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<br /> � �g._ d�C;2 � 9j_ _ .
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<br /> � 62%SECGN.D REAL EBTATE MQRTGAGE—W�itfi Tax Clauu� 'Pn+ Nuttma�a Oepef6l`'Supply Fco�u�e., Linaota, xaAr. � �� � .
<br /> .
<br />. _ ��_..G —..._._.__.__.._,.,..�_._,_____.._...__.__._-- ._.–__...:_...__.._._.—_—._..__..._....___._ ._.._.......-----------.._ __ _.._....._.. ..__.. __-.-____...__._...._._..-- --. .
<br /> ; I . .._L «., .
<br /> ', i ' KNOW ALI.NiEii�T BY THE'SE PRE�SENTS: j
<br /> : �� � � ,� �
<br /> I !i j TxIA7'I orWE; Arnold L. ThurYow and Laura J. Thuriow„ Husband and Wafe � � �
<br /> "� ' f :
<br /> � 1 of FiALL Cpunty and State af NEBRASKA ,fn �ansidesatinn of the sum o/ ,
<br /> i 'i
<br /> i+ i 'Two xhousand, F'i,ve Hundzed and Ncr/TOO --------($2. 5b0_00) - DOLLARS : ;�
<br />, I� -'------- F
<br /> �� � in ha,nd paid, dn het¢by SELZ,a�d CONYEY r�roia E, D ean Walfe and ,TudiCh A. Wolfe i �'
<br /> 7 i , ;,
<br /> a , (naortgaqee), ,
<br /> ' bf' Fiall County, and State of Nebraska. , !ka fol-lozsri�i�descri&ed prentues
<br /> ; i situated rn �iall Coanty, and State of Nebraslca to-zvxt: t
<br /> i
<br /> t. i � �
<br /> �j �
<br /> !` � j `
<br /> !.
<br /> Lot Twenty-twp (22), in Capital �ieights Eighth Subdivision, Ha1I County, r
<br /> " � Nebraska.
<br /> i �
<br /> i
<br /> ; � i
<br /> �; i �
<br /> �! i a
<br /> k
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> j� I ±
<br /> i,
<br /> �; �
<br /> �� � The ententiqn bein� tn eonvey hereby att absolute title: in /e:e.t�impTa tincludiny all tke riyhts o/ homestca�t an�f dower. i �
<br /> �� j TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the premises above described,urith al! the appustesiances thereunto belonging unto I _
<br /> �� � the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her o� theis heirs axd assigns,foret�es, provided always, a„d these Qses- i
<br /> �5 estts are u¢on lhe ezQress condition that if the said mortgagvr os �nortgagoss, his, her or their heiss, exetutors, admin- i
<br /> F� � istratoss os assigns shall pay or ca�ise to be paid to the said mortgagee os mortgagees and ta his, her os their heirs, ex- t '
<br /> F� j acyators,adminirhators or assigns, the sum af Two Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 �
<br /> ;� ( Dollars, payable as follows, to�srit: � �
<br /> �E � attachedmte � ,
<br /> i' ' �
<br /> I: �
<br /> i; .
<br /> � i
<br /> �i �
<br /> ;� ; !
<br /> � � urith i»terest theseon at l OQer cent per annum, payable XXXXX annually,according to the tenor and e�ect of ;
<br /> '� � the promrsso�y note with interest coupons attnched of said Mortgagars, beasing even date with these pres- �
<br /> i� � ents,a�ad shall pay all taxes and any interest ox,or maturing installments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and
<br /> � I assess»tents levied upvn said rea! estate and al!other taxes, levies aad asses.nrunts levied upon thss mortgage or the �
<br /> �; � nate which lhis suortgage is given to secure, 6efose the same becomes delinquent a�d keey the busldings o„ said �
<br /> (f � psesnises ittsured for the sum$ ,loss, if any, payable to such fisst mortgagees or thu mo�tgagee, or both, � '
<br /> �'� � then these presents be void, otherurise to be and remain in ful!force. �
<br /> f IT IS FURTHER AGREED (r) That if the sa£d mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes and sucl: inte�est on, 1
<br /> or rnatussng ti�ratallments of¢sinci¢al,due on ariy prior mortgage and procure such ins:srance, then tkis mortgagee snay �
<br /> '; { ¢ay s'weh ta�res and such interest on,or maturing installments of principal, due on such prior mortgage a�d procure =
<br /> s+�eh iruiirance;axd the sum so advaxced with inlerest at nixe per rent shall b¢paid Ay said rnortgagor,and this mort-
<br /> I� � gage,shall.stan8'as securily for tht same. (z) Tha! a failure to pay any of said money,either prinnpal os 4nterest on t !
<br /> �� this or any Qrios mortgage, when the same betomes due or a failuse to comply witk ariy of the foregofng agreemenis, � �,
<br /> �i, ; sholl cause the whole su�s of money harei� secu�ed to become due and collectable at onca at the option of the nwrt- i
<br /> � � gagee. �
<br /> j IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said mostgagee, yending fnredosure of thu mortgage and after decree and �
<br /> ( ' pending;stay therenn or appeal therefrom and pending scle of premtses mortgaged, may pay .nah taxes and maturing �'
<br /> t interesf os.matursng ixstallsnents of ¢rintipal, on ¢rios mo�tgages, ¢roture such insurance and such sums shall be ; ;
<br /> � ' added to ihe a�nount due ox decree axd upan co�firination of sale by the court ordered taken out of proceeds of sa1e; i F:
<br /> or if redeemed duri�g stay, appea! or sale, such amounts shaJl be collecred th¢sa�ue as tho+agh ie were a part of s+rch i I �
<br /> deesee. , �
<br /> � Signed this a�S/' daY vf �C�1 �;-]'9 7� ` i " �K
<br /> � � !n Presexce of -� � � 1
<br /> � j _... .... .....
<br /> - � � ,� � � ar .
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<br /> nra ur3 ,
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