r �
<br /> �wt �ottend at �wrcpor� ebe Aiae .Saf.r ot shwr mwstf�ly ir�rt:�liva�ni: rrlrzml w �n �wrats�µr.� i irard '2 i�rrof a
<br /> c�iq�P tb0 iWOiiOi, O� Mitcll la�ti[Ilp+tnu
<br /> H. M�www !!ef �e�{, �cteeraot� of ttx timr fa pnrn�etat or �tbeii�afion uf a�r+e�rtisst:ia�n d t�a ae�m
<br /> ucut�d !►y t6i� 1Nortppe traoud is�r l.endrr to aoy .�uererror t�i �ntrt�rst o( Borr�wer .�ut! not o�ersq W sel�s.
<br /> in aepr m�snes, tbe tis6�ilrty of tAe origiwl I3orrower an.! f�no�rrr'. .uccer.e�nr ia iatenmt. Ixa�frr d� a�t be
<br />� rsquitrd to �ee {�roeeedinp atsirot such �uccewrer or nturr tn e;tind tqoe [os p�ymeat. or at�eerire a�sdily
<br /> � amart"saf.io. of ehe wms seeuied by t6i,+ tilortgage l�y reasou af r►ny rJe�anA a�.k br tbe ori`inad Bor►opr aod
<br /> 0 Bor[swar'� �ueeewars in intesat.
<br /> � II� FaeL�mme� b= L�ed�r llst a 11Ym��. Any forbrarance by Leader in exeree�in� say r"ssht or f�ee�dy
<br /> � hnre�mder, or otherwi�e a}[orded by applmeable law�, ehati no+ I�c a wsivrt of or prettwie the �ncercire of ssT ri�t
<br /> � ot reaiedy hereunder. 11ae procnrement of insursnce or the �+ac�nent ot taxa or other tiens or ehas�e� br Iwnder
<br /> � shsA aot be a waiver of Lender'e n�ht to accelernte the �n�turicy o( thc indebtednesr secured Fw Lhis ltoetpse,
<br /> I2 R�aa�dio Cumwlati��. �It remedies provided in tlii,+ 1lortgage an distinct aiul ewnulst�vc to anp other
<br /> � rig6t or remedy under thia �Iortgsga or Affonicr! hp 1•ra� or equity , nn.i cnay I.t, exercie�l �oncurrcntly, indepeerd-
<br /> � ently or aucceeeively.
<br /> 13. Sueces�ors md Aeaigm Bosmd: I�t �d Sereral Liabilily; Ccptiaos. Thr co�-enante sad agreemeate
<br /> lietein eontained ahsll bind , and the rights l�ereuncier �hall inure to, thc respective xucceaiwra and a�na of I.ender
<br /> and Sonower, subject to the provisiona ui paruRrapl� t : hereoi. 311 co�•enants and �qrrementn of Borrower ahall
<br /> be joinL and severaI . The caption. �rsd licadinga of tLc � �araKr:�j �h� of thi� \Iort �xKa� arc for ronvensence only and
<br /> are not to be usecl to interpret or deFine the provision. l�ereoi.
<br /> 14. Noties. Any nestice to Borro�r•er prorided for in tl�i.� \lortguge �hall I.e Ri�•en by mailing �such notice by
<br /> certified maii addressed to Borrower at die Yroperty Addres. ,tuted la�loa� , cxce�it for am• notice requireci under
<br /> pnragraph 18 hereof to be gicen to Borro« er in the �nynner � � re�cribed by �y��ilicnb(c law�. An�� notice provided
<br /> forin this 3lortgage ;�halF f>e deemed to ha�•c bein gicen tu BorroH-er �chi n gi��en in the �nanner d�signated herei:�.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgnge; Govemiag Law; Severability. 'Chi� form of mortgage combines uniform covenanta
<br /> for nstionsl use and non-uniform covenants witli limited vuriations b�• j urisdiction to constitute a uniform aecu-
<br /> rity instrmnent covering real property. This Jlortgage shall bc gocerned by the la��• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Jlortgnqe or the Note conflicts with
<br /> spplicable law, suctz conflict shall noi sRect other pro�•isions of thi, �fortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> e$ect without the conflicting provision, nnd to thi5 end the provisions of the \fortgage and the NotP are declsred
<br />' to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copp. Borrower shall be furnislied a conformed copy of this \lortgage at the time oF euecu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Tr�sfer of the Pzoperty; Assumption. If alt or any r�art of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender s prior written consent , excluding (a ) the creatioa of a lien or encum-
<br /> brnnce subordinate to th'ts �Iortgage, (bl the creation of a purchuse money security interest for househotd appli-
<br /> ances, (c) n transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la��• upon the deuth of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of
<br /> any teasehold interest of Ehree years or less not containing an option to purchase, I,ender may. at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this Niortgage to be immediately due and pnyuble. I.ender shall hnve waived auch
<br /> option to accelerate i[, prior to the sale or iransfer, Lender aud t6e person to �vhom the Property is to be aold or
<br /> Granaferred reacl� agreement in �vriting tl�at the credit of such person is satisfnctory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> paysble on the sums secured by this �Iortgage shall be at sucli rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br /> tl�e option to accelerate provi3ed in this paragrapf� 17 and if Borro�ver'e �Uccessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by I.ender. Lender shall release Borrower from sll obligstions under
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sncl� option to acceleratc, �ender shnll euail Borrower notice of accelerntion in accordanee
<br /> with parsgraph 14 herecf_ Such notice slinll pro�•idc a periorl of not lesc tLan 30 days from the dnte the notice is
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay tl�e sum� declared <iuc. If Borro�eer tails to pay such sutns prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, Lender may, ���ithout furtl�cr notice w• demand on B'orrower, invoke nny remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> � NON-UVIFORDL COVENAITS. BOP3'O\CCI' AIl(� L011(�CI' t�Ul'tj1C1' CO\'CRitIIt :li1C; ag•ree aa follo«�s : . . � � . � , . .
