r -�
<br /> s�caT� o� x�as.sse, c�,.cy o�..._._.._...............__......._..........__:
<br /> I�iled fos sscord on ...........�........._........., 29..»._.at......._................... o'eloek
<br /> ..._................... ![
<br /> a�3 :e�rded ia thr Deed Reeord ._.........w.............».,Pye .,................�.._._.
<br />� ...._................»...._..�crr.ot Deeds ..»...._..... By ._...._.......DePot7�r o!D�� �
<br /> CL.AR�IfCE L� 38UD� aad YssR112! g. SSUD�►� Hnsbaai �sd Ytl�, �aab is �i•
<br /> • aad b�r �va riabt �ad •s spsvs• •! •�cL �tL�r �ai JOs S. Si?LZt al�D
<br /> D�OTSZ M. SSTI.I7C, Hnsb�nd s�d Yi!'e, •aob in Li� sad i�r �va ri�t
<br /> asd as sponse of •aoL •CL�r , hereia called the trantor wLether one or mor�,
<br /> in coneideration of SEITEN TSOiJSAI�TD FIVE KUNDRED FI!'T't A�D lf0/100Tl�S DOLL�RS
<br /> (iT,55o.00)
<br /> reaeived from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm c�nto ARTSUIi R. (i00DY=N
<br /> aad IREI�E M. GOODVIN, $saband wad Yife
<br />, as joint tenants with right oP enrvivorehip, and not as tenants in common, the following deeon'bed resl
<br /> property in ..,,,,$all ,,,,_., ,,. Connty,Nebraeka:
<br /> Lot T�+entp Three (23) in Westroada Eatstss Tl�ird
<br /> Sub��vision, Sall Couaty, Nebraalcs.
<br /> NE$RASKA pQCU:'�+1ENTARY :
<br /> STAM? TAX
<br />` At� 17 19i8
<br /> S.t-�, ,.��`l'C P�r'NE.a $ '��d BY_.��
<br /> To have and to hold the ubove deacrited premises together lvith all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> aad appurtenancea Lhereto belonging unto the granteea and to their aesigns, or to the heirs and assigne
<br /> of the survivor of them forecer.
<br /> And grantor doea hereby covenant �vith the graatees and with their aseigns and with the heirs
<br /> and aesigns of the eurvivor o£ them thst grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premiaea; that they are free from
<br />� enenmbrance ezoept Por easementa� aad restriotiona of reoord
<br /> thet grantor has good right und Iawfu2 nuthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> dePend the title to suid premises againat the lawful claims of all persons �vLomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all pnrties hereto that in the event of the desth of either of tue grantees,
<br /> thc entire fee title to this real property shall cest in the surviving grantee.
<br /> Dated MarcL 20tL 19 78 j
<br /> � ����
<br /> ..�.�..�p_ ���:-.............--........._. L ....... . .... ... ........_.._................_.....
<br /> erence �.. S'�'nd' �'oe �`':._.�et�ik'•••...•--•
<br /> � � � �:. :��4�s�...
<br /> Ye"rai�e�3b"u'd'a .. .... . . ..__ Y�oro�2iy.. ...SetY� - ....._....
<br /> $TA2E OF .....?1LBRASKA............................... County of ..._.......Ha�ll ..._. ,
<br /> Before m�a notary public quslified for said county, personally came CLARENCE L. SS[JDA
<br /> and YERNIS K. SHUDA, Husband aad vife, eacL in t�ia and ber orn
<br /> right and as aponse of saol� otbsr aad JOE E. SETLIK aad DCROT�iY M�
<br /> SETLIK� Hnaband aad i�ifs� eacla in bis sad l�er ��rn rigbt and as
<br /> spovss of eacl� otlaer �
<br /> known to me to be the identical person or persona who signed the £oregoing instrument snd aclmowledged � "
<br /> kf ,
<br /> the eaecution thereoP to be his, her or their valvntary act and deed. � � �- � '
<br />... 1-- _L :
<br />" � w��e��.v b�a�a no�ri� seal on .../�Z���C4�..�Q ...�.....••-..._...., 19..�itg...._.. � :,
<br /> . . . . ........ .
<br />. ..-.� . . , B f i� ,
<br /> .. i��.�_�[...�..SiA.� .. .� :
<br /> �ItMrIn��Mr�IM�i� __.............� ....�.,... Notary Pablic ' «— . '�,,�.-
<br /> � �YC�iiRl�i�l. . O �{ � � -., ,-� . _. ..
<br /> My comwiaeioa ezpirea ...JK.l4,lGr�_...e2..!�.r....�.........., 19.�1..�....._..
<br /> ' O
<br /> Forrcc 4:S To be anoroved bp \ebra.ska State Bar aQsoaiation gdm"+Wol!Oo..Loodn.NeLn
<br /> �
<br />