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78— ��C�222f - �_J <br /> * '''' � Fpq KECTRIG 41�fE8 ANDMR �JNO�EAf3ROillNO EItCTRtG FACIUTIEf <br /> l+�rtM► :ll i Y#1�.d1i lNE��'+E YilE��h�"1 <br /> �t�� �f/��t�'�� >'�� ; l�.f.��,ct� �n,f.��.�",c��.� .., <br /> n �.r *�� .�e a,u.+.. <br /> f�..T�i „..,....... ..w.w. ..d..aa ,a•.��,...'�d�...�, <br /> � w WM.J�.w. •w/,s.�e f ��e�p��:.t wh4h u hc�rebv«�x�.,�w��d�:�! ar,�f�F.r i�sreho�pryn,.r�<„f. <br /> .u+�w wW pw�wurat mi s�x ! �p�1r��wd a �wh+xs.nQ..�hrr�ur.r.urv.yu�pmrn�wiws.i .rA,.n�Ix r..1�....rF;dc..r�b<d pr„prrtv. � <br /> �_,.._���.*.�r v«w..t.,..,.n�«��,�u. 1[p PUELIC POWEA DIS'CRIC7 <br /> �.4er+rrNrt nMr�1�.���rivtfur.�r.r.x�re <br /> t�•ther: �cwts, �ucc�+rsr�sad rr.t�n��s.tM peemansnt ntha,y�erile�r and eaxement of a r�ghtoi�way vo �,nscruc�.,,pernte.malntnm and remove a!! necesury <br /> 6 <br /> psirt �nas.�u7s. undnp.+und rk�trs.c fxiFaes and ot6er necrsnry eqmpmrn[ m ���nnaainn �herrw�th. �rn and acruse ehr foitowing pr.:perty xnuned m <br /> �il.l _____L.��r�y,Kebrask�. more pa.iicui�rly dexcnbed �x follow.g. <br /> Tk� Northesst Quazter of the I+Soriheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NF3L NFii' KE�) of <br /> Section Seven (7), Tovnah3p Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of t2ze 6th P.M. <br /> The electrie line and underground ekcai<(acihnes herein contemplaeed shxll be Iocated nn che property approxima[ely as£ollows: <br /> One pole to be located approximately 229 ft. south of the north line of said Section 7 <br /> and approximately 1 ft. west o£ the west right-of-way line of a road along the east line <br /> of said Section 7. <br /> Aachor No. 1 to be located approxima.tely 264 ft. south of the north line of said Section <br /> 7 and approximately 1 ft. west of the west right-of-way line of said road along t12e east <br /> line of said Section 7. Anchor No. 2 to be located approximately 350 ft. south of the <br /> north line of said Section 7 and approximately 1 ft. west of the west right-of-way line <br /> of said road along tl�e east liae of said Section 7. <br /> The Granteo shall also have che privilege and easemenc of ingress and rgress across che property co ics(�heir) offirers:md employees(or any purpose necessary � <br /> ix�connectioxi wi[h[he construction,operation,m�ineenanee,inspection and remov:d o£said line and underground clectric F�cili�ies. <br /> � The Grxncee shaU also have the righc at any time�o�rim r rcmove such crees and undcrbrush as may in any way endangcr ur in�erfcrc wi�h che aaEc operation of <br /> the lines,underground decMc facilicies and eympmene used in connec�ion ohrrewi[h. <br /> 3'he Graacea shall ue all cimes exercise all due care and diligence co aJoid injury or damage to�he crops,livesto<k and o[her personal prop rty of the Grantor. <br /> and the Graritee shall indenmify and save harmless che Grantur from any such damage and Wss arising or oceurring co su<h yroperty solely by reason of[he <br /> eonstruction.eperation,maintenaner and removnl of any o crhesd eleccric lines,however,in [he event ehat all oz part of che undergzound electric facilicies which <br /> . may be inscalled on said eaument righ[-o(�way becomes defective or unserviccabte in chc ole judgment of[he Grantec, che Grantce shall have the righc,withouc <br /> addiaional paymene or considera[ion ro [he Gran�or or their suecessors m tide for rny damage or loss occasioned[hereby,co mam[am,repair oc replace such <br /> underground(acilieies;provided,if improvemenes[o[he pzop er[y make che instaliacion of sueh replacemen[s impracticrl ae the locacion of[he original easemenc <br /> ganted h<reby,the Grantor or [heir successors in[ide sFaall grane and convey m the Grantee,for che sume consideration as givcn herein,an oaseme�+e for such � <br /> fur[her inscalla[ion rt a locacion on said pmpe:[y which is mu[ua11y sa[isfac[ory co die pareies. If che parties Fail co agree upon�ny such new locaeion Cor che under- <br /> . ground elecaic facilicies,che Grantee shall have che righc to determine che mos[sui[able locatiun for the easemrnt[herefor�nd the G an�or agreex[o convey such <br /> � eaument;and if the pacties fail co aqmr upon any such new locacion for underground elrctric facili�ies,the Graritee shall have no obligatinn co replace or provide <br /> che underground eleceric faeilities aeross or ro any such property. [n determining the lo<atione Cor further inscallation�}�c Grantee shall a�ail cimes exerciu due <br /> eue and diligence to avoid injury or darnage co che property of che Grancor or their successnrs. <br /> . The Gran[ee agrees ehat shuuld die lin¢s and underground eleccric facili[ies conscruceed hcreunder be abandosied Cor a period of five years. �he righ[-of-way <br /> � or easemenc}mreby sec rrd shall chen ceax and terminate,and this contracc shall be oE no further foree and effecc. <br /> � Signed the�day of �GE� .A.n..19� <br /> , WITNESS ,�\ t/--. 1�; � ., l <br /> � <br /> � _..YY _.J��_..!v_'! _.l. '<_..,..Y �w_�_.o <br /> ���C"�,.n�� ���'b'�l ct-t] <br /> STATE OF NERRASKA, ) CEIIEW NOTAII►-���Tt N MNq�V `I ( <br /> //7 1 THOMAS D. PILLEN <br /> COUNTY OF v-'�''��� ) - MY Comm.E„y..�wN 38.1f07 ii <br /> I <br /> On�his.�1L_d'+y oC'���y�--�=_.19_._',�/,bifore mc ihc uudcr.igncd.a ��' <br /> . Notary Public in jmd/for .wid Cou and Sr , personally �ppcarcd ��i <br /> L/C� �i <br /> —�'c/ -- ------- I� . <br /> .� penonxlly to me known[o ehe identic�l person(s)whu signed�F.e foregomg I;j <br /> � J�,inscr ent as Granmr and who acknowicdged the uecuiion[hercof so be II f <br /> olQncary acc and deed fur the purpuse therein expresacd. � <br /> . j! <br /> jl <br /> � WITNESS my hand and norariai seal[he date above wri[tcn_ <br /> i ' <br /> � My Commissian exF>ires on Qt4'��y uf __._. __'1 —/ <br /> . �� „''� I.".. �' . <br />. . Noirry Yublic � � <br /> a� <br />