� �
<br /> ; � 7$-� �02�93 ► �
<br /> -- �--�---__--_.._ ____, ,. � ,__ _ _ _: � _
<br /> ____ - -- -- : _- ----- _ . __-- . _ ,-
<br /> . _. _ ..__
<br /> . . - - -. . ,.
<br /> �� � 52-A—REA�t,ESTATE MOR�76i4GE—(With Ta%Clause) (RevitGd 1962) 'TT�u H��B,nun Ge�vr.l 8upirly H«�ee.,Linrnln�.,Nebr.
<br /> :, i:
<br /> .,_�_.,..._ . _._ . _::_.`. .,_:_..._._._�_._._.�._�._...�_____._'..._._._..._._.._.�._._,_,._,_......._,._�—.�...._ . .
<br /> I 1
<br /> ;i E KN'nW r1LL MF,f' t3Y TNES� PR�:SENTS. T'hat $tephen C. Skibinski and Teresa A. Skibinski, ( � � �� �
<br /> `� I Husband and Wi£e, eath individuaSly in his and her oom right and as spouse of the other �
<br /> t) o[ HSi,11 County,an�l SWte ut Netaraska ,m cunsid.eration o[the aum of �
<br />� ti� FORTY-r'IVE THOUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------..____---------.--^---___DULL.Aitn �
<br /> " in hand paid, do hereby 5�t.7, nnd CONVEY unto The Firat N-ational Bank o€ Gra.nd Zs1aAd, �
<br /> B
<br /> ;
<br /> �� of� H�17. C�wity,State i�f Neb�T3.Sk8 the f[::llowin�descriked premiaee sifivated � �
<br /> �� ;n Hall County, and Stafe ot t�lebrask� ,C�-wi.t: �
<br /> � �
<br /> Fz Lat Twenty-One (21), Kentlsh Hills Subdivision lonated in the
<br /> i Sbuth Half of Ghe Northwest Quarter (S'� NW'�;) of Southwest r
<br /> � Quarter (Si,T'-�), af 5ection Twenty-Five (25), Township Eleven (12)
<br /> �� Narth, Range Ten (1fJ), West of th e 6th P.M. , Ha11 County, Nebraska. �
<br /> � i !
<br /> .i � i
<br /> r.
<br /> b
<br /> jj � 1
<br /> �! � �
<br /> � )
<br /> ,� ; 1
<br /> ,j � i �
<br /> ,
<br /> �� � �
<br /> ;; i ' ;
<br /> ;' j The intr,ntion b�in�to oo�nv¢y hcreby nn nb.nli�te titte in fR�e s.i�np.le, includin�g al! the ri�;l�ts uE Txnmestrad and dawer. � � � � �
<br />' �j � 2'O HA:�'F ANI)1"ti� HOLn Lhe prem�itic ti�bove deu�nf�c�d, with all th�+ aTii�urtcnancey thcreunt�� belontting, umt�+ tLe� �n�d � ", :�
<br /> � mortgagc-�(s) and to his., hiei� or tfieir hein; apJ a:v�igna fr�revrr, pru��dd�•d €�Iwaw�s, and these present�t sr� upo�.n. fhe expeeea� ��: . .
<br /> !:� � ct�ncl�itio.n t}int i.( thtt.sa.id mortRa�or(s), h6M, her or their }�icire, exucuti��rs, adminisAratara or ussigns Fha@. na,x or enuse Ya Le i � �
<br /> paid t:a thr sfli�i mortRa;,ce('sl��, his, hcr or Shtr9r h.eirs, execruto.rs„ admi:c�ietrator�,�.or�ssi;grvs,lhe�principal sum of$ 45 s�d0.Od 5
<br /> i��. � payablc a:fulh;�ws,to wit: � ..� � .
