; Mortgagec:i6e': held � by it an<1 �
<br /> u
<br /> . commingled with other such funfl5 nr its own funJS for the payment of .uch itemc , nnd until so applied, su�h paym�nts are hereby ' � �
<br /> pledged as security for the unpaid ba�ance of thP mort�ag.� indeblR•dness. � . �
<br /> ; To prcxute, deliver to, and maintnin for the benefit of thr !�fort�;agee during thr li(e nf this mortgagr. t�riginal �>oliciec and � � - �
<br /> renewals therc�f, delivered at le•�st ten duys tmfore the espiratiun uf any such policies, insuring against fire and ��th -rr insurable � �
<br /> hazarde, essualYies, and rnntingencies as the Mortgagce may requirn, in an amount eqvnl to the indebtedneea secured by thi9 �
<br /> . Mortgage, and in rnmpanies acceptable to the Mortgaqee, with loss puyable clausr in favor of nnd in fnrm acceptablv to the Mnrtga- �
<br /> � gee. In the event any policy is not mnewcNl on or Fx:(on�� trn days of its expiralion, th.• Mortgagee may prxure insura�rn on the � � . . � �
<br /> : improvemenfs. pay the prnmium therefur, and such sum sha ❑ Fn�cnme immediatrly (IIIE NI1fI �1fly9hIC with intrrest at the rate set . � �
<br /> � [orth in said note until paid and ehall be sewrrd by this mnrtgaKe. Failure on the part o( Lhe Murtgagor to furnish such renrwals . � � .
<br /> . as are herein required or failure to pay any sums advxnced hereunder vhall, at the option of the MortRagee, constitute a default �� . � � .
<br /> . . under lhe terms of thiy mortgage. The delivery nt such policies shall , in the event of default. constitute an assignment n[ the un- � �
<br /> earned premium. � � � �
<br /> ; Any sums received by the MortgaKee by reacon uf loes or damage insured aqainwt may he re[xined by the Mortgagee
<br /> , and applied toward the payment of the debt bereby secured , or, at the option o( the Mortgagee, such sumx either wholly nr in ' �
<br /> � patt may be paid over to the MortgaK�r to I� 49P1� LU repair such huildings or to build ' new buildings in their place ur for any .
<br /> � other purpose or object satisfactory to the Murtgagee without aftectinK the liPn on the morlqage (or the full amount secured :iere- � �
<br /> . � by befure such payment rver took place. � �
<br /> . �.. , . . . -}
<br /> � � . To promptly repaiq restore ur rebuild nny buildings or improvements now ur herea(ter on the prrmisra wbich may be-
<br /> " come damaged or destroyed ; to keep said pcemices in good condition and repair and (ree trom any mechanic's lien or other lien or ( � � �
<br /> claim ot lien nM expresely subordinated to the lien hereof; not to suRer or pc�rmit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on �� � . � . �
<br /> � � said property nor to perrnit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the pmperty hereby conveyed s6a11 become � .
<br /> . leas valuable, nor to diminiah or impair iLv value by any act or omission to act ; to comply �+vith all re� uiremrnts o( law with respect � .
<br /> to the mortgaged premiaes and the use thereof.
<br /> �
<br /> � That should the premises or any part therrof be taken or Jamaged by rea.on o( any public improvement or condemnation ' . �
<br /> proceeding, or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall be enlitled to ali compensationa. �
<br /> . � awards, and any other payment or relief therefur. and shall be entitled, at ita option, to commence. uppear in �and � prosecute in its - ' � � . . . �
<br /> . own name any aMion or proCeeding, or to make any compromise or setqement in connection with such taking or damage. All such � � � � �
<br /> �. compe+uation,' awards, damages, �right ot �.action� and proceeds ate hereby aseigned to the Mortgagee. who may; after -: deduMing . � � �
<br /> . � � therefeom all � ita expemes. .release �any. moneys so received by it or apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The �� Mort- � �
<br /> . � gagoragreea'� to� exttvte a.uch farther asaignments of any �compensation, awards, damages, and rights of action and �rxeedx as the � � �
<br /> � . Mortgagee ,may require. � . . � � . �
<br /> , That in case of failure to perform any of thr covenants herein, the Mortgagee may do �on the MortKagor's behalt � everything �� . �
<br /> � eo covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereot; that the Mortgaqor will �� � .
<br /> ' repey vpon ' demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagre for any of the above purposes, and cuch moneys togetfier with � � �
<br /> � interesL �thereon at the rate � provided in said notr ahall becume so much additional indebtednese hereby .ecured � and may he in- � " � � � � �
<br /> . cluded in any decree foreclosing this moztgage and be paid out o[ the renfs or proceeds o[ sele oE xaid �premises if � not otherwise � �� � � � �
<br /> paid; that it shalt not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity ot any lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad• � . � � � �
<br /> � vancing�moneys ��as above �. authorized, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee .tu advance any `� - ' � . .
<br /> � � moneys��for� any � such purpose nor to �do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shal! not incur any peraunal tiability becauxe of any- � ',. . � � �
<br /> � � Yning itmay- do or�umit � to do hereunder. . . � �
<br /> In the event of the default by Murtgagor in the pnyment of any installment, as. required by the Note secured hrreby.. or � �� . . �
<br /> . � � in �the performance of the obligation � in this 'mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the � � - � � �
<br /> � debt.secured hereby. due, and Vayable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entilled at its option, without notice, either by itself � �
<br /> �= or. by a reSciyer to be � appuinted�,by_the court thereof, and without regard to �the adequacy o[ any securily for the indebtedeesa se• � �
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> ' �' curEd hereby; to enter' upon, and fake pos�ession' 'o'f lhe � mortgsged premisea, and to rnllect and receive the rent., iasues and profib . .
<br /> � thereof anA` apply the �ame; .lesa costs� of operaticin "and ' collection, �upon the � iadebte■inesa � aecurec! by this mortgage; � said � rentb,� �
<br /> ( � �� im�"!s and 'pioKfs'biing�herEby��a9eSgned"fo the Mortgagee as further �security �tor the �payment ot all indebted`fi�Aet�tre+e� h�eetiy'F"` �� �
<br /> �
<br /> � .� . � . The Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agenis it may desire [or the purpose of repairing said prem• r � �"�
<br /> �..d..: .
<br /> ' ; � .. . ixsp renting the sameG, co7le.eting the senta,_ revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses, incurred in rent- � , ' �: '?
<br /> ing: snd mana(png the same enr'1 of collect�rig tlie mntbls therctrom. The � balance remaining, if any, sha11 !x• applied toward the ''; � ', '�
<br /> x � ' � :, . dixharge. ot �thetmort&sge indgbtednese�.,,Th�s aseignment ia to terminate and become nvll and void upon release of this mectgaRe. �. ,. : �
<br /> L.k . . . . . ; . � . � , �. :. � .
<br /> : . . x, . .. . . . . . . � . . � . _ r", �.
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