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� T� �,[i�?�2�! <br /> �-, <br /> ''' '� EAiEME�fT fOrR EIECTRK LlNEaB ANp/OR UNOERGROlJNO EIECTRt�C F/�CILITIES <br /> ♦wm+e► a+►.l! #aE.��! 3�et�.!Mh3r.akAr s <br /> �i/���f/• 17�"a{l N <br /> ;,.-._.�_....-�►�^ .._. ,�.... ....._....�_.._._._,_.._.,.�.�...�. .,. ____� . <br /> �J Il�<. i�wws..r u«�.w r+++,rd«da r�� J ..u=� �.rrird pc ..�.._ — .�. „ <br /> _ T'_l����i�t� m.,,w+�e*wak,rv�.,t ! � _ .- .ip� .f t h t-. by �. ���..St d t f u-t..r:�hu p.��,�ia <br /> � .w�:,,.�..}.=�`�Wp...r+is,.ti� I,x 6 p.,ts...d Z .neb��,..,.�e,..l,�.,.c�r,..a, .y.��.inrr,�, ya�,i,<l,��.���.,.».,Knr,,,itrap,ope,�y. <br /> �' ��`-=;r.+�••a...«�..w.;w c�.r � �LIC POYLR 1?ISTRIC? ( <br /> ��..I�Nw�u�a H4n�w p IC:r�nus.w6sdrer u�os w aa+rrr � <br /> •�'Msa;bwss, waetiron and a��p�a,ehs pervxsntnt ntht.prnik{e+nd<��smm[n(�rKhc-nf�w�y [o >mtrw[.operate,maint�m and remove at: lICCCNif) <br /> �olea�llpsr+. u�aund siaerti Ex��itis• and o<<ur ne.vrsarv ayu�pmm[ m connece�on�hrzewith, nn .nd +croec vhe followmQ proper[y sttua[ed in <br /> � County. NrbrssYa. more prr�uulady drxnbed a.a follow�. <br /> Tht Eaat Half of the l�iortheast Quarter (F3� NF1'y) of Section Six {6), Tovnahip Ten (10) <br /> Morth. Range Ten (10) West of che bth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska north of the north <br /> right-ofway lin¢ of U.S. Highway No_ 30_ <br /> Ths alaacrit 16f�aad uadersround electric facilitie�herein contemplated ahail be loca[ed on che property approxima[ety as followf: <br /> Beginaing at a point 1 ft. west of ttxe west right-of-way line of a road along the east <br /> line of said Section 6 and approximately 700 ft. south of the north 13ne of the F� of <br /> the NE3t of said Section 6; thence south parallel with and 1 ft. west of the west right-of-way <br /> line of said road along the east line of said Section 6, leaving the property on the <br /> north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 30. <br /> Anchor No. 1 to be located along the above described line at a point approximately 770 <br /> ft. south of the north line of the E� of the NF}y of said Section 6. Anchor No. 2 to be <br /> located approximatelq 1 ft. north of the north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 30 <br /> and approximately 36 ft. southwesterly oP the west right-o£-way line of said road along . <br /> the east line of said Section 6 as measured along a line 1 £t. north of and parallel <br /> with the north right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway No. 30. <br /> . The Granxee shall aiso have che privilege and easement of ingress and egress acrnss the Property tn its (chetr) fficers and mployees F r:my purpose neceuary � <br /> . in eonneccion with che consemc[ion,operrcion,maintenance.inspectivn and removal of said[ine and widerground elececic faeili[ics. <br /> �� The Granece shatl also have che rig t+t a[any�ime�.�trim or rcmove snch vecs and undcrbrush a+may in any way endangcr or interfcrc with thc safc opera[ion o( <br /> � the lines,nnderground clectric faci.licics and eympment used in connecsion ekcrrwich. <br /> � The Gnntee shall ac a❑ cimes ercise all due care and diligence�o avoid injury ��r damage to che crops,liveseock:.nd ucher personal prop erry of�he Grantor, <br /> and the Grantee shall indemnify und save harmlesa[he Cranror kom any such damage and los<arising nr occurring ro such property solely by renson of che <br /> � construction,nperation,maincen�nee and removal of any uverhead elec[ric lines,however,in�hr event chac all or parc nf'tl-�e underground eleccrie facilieies�vhich <br /> may be installed on said caxment righ[�o6way becomes defeceive or unservicenblr in che sole judgmenc of[hr Granece,ehe Gr:mcee shall have chc right,wiehout <br /> ' additional p ymrne or mnsidrntion en ehe Grancor or thetr succec�ors n tide !r .�ny damage nr loss ncr�sioned [hereby,to mx�ne:un,r pair ur replace such � <br /> � underg ound faciiities;provided,if impruvemen[s[o[t�e p perty make[he inseallr�ion o(such eplacements impr ceicnl ae the luca[ion oI che original rasemen� <br /> � granted here6y, che Grancor or vheir suceessors in citle shalt grane anJ convcy�o ehe Gr.u��ee,for the s onsideretion .�s giren herein,n easemenc for sud� <br /> , further ins[alla[ion ac a locacion on said property which is mutually sa[isfaccory co che par[ies.f£�he parcies,fail[o agree upor�any such new luc:uion Cor the undrr� <br /> ground electric facilities,che Grancee shal3 have che right�o determine[he muu suitxble loca[ion(or the easrmen[�hrrefr�r aud the Gran[or agrees eo convey such <br /> eaxment;and iE che parties fail to agree upon any such new lucation for undergrowid rlcccric facili[ics,[he Grar.tec shall havc no abliga[ion to replacc or providc <br /> [he undergr und electric facilities SCf055 OC to any wch proper[y.In de[crmining the loca[ions£or(urther ins[alir[ion[he C;nneee shall�t all times exercise due � <br /> nre and diligence[o avoid injury or damage[u�}ie property ot[he Grantnr or their successors. <br /> , The Graneee �grees [hat should thr lines and undergre�und electric (acili[ies cunssrucecd herrunder br abanduned for x periud oC five yeurs, dic right-oGwny <br /> � or easement hereby xcured<hall then ceasr.and/S rminaee,and[his contract shall be F no rther force and effeee. <br /> � Signed the /� day of �T ' L .A.n_, 19�. <br /> WITNESS <br /> �� �—� <br />. i (FOR RE ISTER F DE D TA ) <br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA. ) AeKq��,_s�H��/�Y� <br /> ,C�a,/�Q > n+or�o.s o.aa�.tN �; <br /> COUNTY OF ��_ ) �My Cama 6ip.Apu 3s,IM4 ;� <br /> � On thie/�day o(��19 .be£orc me she undcrsigned.a li <br /> ��, Noeary P c ' d fpr_,y1id Co'/,�,yncy and .Sca[e, rsom ap red � <br /> �j�f.,viiJ <br /> �a/ x i <br /> ; . <br /> me known to be the identicai person(s)who signed thc foregoing �j <br />, .� � ins eK u Granror and who acknowledged the execucion chereof[o be �' � <br /> . vo untaty act and deed for the purpose therein expresse;. il� <br /> ., . WITNE53 my hand and norarial sea�l [/he'date above written. II <br /> � My Commiasion expirex on cLe��.1{ d� of __ •_._. . �� ���1 <br /> � yJi� <br /> -- Notary Public/d�O�JL�� i. <br /> i 9 L_ <br /> I <br /> i <br />