<br /> fi E
<br /> y F
<br /> �� $45,OOp.QO principal payment, plus interest, on Apsil 14, 1979, f ;;
<br /> '� � �i
<br /> �� ' t
<br /> � i;
<br /> 1` � ;; �
<br /> ! +i
<br /> ' �i
<br />� I with interest acmrding to the tenor and effec.-[of the mortgagors written promissory note beearing even date with these presentn . � �
<br /> i, and ehall puy all inxes and a.vseasments levied upon sai� real estate,and ull other texes,levies nnd acsessmenLv levied ui�n this �` : �
<br /> Jmortgage or the note'which thie mortKage is given to sea:ure, betore the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on fi
<br /> j� said premises insured for thc sum of $45,000.�0 , loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents ;� .
<br /> to be void, otherwiae to tx and remain in fu❑ force.
<br />� �� IT IS FURTHER AGREED (I) That if the said mortgagor shxlt tail to pay such tnxes or �; � � �
<br /> i procure vuch insurance, the
<br /> �! said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure xuch insurance; and the sum su advanced, with interest at 11� Per �'
<br /> 1 cent,shall be repaid by said mortgagor,and this mortga�;e ahall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any 'i
<br /> � o[said mo�ey, either principal or intereat, when the same becomas due, or n [ailure to mmply with any of the foregoing . �
<br /> � agreementts, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secu�ed tu become due nnd collectible at once at the option oF the
<br /> t mortga�ee. ;
<br /> �j Signed this 14thdav of April 7$ I
<br /> _ . 19 . '
<br /> • ` p.
<br />� (� In presence of . . ....__.....�Ryet�� �....._. �� � .
<br /> Stephen C. Skibinski '�
<br /> �f --....................................................................................... _ ..._.... .- ........... _.... �
<br /> _.._.._....... ........_. ......._................
<br /> . . ..... -
<br /> .� ..�...
<br /> T a S s�ci �
<br /> jl ..............................................................._...................._.....................
<br /> ;
<br /> ,� _. . . . . ..�--.. ....,... ,
<br /> - .. ...... . ........ .
<br /> ST c�..BAU aska.................. �
<br /> �........, .......... County of._.,........Ha11....... • '!
<br /> ........................
<br /> �� tp�p�;qa,�p• blic qualiSed [or SAIB county, personullycame Stephen C_ SkibiIIski 8nd , �
<br /> �� �v r • Teresa A_ Skibinski �;
<br /> owp ��T�p�tfie ' ntical person or persons who eigned the foregoinq instrument and acknowledged the e:ecution i ,�
<br /> � ,��, ,. .. . '- "--- - - . ..
<br /> e4f �er pr ir voluntary act arid deed. ; 4
<br /> Wlit�� � April 14 7g,
<br /> s;�y.�!� otarial ae�on ............... ....---... ...... 1
<br /> .. .._........... 1 ...
<br /> • � / i ...
<br /> �... `� _�.-'-_"-'--....�.P..S��.2..--• 19!'.�.-'- - --.. . _. .:: . - -. ....-�m�........Notary Public. `; ��-.,..,_ ,
<br /> ebraska �'
<br /> . �.� STATE�F......---- ........................................... Entered on numerical indez and filed for record 3�
<br /> r :, ;
<br /> , '.' ' . . . �. ,i I
<br /> County ..............�$��.........---••---........---........----.....'.... } in the Register of Deeda Office of said County the .j '. t
<br /> . . I � -., . ��..
<br /> , �, e
<br /> ......._...•--...day of........................•--...._......_........, 19._......_... at.--�--...--•••--•---••--�--.o'clock and........_..............._.....minutes --•-....----.......M., � �: +.,.. . ..l
<br /> ,;,.
<br /> i! and recorded in Fiook....................---....---....._.._of__....._......_...........----�---...at PaSe.-------...---�-��-�----......._........ i ;. _. -,�ei;' .
<br /> j � ;
<br />. �� . � � •-----•-••----�--'-•.................._..._..--............_..------"........Reg. of Deeds J �- .
<br /> By.......................-•�---........._..._....._'--'--.................... ......_..DeAutY � .��
<br /> � �-�'�'--__.—�'�`—'---_--==_.=.. _ '.__—'______....._..._'__.:___..��_._.:::_ �._���.�__:�. _ ::.�:::: . ..-_� -__.: .... . .. - .� _ _.. ' .,.z.� �
<br />