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Y <br /> � . � <br /> ,78-�102:1�y8 MORTGAGE,_ <br /> THI3 INDENTUItE, msde thie 14th �dar ot..__ aD'Pl� __�__. 19 78 � by md between � <br /> �IfE-NNETH' E. WISEIY AND EDNA M. Wi,SE4Y, husband and wife• each in his and her own _ <br /> right arid as'spause of the other, <br /> ot Ha��^ y County,Nebrqelca,as moRgagor�,and.Grend I�.sland Truat Compuny of Grmnd.Ysland,a corpocaUion . � . � . <br /> ur�,anized�and eY;istiog under t6e lawe��of Nebraska with iCa�principal office aad place o.f 6usiness at Grand Island,Nebremka� mortgegee: � . � � <br /> WITNESSETH: That nsid�moKgagor 5._,.for end in coqsidetation of the sutn ot .—,..— . - --- . � <br /> **Fourteen T:housanci Sixt�e3ght and No/1O�ths*� �,��i,s�.4��,�8.0t��_^_�. <br /> the�ce�ceipt of which ie hereby se&nowledgeil��,do..—,.by tAese preaente mort�age��aad.werrant unCo"said mortgegee,ite suceeseots and asaigns, � . <br /> farever,aII Ghe fullbwing deBcribed real eatate,aiEuetsd in[he l:ounCy of_. Ha�.�,.,___..._. . . � � <br /> and SCete ut Nebeaeka�to•wit: ._._.�---.—__—_.,. ....,__ <br /> TIiE EASF MALF (E�) OF LnT ELEVEW (11) bF "ISL:4FJD ACRES,'" BETNG A <br /> SUBDIVISTOM OF PART 0'F TME WEST HALF OF tHE SOUTHWFST f�t�ARtER (1�SW;) <br /> OF 5ECTTU�� Et�HT (8) IM TOWNSMIP �LEVEN (11) N�JRTN, RAMG� NIFlE (9), <br /> AND A VART OF FRAGTI�NAL LOT TW0 (2) OF SECTION SEVEM (7j IN T�WNSHZP <br /> ELEVEN (1]) NORTH, RANGE NIN� (9), NESF OF THE SIXTH (5t.h) P.M. , It� <br /> HALL C'OUNTY, NEBRA.SKA. <br /> Togel:F�er with ell heating,eir conditioning,lighting.end plumbing equipment end futurea,inrluding acreens,awninga,9torm�windows-and � � - . <br /> � doors,and window ahedee or blinde,used on or in connection with said property,whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter � � - � � <br /> � pleced thereon. . . <br /> TO HAVE�AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with ell snd aingular the tenements,hereditaments end eppurtenancea thereunto be• � .� <br /> �; longiag, or ia anyw've appertnining, forever, and warrent the title to the seme. Said morgegor 5 hereby wvenant_with said .� � � � <br /> ��mortgagee that_�hey �� ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�_of the premisea above conveyed end described. - . � � � � <br /> and dI`P eeized of a good and indefeenible estate of inheritance therein,free and clear of all encumbrancea,and that�he;C—wit! � � . <br /> warrant and defend the title thereto forever ageinnt the cleims and demands of all persone whomscever. : . <br /> i � � PRAV IDED ALWAYS,and thia instrument in e�cecuted and delivered to aecure the payment of the aum of � � . . � <br /> , ** Fourteen Thousand Sixty-eight and No/100ths** ���a 14.068.00 <br /> �. <br /> ' with intereet thereon,together with aueh c6nrges and advences es may be due and payeble to said mortgagee und�the terms and conditions . . . � <br /> of the promiseory note of even date heiewith and secured hereby,exeeuted by seid mortgagor._S_to said mortgagee,payable as expressed <br /> � in seid mte,and to eecure the performance of all the terms and condiiiona contained therein.The Lerme of eaid note are hereby incorporeted � � ' <br /> herein by t6is ref�ence. .. <br /> It in t6e intention md ageeement of the perties hereto thac this mortgage shall elso secure any EuWre advances made to snid mortgagor� � �� . <br /> by eaid mortgagce,and say and all indebtedness in eddition to the amount above atated whicl.said mortgagora,or any o[them,may owe Co . � � �� <br /> aeid mortgagee,however evideneed,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between � � " <br /> the perties hereto and Cheir heixs,persoml repreaentatives, succeasors and aeaigns,until all amounts secured hereunder, including future . � <br /> adveneea.are pnid in full with intereet. � � � <br /> The mortgagor�_hereby eeaign_to eaid mottgagee ell rents and income ariaing et any and all timea from said property and � � �. � � <br /> hereby euthorize aeid mortgagee or ite agent,at ite option, upon defeult,to take charge of sald property and wllect all renta and income � � � � <br /> �therefrom�nnd epply tha eame to the peyment of intereet, principnl,ineuxsnee pRmiume, tuea, aeaessmanta, rnpeiro or improvementa � � � '� � <br /> -���! neceeesry to keep eaid pmperty in tensatable condition,or to other charges or paymen W provided tor herein or in the note hereby secured.This � � . .� � . <br /> =ent aeaignin�t ehall eontinue in foree until Lhe unpaid balaace of seid note ie fully paid.The tsking of possenaion hereunder sha11 in no manner . <br /> ...t .;.pe�ev�t.or rderd�eaid.mortgngee in the collxtion o[eaid eume by foreeloeure or otherwiee. . . � .. .. <br /> The failure of the mortgagee W eeeert eny of iW rig6te 6exeunder at nny Lime ahall aot be conairued as a waiver of ita right to assert the , . <br /> � eame at any later time,�aad w iasiat upoa aad enforce strict complisace with all t6e terme and provisiom of seid note and of this mortgage. � � � <br /> If eeid mortgagor�5 ahall eauee to be paid to seid mortgegee Lhe entire amount due it hereunder,end under Lhe terms and proviaions � � � <br /> ' j . ot eaid xrote hereby aecueed,ineludiog future edvaneee,and nny e�ccteneiona or re�w�als thereof in aecordance with the terme end provisions � � � <br /> e S <br /> tbeceof,and if eaid mortgagor S_aAalt comply with all the p�ovieioae of asid note aad of tltis mortgage,then these presencs a6a11 be void; � <br /> oEherwiee to x�omela in fnll force aad effed,end eaid mortgagee ehall be entiUed to the ponaesaion of all of eaid property,and may,et its option, <br /> ' i� � declare the whde ot eaid mte end eII indebtedneea repreeeoted t6ereby W be immediately dae aad payable,�and may foreelose this mortgage "' � <br /> or take any other legal ection to pcvtect ita�.right.Appraieement waived. � " � �.-. '`�;�'; <br /> �� Thin mortgege ahell be biading�vpon and shell eaure.Lo t6e bene5t of the beirs,ezecutors,adminietzatora,sueceseors ancl aeeigns of the J ,' <br /> ��reepeetive psrtied heceW. �w ��. . ..- , �.`.� �.: .:r �.:. ,y. <br /> ';� . .. . . . .. . . �l <br /> .IN WITNE33 WHEREOF,ssid Mortgegor5—La�L�.hereunto set thei r � �a_s_ra�a day and year first above <br /> .i►r;cten. � � . -, . . . � r � � <br /> � . . � . . . [.�� � " �Y^. <br /> . e y <br /> dna M. Wisely <br />' , ; _ _ __ _ � <br />