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<br /> 28- U02189 ��E
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<br /> w�nYM ad�drti��rir sb irws af WidrYs�Itr i��r1r�1�fe�W/1��sl�rir��t d�a�/4irM,]wMai�.r w�w/i/�K
<br /> WI'iME86ETH: 7l�saYasf�rJ.. .lsrWr�oo�Yweiw�tWrd___,_._ __.
<br /> 2hree 2'�Ou..na Ns�e �m�dT.a Tnsr.�z_._'�.ne.�17��.��.-�-_-�-�,,�r•...�I.+xri�i.�'f.���-�.-1J.� 1.
<br /> tYe ncd�t of wYieD b La�b�ad�oowlrifd,do__._ b�tYrir pnr�sort��a�d wen�t�o�Yi�C*�ilres��h W�rfOr.
<br /> , .t «^�,�t �...�7,r�,�,..;"
<br /> ter�v�r,�th�fo�0o�wiog drQib�d eMl MNew.d[irdd is t�C�uet�et..___.__.. _..-- Nil l . ..
<br /> �sd 9tate ot N�b�wwit=
<br /> Lot Two (2� and the Northerly Thirteen Pc�t (13') of Lot Pour (4) ie 31ock Fourt�ea
<br /> (14), ta Scarff`s Addition to Weat Lawn. ss sarvey�d. plattcd aad recorded, in Cl�e
<br /> City of Grand Esland,Hall County, Rebrasica.
<br /> . �Tqgether�with all heating,eir conditioning,lighting,md plumbing equipment and firzturea,ineluding xreena,awninge,etorm wfndowa and
<br /> �doore,and wlndow ahs�dee or blinde,veed oa or in connection with eaid property,whether the asxne ere aow located on eaid prop�ty or hereafter ' .
<br /> . .pla�ced thexeon. �
<br /> .. ��TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,togat6er with all end eingulu the tenementa,hereditemeats and appartenaneee thereunW be- �
<br /> � P �..� lo�ing,or ia enywiae appertaining, forevar,and warrant tBe citle to the same. Sald morgagor�_hereby covenant-with said . � �
<br /> S . � mostgagee that_�he� .p*'P ,at the delivery bereof,the lewful owner__�_of tAe pcemiees above conveyed and dexribed. � .
<br /> ���and a=e eeized of a good and indefeanibla eatete of inl�eritenee therein,free end clear of all encumbrances, and thatxheg_will � . � �;���
<br /> wacrmt and defend the title therew forever ageinet the claims end demands of all peraona whomscever. '� � �
<br /> ` PROVIDED ALWAYS,and this instrument is ezecuted and delivezed to secure tha peyment of the sum oi � �
<br /> � Three Thousand Nine Hundred Thirtv Two and 17/100 -
<br /> j - - - -Dollan IS 3 932.17 �,
<br /> wiY2i interest thezeon,together with auch chargee and advances as mey be due and payable W aeid mortgagee under tt�e terms and maditions � . .
<br /> ��-� of tbe promieaory note ot evea date herewith and eeeured hereby,executed by said mortgagor s to said_morcgagee,payatrle ea ezpressed
<br /> '��? : in aetd note,ead W aeeure the performanee of eIl the terma end conditioas conteined therein. The terms of seid aote are herebry incorporeted . � � �
<br /> .�f hereL�by this refereace. �
<br /> � It 3a the fntentioa and agreement of t6e partiee hereto that tIais mortgage ahall slso secure any future advancee made to said rnortgagor� � .
<br /> � � by said morEgagee,and eny and ell indebtedaees in addition to che amount above stated whic6 eaid mortgagors,or any of thern,may owe to �� ��
<br /> eaid mortgagee,howeverevideaced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.Thie mortgage shall rema"v�in full force and etfect�uetween � .
<br /> t6e perties hereW and the'v 6eire,personal representatives,succesaors and essigns,until eII amounts seeured herevnder, imcluding future
<br /> advancee,are peid in full with mterest. . . �
<br /> �� The mortgagor�,hereby easign_to eaid mortgagee all renLa end income srising at any and all times from said property and �
<br /> .�.j�� heroby authorize eaid mortgagce or its agent,et its option,upon default,to take charge of said property and collect all reata and income � - ..
<br /> � .�.; ..:�thee+etrom��and'apply tLe esme W the payment of iatereet.Prineipel. iaeurence peemiumn, taaee. aaeeasmente, ispairo or improvements �
<br /> ��� neceaeary W kcep eaid property m tenantable aondition,or to other cherge.9 or paymeats provided for heiein or in the note hereby aecured_This � - � �
<br /> �i. rent�meignment ehell continue ia force until t6e unpaid belance of aeid noLe ie fully paid.The talang of posaeasion hereunder shall in no msnner � � � .
<br /> ,�.� � �:.:;psevmt.or-:sterd said�mortgegee 3a the colleetion of�said auma by forecloeure or�otharwiee. . . � . . . � - �
<br /> � ' � The fa�ure of the martgagee W saeert eny ot its righta heressnder at an time ahall not be construed as a waiver of its � � �
<br /> ; ; � � . Y right to assert Che . .
<br /> eam1e et my Iatar�time,and W ineint upon nnd enforce atrict compliaace with all the terrne and provinions of seid nota and of t]�ie mortgage. � �
<br /> :�y �
<br /> � If aaid mpetgagor�.8 aLs11 cause to be pflid to said mottppgee the entire amount due it laereunder, sad under the terms and provisiuna � ��
<br /> �'���� � of said note Bereby eecared,inc2udtng fuWre advaneee;end aay�teasioae or renewale thereot'in eecordanae with the terms snd provieions � � �
<br /> ,,��. � Lhm.eof.md if�eaid m�gegor s shell comp�v with all the_pzovinlons of eald note and.of this mortgagrs.tiaen Eheae PreseaCa.ahnll be void: � . � ' .
<br /> ',.I. . otLeawlee W aemein in full force aad eHect.and said mortgagee ahail be entitled to the poeseealon of all of eaid ProPertY.and mey.et ita o�tion� . y..
<br /> declaYe the wLole of said note sad ell indebte�eee repreeented tfiereby to be immedietely due and payable,snd may foredoee thle morcgage '
<br /> j or t.�lce any other.legel action to peoEect ite right.Appnieement waived.- �. � � � � ,r
<br /> 7'his moetgege sLaH ba biading�upon end aAell mure W the bene5t of�the heiia,exeeuWra, adminintratore,encoesson and�ans9 a of the � � y�
<br /> �;,.� reep�etive pasties heesto: ., ,.. .. ... . .. . . :. �� . , . - �� J
<br /> �°3 �N WIT!'fES3 WHEREOF.esid�Iortg�sBorS_hav�_hereunto aet the3r � ;
<br /> �ta - hend_S�_the day and year�fnt abwe { .
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