_ _ ___ . _ .
<br />� �- �.
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<br /> 7. Condemnation. In bhe everat the Property, br any part ihereo[, shall be taken by eminent duknain, ihe MartgagPe
<br /> is empow�ered Lo rnllect srld reeeive ail compensaGon which may be paid Cor any propertiy taken or for damages to prpperty
<br /> not taken, and Mortgagee shell applq such compensation, at its aption, either ko s reduction oY Che indebtet9ness secvred
<br />� heireby or to repair and restpre Che propetCy so damaged..
<br />� � 8. Performance by Moxtgagee. Mortgagee may, buE s6a11 have no obllgataon, to da any 8cL whi�h tihe Mortgagbr
<br />� has agreed but Cails to da,, and Nlortgagee may alsa do any act it deetns necessary to protect the lien hereot. Mortgagor
<br />� a�ee� to repay, upon dem�qd, any sums so expended by tihe M�rtgagee Coc Che above p�trposes, and any sutns so expended
<br /> i by Che Mortgagee shail be added to the indebtednesS seeured hereby and become snbjecL tio khe Iipn hernof. Morbgagee
<br />' shall not incur any personal liabiliCy beaAuse of anyihing it may do or Umtt to do heceunder..
<br /> 9. DeCautt; .4s�wgnment ot Renta. 15me is of the essence her�of, and upan Mortgagac's defauit in any covenant
<br /> or agreement of Y.his Mortgage, iucluding covenants Co pey whe.n due bhe sums seeured by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee ah.ail
<br /> be entitl,ed; flE its sole opCion 8nd without notice, to detlare all sums secured bg this Mortgage to be immedlately dus and
<br /> payable and may comrnence [oreelosute of this Moetgage by judicial proeeedings; and, provided [ucther, that uppn such
<br /> dePault the Mortgagee, or a receiver appoinGed bq a court, rnay at its optiqn and withouk regard to the adequaay of tfie
<br /> sec4rity, enter upon and take possession of the ProperEy and collect the reats, issues und pto.fits there[roen and apply fhem
<br /> [frst Go the cost ot collection and operation oC the Properl:y and then upon the indebtednesg seoured by this Mortgegee;
<br /> said renks; iesues and profits bei'ng a5signed ko Che MortgagFe as farther security [ot the payment ot Che indebtedness
<br /> seeured hercby.
<br /> ]r0. 'I4ans[er pf Propecty. If all or any parC ot the Properly is sold or CransLErred without the ��cpress wntCen cvtt--
<br /> �ent of the Mortgagee, MorYgagee may at its sole option, declare all sums secured by this Martgage ko be immediately due
<br /> end payab{e.
<br /> 11. t�Wce Advances. Upon request of Mortgagor, Moc¢gagee may make additiQnel and Euture adYsnces Co
<br /> Mortgegpe. Such advances, with inter+est thcreon, shall be secured by this MoMgagr when evidenced by promissary notes
<br /> stating khat saitl notes ace secared hereGy. At no time shail the principal amonnt bt the indehtedness seeuced by Chis
<br /> 1Vlortgage, not including swns advgneed to prokeat the security o[ 2his Mortgage, exceed the origtna! NaCe.
<br /> 12. Miscellqneous Pirovis'rons.
<br /> (d) Any Porebearance in exercising any ngh4 or remedy shall not be a waiver theceaC.
<br /> (b) All retnedles provided herein arc distinct snd cumulatixe W any other right af[orded by law or eqtuty,
<br /> and m .aq be exeraisrd concurrenCly, independently or successively.
<br /> (a) '�'he covenanrs and agceements contained hetein shalf bind, antJ the righ.fs inure to, the respecbive
<br /> successo�s atid assigns �C Lhe MorLgsg.or and thk MorCgagee.
<br /> (d) All covenants aiad agreerctents of the Morcgagor are join4 and spveeai...
<br /> (a) The heading� of t4e paragrsphs of this Mortgage are tor convenienae only apd shall not be used 4o inter-
<br /> pret or define Che provisions hereof.
<br /> 1S. Release. Upon payment o[ all sums secured by this Mortgage, MoKgagee shall discharge this Mortgage and
<br /> shall execube end deliver a satisfactory rnlesse therefor.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor has executed ' Mortgage on the of �y?ril , 19 _Z8._ .
<br /> ��.��� -
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<br /> � � � � " DDIlfl E . S Boaow�r-
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<br /> .;� ' y �� � �
<br /> � • soRow«
<br /> State of Nebraska, �Z y County ss: '
<br /> pn �� 13th day oe ApTil 19�8 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br /> duly commissioned and qualited for said county, personally came ��ld E . Shlnclk�0t'y c11Yi I�na J.
<br /> �"�' , to me known to be the
<br /> identical pe:son(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the exewtion thereof
<br /> � be h1S dtld h2i' voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notariai seal at � =S1ai)d in said cou�ty, the
<br /> date aforesaid .
<br /> My CommSssion expirea: �� — / � - 7 � �:� �
<br /> � .if'�F' i i ��f. _ ./��P�P. �".
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<br /> �� ���y . �h� � � , NotarY PuWic
<br /> ..�..�., KAREN M. N��s I
<br /> <:��y � Ms�+. ho. wais. t� '
<br /> �' rce Below ThL Line Reserved Fox Lender and Recorder)
<br /> . . . � . , � . . . . . . � . . . . r<� �
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