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<br /> kfW�1Y ALL MESV MY TFt[aE IRE.sElYTS
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<br /> � LJ � ...
<br /> 6L� Cawll[Y.KREf�lki..111�ORildl'�MM�N U/{ .sy� t�.t�....h�e Mc��b� ►r.•rkSpd. ��d.A..t�..rth..psrnrrer�t�
<br /> �r�
<br /> wtn to . sotal yenent.a(f�f'a..Zlw 3 pk+ud � �raaMx.aad.raMr nr..<wri ryu,perr���..tacn v+.,n che l.....•,.„�.;r���b.�yt pr�,�r�y.
<br /> a-� 6sseby�ranc,nd��r..y u..r��ti� ��''� YUBLZC POiJLR DL8YRICT
<br /> 16eramxker r�hned so aaGra��e<,whci�er one a.r morci
<br /> iKs (��ir) lesaees.pscces�nrs and auisns.ebe p�rmanent r�ht.prnile�and eaxmenc of a ryho-u(-way t�:�ccsnstru«,oper�t<.rru�ntnn�nd r<muve alt naccswty
<br /> poles, wircs, guye,under`round ekctrie fact[ssies and ot�er neceasary eqmpmenr m cnnnoation therer�th. on anA uross the falluMrRit P�aPtftp a�owted �n
<br /> Hall Part of the Southea�t Qusrter
<br /> CounSy Nebraeka, morc part�culrrt described �. fntlows.
<br /> S o Section Six `�), Township Ten �10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> in Ha2I Countq, Nebras[ca described as follows: Begianiag a[ t6e int�rsection of [he
<br /> south right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company vith the east line of the
<br /> said SF3y; thence 911.58 ft. southwesterly along the south right-of-way line of said
<br /> railroad; thence 873.08 ft. southerly parallel with the eas[ liae of the said SFlt;
<br /> thence 91!_58 ft. northeasterly parallel witYi the south right-of-way line of said rail-
<br /> road, to the east line of the said SF}�; thence 873.08 ft. north along the east line of
<br /> the said SF3L to the point of beginning.
<br /> The electric line and underground electrie facilities herein contempl�ted shall be loca[ed on the propetty approximately as follow�:
<br /> Entering the property on the south right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> Company, I ft. west of the west right-of-way line of a road along the east line of said
<br /> Section 6; thence south parallel with and 1 ft. west of the west right-of-way line of
<br /> said road along the east Iine of said Section 6, leaving the property on the south
<br /> property Line as descxibed above, 873.08 ft. south of the south right-of-way line of
<br /> said railroad as measured along a line parallel with the east line o£ the SF}y of said
<br /> Section 6.
<br /> �� The Grantee s2�all also have the privilege�nd easemenc of ingress and egress acrau che Pro�erty co i[s(cheir) officers and employeee for any purpose necessary
<br /> in connection with the eonscruccion,operation,ma�a[enance,inspection and removal of sa�d lme and underground electrie facilicies.
<br /> The Gran[ee staall also have the right at any timc to trim or remove such�rees and underbrush as may in any way endanger or incerfere with the safe operation of '
<br /> ' [he lines,undergroand deceric facilicies and e�u�pment used in connrc[idn[herewish. �
<br /> The Grantee shall a[ all times exercise all due care and diligence to avoid injury or damage[o the crops,(ivestock and other personal prop ercy of ehe Grantor,
<br /> and the Grantac shall indemnify xnd save harmless[he Grantor from any such damage :md luss arising or ocwrring co such v�operty solely by reason of the �
<br /> , construc[ion,operation,maintenance and remova2 of any overhead eleceric lines,however,in the evcn[chat all or prrt of the underground eleccric facilicies which
<br /> ' may be installed on aaid easemen[right-of�way becomes deFective or unserviceable in che sole judgment of che Graneee, che Grantee shall have[he right,wi[houc
<br /> . addi[ional paymen[oz <onsideracion co the Grantor or Ch2i�su<cessors m ticle for any damage oz loss occasioned diereby,to mam:afn,repair or replace such
<br /> �. underground f cili[ies-provided,if improvements w the prop erty makr tLe installation of such replacements impractical ac[he Iocacion of[he original easemenc
<br /> �. gran[ed hereby,the Grantor or [heir sueceuors in ticle shall granc and eonvey to[he GfeTtCC.POf che snme considention as given herein,an easemrn[ for such
<br /> further'vutallanion at a locacion on said pmperty which is mu[ually sacisfac[ory co the par[ies.If[he parties fail co ngree upon any such new lowtion for che under-
<br /> , ground elec[rie faciNties.the Grantce shxll have chc right to decermine che mosc sui[able lucacion for che easement therafor and[he Gran[or agrees to convey such �
<br /> easemenr,and if the parties fail co aqrce upon any such new loca[ion(or underground elec[ric facilities,the Grantee shall have no obligacion[o replace or provide
<br /> the underground electne facili[ies across or co any such property.In deeermining the locations(or furcher installa[ion che Gran[ee shall a�all cimes esercix due
<br /> nrc and diligea<e ro nvoid injury or dam�ge ro che property of the Grantor or cheir suc<essors.
<br /> The Grantee agrcee that should [he lines and undergzound electric facili[ies constructed hereunder be abandoned for a period of five ycars_thc righ[-of-way
<br /> or eaxment here6y xeured shall chen cease nd cer inate,and chis concract shall be of nu rther Coae and effec[.
<br /> � � �...... , '���
<br /> ' Signed the .� a��of�^:.. .q I).,l9
<br /> ' WITNESS�..:�_ �.IS .'-!f,.,
<br /> . lL'Lt
<br /> � . t.,
<br /> __' P _s--,,;� i � �� ' L�..�-F-s.. L - i
<br /> _ -- .... �
<br /> ; , _ � i �
<br /> ,L'P.t,r� -
<br /> � " ���� � I (FOR REC:I R F DEEDS STA )
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASK/��� � ) �)
<br /> ���// ) �fMLMTARY-pq����y
<br /> , COUNTY OF `�'� ��. ) T11�tAf 0.� �I
<br /> �y/��_ Mr��4 M�7�1�1 �i
<br /> . On thi�_�_.day oC_��, 19_. ',beforc me�he undvsigned,a ij
<br /> Notar P lie iu a fpr Coun�v��j I/Stare, perso al md ���
<br /> .. �IY��.�Wi�'�___�� .. ..
<br />, � penona y[o me known m be the iden[icaI person(s)who signed[hn(uregoing i( J
<br /> -���ummq as Grantor and who acknowlcdged the executfin thereof to be �
<br /> luntary acs and deed for the purpose chrr<in expressed. I�
<br /> . �I
<br /> K� . WITNESS my hand L�d nocarial seal the d�re above ite n ;�
<br /> /J� �� �// i
<br /> MyCommission explres rni[h•�_�{_day of_�`��_,_,7<)O . - j,
<br />� .����� I�
<br />,. . '._.—_,__Nocary Public.-'.--__-.�
<br />