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<br /> ' ,�an t�. .... ur. i sa .., .�_. "or".__y_ -_ .. __ . �s�._. �r ... rw....�. �
<br /> CLA'�T'OII A. ►�t.0i1S�IC! Ai� OI{�l,ElIE I. PElOYSKt. A�aw�d �wd w4h,_�tach 1• h/s awd Iw__
<br /> aw� r19At � n soous� ot tAe ot�e�. .
<br /> �__ _.�_.._.___._..�. _ .__..___._.
<br /> _. _. _______ _._____. _____..__.
<br /> d Ha 11 co�•.wa..r.....r.yy...L__�..a asd I.i.N l...t c.�.s�.�l}...� �.I�w. .v.p..ci�s
<br /> ariulrA�d��dr Ur Iw��f lii�rlta witY It�/rl�dpl�llfs ar/I�a�e(ealr��e Oe�rd lwi�tl.ri�i�r�.�sat�r�:
<br /> Wt7'l�E88ETli: 7'wt rid aeee�r S__.Ix�rl i�a�tl/etlea d ev�d___...�_.�_.__����. _.�
<br /> "Six Thousand Two HuRdred Farty-ef qht and_6211fMths** . ei�,� . - - ,
<br /> sL�ne.apc or.hida L -r----r.
<br /> �'�Y�wd�d-do-,—p!tiM�pnwet�morepp aed warr�nt wto rid � �-.
<br /> Hll�� �:]u , .td�'�y�o'.
<br /> ra.v�r..n chs toBo.hK arer{L.d e..t..tw..8trsed'm tlr couotr ot ------ --_.--_.__----- .__.- —
<br /> �od 3tate of N�braska.to-wit:
<br /> � { � T ther vrith all heatin � � �
<br /> o�e g,air conditioning,lighting,md plumbing equipment end fiatures,it�cluding screens.ewnings,etorm windowa and
<br /> ��.,�; doora,and window ehadee or blinds,used on or in co�ection with said psoperty,whether the seaae are now locatad on said property or hereefter .
<br /> placed thereon. . ..- . � . .
<br /> �1 � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together witL all and singular the Cenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto he- � • �
<br /> �' loaging,or in anywise appe�-�����o, forever, and werrent ihe title W the same. Said morgegor.S—hereby rnvenent_with said �
<br /> I
<br /> '��� mortgagee tt�et t he .Y are ,at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner_$_of the premiaes aLove coaveyed and described. . � .� �
<br /> and a� seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritenoe therein, free aad clear of all encumbrsnces,aad that t he,�will �
<br /> warrent and defend the title thereto fozever egainst the claia�end demends of all peraons whomsoever. � �
<br /> ��� PROVIDED ALWAYS,and this inntnunent ia executed and delivered to aecuze the payment of the aum of � � -
<br /> � **Six Thousand Two Hundred Fortv-eiaF�t and 62/100ths'F*._poverots6,24f;_62 �,
<br /> ..; with intetest thereon,together with such chargp and edvanca�ea may be due and peyable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions �. � .
<br /> �1 � of the pmmiaeory note of even date herewitFa end secured hereby,executed by said mortgegor.i_.to said mortgegee, payable as expressed �
<br /> �in said note,end to aecure the performance of ell the termn and conditiona contained therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated �. � � .
<br /> �� 6erein by thie ref�ance. � � .�
<br /> $ It is tha inteniion and � �
<br /> agreement of the pertiea hereto thet thie mortgage ahell el:.o secure any future edvances made to eeid mortgagorS_
<br /> by sefd mortgegee,and eny xad ell indebt�nese in addition to the amount abovi stated which said mortgagors,or any of them, may owe Lo
<br /> eaid mortgngee,however evidenred,whether by note.book aecount or othetwise.This mortgege ahall recnain in full force and eHect between �� � � � � �
<br /> � Lhe parties bereW aad their heirs,persoael repceaentatives, sacceeaors and assigna, unti(ell amounta securecl hereunder, including future � � �
<br /> � advences,are peid ia fui:with interest. � � � � �
<br /> The mortgegor,�hereby aseign_Co said mortgagce all renta end iacome arising at any end all timea trom seid properly end � � �� � �
<br /> hereby autluorize said mortgagee i>-its ageat,at its option,upon default,to tv.ke cherge of said property and collect all rents and income � � � � � �
<br /> �.( �� therefrom and apply�the eame u r.!ie payment of iaterest, principel. ineurance premiuma, tazea, aesesameaW, repaire or imprwemente ' � �
<br /> �.�7 neceqsary to keep eaid pmperty in tenantable condition,or to�tt�er cherges or�ayments pmvided for herein or in the note hereby aerured.This �
<br /> reat aeaignment ahall contiaue in force until t3�e unnaid balmce r.!r.:id.-..sie ie fully paid.The teking ot poseession hereunder shall in no menner . . � � �
<br /> . ; ;,prevent oz.ratard eaid mortgagee in the eepecyion of aeid aums by.foreelwure or otherwiee. . . . . � .
<br /> � T6e feilnre ot the mortgagee to easert eay of its righta 6ereunder at any time ahall aot be conetrued as a waiver of its right to essert the .
<br /> aeme aC any later time,and W insist upoa aad enforoe etrict compliance with all the terme and provisione of said note and of this mortgege. � � � �� �� ..
<br /> �-;�f If aeid mortgagor S eb�l�cauee to be paid to eaid mort$agee t6a entire emounC due it hereunder,and uader Lhe tenne and provisions � �
<br /> i af eaid note�ereby set.vead,inctuding future advencea,and ady erztensions or renewels i6ereof in eccordence writh the terms and provlsioras � �
<br /> s
<br /> thereof:snd 9f esid m � r S_ehell com � � t .
<br /> �rt6eSo ply with ell the pzovieiona of aeid note and of this mortgage,thea thase presents��shall bo void:
<br /> otLerwiea to�aeme3a in full force.and eHect,a�esid mortgegee s�ell be entitled to t6e posseeeion of all of said property,end mey,at its option. �
<br /> dxJare the w6ok of eaid mce and all indebtedneee repreaented thereby to be immediately due nnd payable,aud mey foreclose this mortgage "r"' ''
<br /> i� or take aqy othet Iegat eMioa ta proEect its right.Appreieemeat walved.� � . . . «. �
<br /> T6ie moatgage eheLi be binding upon and�ahall enura:W tha beneftt of t6e heira.ezecuWre,administratoes.succeasors and assigns ot lhe I y�� ���:�
<br /> roepeetive petiee hecew: _l
<br /> r� " . � �- .� �; � � .<. ., � , .. � :, .: .
<br /> a �IN WITNE9S WHEREOF, aatd MortgagoK_he y.L_herounW aet.�.�.�' � handi_t3+e day and year firet ebove ��': �
<br /> ` writLen. . . . _ •. a
<br /> �.� .. � . . . . . � �. . .r;. '^h
<br /> " ,
<br /> . _ ..
<br /> �
<br /> , ; . ;. . . . . _. . . .. .:� .. . .. . :�. ,,a �,. :;'d'. :�..
<br /> _ e o s �
<br /> ' � � �-iz��'-�-�
<br />�` Darlene'P_'Petowski
<br /> f ; ; ,: _-.,. _,, _ �
<br />