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<br /> S. lIo trailer . aobil• ho�s, baswst , tast , gasags. bsrn. shack, out= � �;
<br /> 4�ii.
<br /> butldiaj, or otbes streactues of a te�posasy cbazsctes ahall bt used ia wid subdi�►i�ias ,�;�. '-
<br /> ' ` ,
<br /> u a dwllla; or re�idenct at ssty t�ss. vhethsz teeporarily or oth�rvias . �� -�
<br /> 6 . lio aod , eart6 , sand , gravel , or treea shall be remov�d fro� sny lot 4 , ' "�'"� :�
<br /> a� � �u '
<br /> to the injurq of the value of tbe appearance of any lots and no building �ateria2 , � �� ���`�
<br /> '�' ���,� ��� : "
<br /> �` �w �x !'e
<br /> junk or rubbish shall be left expoaed upon an� lot except during actual coastruct3on �' �- ,� ,� °_�
<br /> �y,„' � � °-� � ,
<br /> � �. ��7�,� .
<br /> operatioas . 4 � � ��
<br /> 7 . All televiaion reception shall be secured from underground anxennas , w$ i��� �*� tl�
<br /> { ft ) y��
<br /> 0 � f rr � �
<br /> or antennas placed inside o £ any coaforming building upon any lot or lots , to the ���" �+
<br /> ��� - `
<br /> cd�� �n
<br /> end that no television antenna shall be visible upon any lot or on the outs3de of k�` ���'`�-,
<br /> � � � TM,� �
<br /> any build3ng . , s� ' '
<br /> *��t�� , _
<br /> '; 8 . No worn out or discarded automobile , machinery , or parts thereof stsall `�'>��"�`" '"�F�
<br /> +�'��"�?J`
<br /> u wy �P2X�-
<br /> be stored on any lot in the subdivision and no portion of any lot staall be used for ��Y � ,
<br /> �; � �� ;�.>�a �" . .
<br /> r junk piles or the storage o £ ualicensed automobiles or the storage of any k3nd of "� '��� �
<br /> fi
<br /> � � d�_k �' �
<br /> junk or waste material . Any boats , motor homes , camping trailers , or trailers of '��'� �'' � b"
<br /> �
<br /> � : r� �.,��
<br /> � `�-"'hr
<br /> any nature owned by lot owners for their personal use shall be parked to the rear of "' .� �
<br /> .,
<br /> ,s. -
<br /> their lot _ ��'�
<br /> ��� ,
<br /> 9 . Any exterior lighting installed on any building or lot shall be either ^'�� x �. '�
<br /> ,
<br /> � . , ..rwo�,. . ,w .
<br /> . � s�'�" s�"r �
<br /> indirect or o£ such controlled focus and intensity so as not to be of disturbance to ���7e�����
<br /> � � � �w�r'i� �, � ��`�x'����
<br /> residents of adjacent property . 4 ` , ; < ,��'��"`;�„j�,°�� ' ; �
<br /> . � . . �a j�'r�� ssu�)pB `
<br /> I0 . I3o bill boards or signboards , except suitable signs for advertising ; a � i ,�,���
<br /> . u t��jp r� �� 'L�'
<br /> the sale of any lot or house shall be erected or allowed to remain upon any lot . '" "" �` " �? �`�'�,�F:+'m
<br /> �,q � � �r��-� �,, •
<br /> �. �'�.r`s` �"��e
<br /> Suitable advertising signs of subdivision may be permitted . ; ` �' ' ;�"�,,����
<br /> ` F t � J 1� [ra� t'�''
<br /> I1 . All construction and building shall be so performed ttiat it w311 comply � ; isw "�`�
<br /> �l v •'� tS7 ;�� K���1}I'i .
<br /> with requirements of the building codes and or3inances of the City of Grand Island , � , , f� , P��.
<br /> � �s '; �' ��` � '��`'��
<br /> Nebraska . Underground electric and telephone distribution systems are required . �` r" � ' �' $ �`� <�� -
<br /> v� :; � „ ;.� ,r� ���� a
<br /> � F a'.i '� '`r �K r �r5"j:��i
<br /> I2 . These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding upon �4f, �� .,� , ha,.
<br /> . . � ,�'�^ J � � 4g1�� �H��m�!a^,�r�k a
<br /> all artiea and all eraons claimin under them for a eriod af [en ( 10) years from �� ' s" ` Y� # ����? ^ '
<br /> P P g P � a � a e �wr'rr�F6+'�
<br /> � � q. c. "1 �-�� y�. .
<br /> r . � _ j K
<br /> the date taereo£ , at which time said covenants shall by automatically extended for �r' . � < <` vt� ,.�,�;,�.+v�,��'�
<br /> . . � � . r� , r � '' '" ' �'a
<br /> s�° ; s w
<br /> successive periods of ten years eact= unl�ss by vote o£ a majority o £ the then owners �� > ' ;����r �, ..
<br /> �,� .., ,;: ,+ -���.�,�
<br /> . . . u,ti, .,' �,a"'� � +, �v
<br /> of lots in said subdivision it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or in part . �f.�; ; � r � �s.y��+r` " `
<br /> . ' # y,�; : q .u�
<br /> 13 . I£ any owner of any lvt in said subdivision or their heirs or assigns , �_'� y `^�=��,,;�.
<br /> - . . � _. . �,..,. � .. �. » . , �'�.
<br /> ✓..
<br /> sha12 violate or attempt to violate any o£ these covenants , it shall be lawful for ��"+,,,�'°` ; ,�v �
<br /> � � �, � . >ax �
<br /> ' an other erson or essons ownia an real ro ert ;ituated within said subdivision ��""" k f 7=
<br /> 9 P P S Y P P Y r.y,�y;.. � �
<br /> . . . � . . s. r ;. Y �::•
<br /> 'to rosecute roceedi at law or in e uit a aiast the ` � �
<br /> p aay p ngs q y g person or persons
<br /> � � . . . . . wC . .
<br /> violatiag . or artemptiag to violate sxty such coveaants and either prevent him or tEzem �y;�
<br /> �
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