<br /> 18. Aeeeleratian; Remediss. Except ss� � rro�•i:led in � riragr.���h 17 hereof, upyn Borro�ver's breach of nny
<br /> covenant or agreemert of Borroµ•er in this \fort�:tigc , ii�cludin�; tl�c covenants to �iay ��•hen duc any sums secured
<br /> ibythis �fortgage, Lender prior to accelerntion �hall �nuit noticc to I3orro�rcr a� ! a•o�•ided in pxragrapL 1�! hereof
<br /> �pecifying : ( 1 ) the breach ; (2 ) the action rcquirect to curc euch bre.ticli ; 13 ) a dnte, not less thun thirty days
<br /> from the date thc notice is mailed to Barro�rer, b�• ���I�ich .�ucdi brr.ic6 u�ust be cured ; and t4 ) that failure to cure
<br /> such bresch on or before the date specified in the notice muy result in a.cceleration of the sunis secured by this
<br /> Mortgage and sale of the Properuy_ If the breacl� is not cumd on or befor� the date specified in tlie notice, Lender
<br /> at Leuder's option inay declarc all oi thc sum, secured by thi. �iortgagc to be immediatcl� ciue and payable
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose tLis \Iort�age hy judicial proceeding. Lender shall t>e mtitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding sll expenses of iomclocurc, including, but not limited to , costc of docwnentsry evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports_
<br /> 19. Bonowors I{ight to Reinstcste. tiTotw•ith,tandin� I.ender's uc�eleration of the sun�� secumd by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha��e any proceedings begun by I.ender to enforcc this �+Iortguge dis-
<br /> continued at any time paor to entry of a judgment enforcing this �Iortgage if : (al Borro�ver paps Lender all
<br /> snms which would be then due under this �tort�s�e, Uic 1'ote :md notes securing Fi�ture Advancc�, if any, had no :
<br /> accelerstion occurred ; ( b) Bortower cures all breaches of an}• other roctnne�t= or agrcements of Borrowcr con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays ssll reasonahle ex�iense� incurred by I .ender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> and agreements of Bortower contained in tFiis Jlortgage und in ento�ring ].endcr's remedics ns provid�•d in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reusonable attorney'� iee� : :ind Id i Borrower takes such action as
<br /> Lender may reseonab]y require to sssure that the lien of this \Iortgagc, Lender's interest in thc Property and `,'
<br /> Sorrower's obliRation to psy the sums secured by thi� �furLgage �l�all continuc tinimpaired. i7ron snch payment ,,.. .
<br /> sx�d cure by Borrower, this Mortgsge and the obli�ations secured hereU�• �hall remain in full force nnd effect as if - '�
<br /> �. .__ : .
<br /> no seceleration hsd oecurred. r.
<br /> Z�- Rsu9ameat c! Reats: Appoiatment of Receiver, Leader ia Posisessioa As additiona] security here- *, '
<br /> under, Bormwer hereby saeigns to Lender th¢ rents of the Propert3•, pro�•ideci that Borrower shall , prior to acceler-
<br /> ataon under psragrapli 18 l�ereof or absndonruent of the Property, have tlre right to collect and retain such rents s
<br /> sst6ey become due atad payable. s e ' ,r
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or afiandonment of the YropeMy, Lender, in person , by agent ,�, ,
<br /> or by jtitdieisliy appointed receiver ahall bc entitled to enter upon, take fsoatiession of xnd �uazrx�e the Property ... ' .yyr• .
<br /> snd W eolleet the rers�t$ of the Propert�y, ineluding Yhoce ,ast due. all rents ceilected b}- 7,encler or the recei�•er
<br /> shmll be applied fiistt,o paytnent of f.he costs of management of the Property and colleetion of rents, includin�, but
<br /> not limi3�ed to, r�ceiver's fees, premiumxz on receiver's i�ond� and masonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums
<br /> aecured by thie Mort�ge. Lender and td�e reeeiver shail be liable to account onlp for those rents actn�] Ip rcceived .
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br />