•-- �
<br /> !ia►7's o! 1t��. Ca..�s .t _.�.�,..�...._..._..__....._,._......... -
<br /> 1WM !�e wr�nl�s ...�. ......, 1!.._._p.�......_._,�._......_.. o'�lxk .__..................... Y.
<br /> il�i nwiiM i� tie Llr�i SMMd ..._.._.........._..-..—.,, !aN ._._.....,,....»._.._.»....
<br />� i��t DMd� � ......j�rpnty Re�iater ot D�..»..»......».......... �
<br /> �--uo21s9 suKvivo� w��v� a�
<br /> 7.sws�oes E. Fr�r aad Fsvra L. Fry, Hasbsad and Wife. �ach ia His and Her own right
<br /> aad ss �psan�e oi eseh otber ,Aex+ein ealled the�rantor whether one cr mors,
<br /> in�owide:at'sen of Fifteen Thousand, Five Hundrod aad l�To/100 (�15, 500.00) Dollara
<br /> ree�eived tzom grantees, doe� grant, bargain, eell convey snd eonfirm unto
<br /> Rudy C. I{och aad Maxine D. Koch, Huaband aad Wife
<br /> as joint tenants wiLh r9ght of snrvivo�Lip, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> „ -.
<br /> P�erty in ..............Ei2�1..........................-••-•........_. County, Nebraska: .' :;
<br /> ', .,
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Six (6) in Boggs and Hill's Addition ,,-ig;
<br /> to the City of Grand Iela.nd, Hall County, Nebraslca. `%�
<br /> STAMP TAX 1�;,
<br /> p�-c RPR 17 1978 �,: �
<br /> ACNF'�
<br /> 5�'P�EMEN� f �`,
<br /> s,
<br /> g /70S gY L/ � �w
<br /> � except easementa and ieatrictions of record 1+�,
<br /> To have nnd W hold the above d�cribed premises together with sIl tenements, hereditamenta ,�
<br /> and appartenancea Lher�to belonging nnto the grantees and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and as�igas � �;
<br /> of tlie survivor of t3�n� forever. • k''�°'
<br /> sa°
<br /> �nd grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns snd with the heirs f�
<br /> and sesigns of the surviror of them that grantor is lawfully seised of eaid premises;that they are free from ��
<br /> enoambrance sxcept tYse unpaid balance of a First Mortgage Loan at Equitable Building and �„�
<br /> Loaa Aasociation of Grand Islaad, Nebraska, as recorded in Bbok 164, Page 278 of the
<br /> records of the Hall County Register of Deeds, wliich the grantees agree to assume and pay.�
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful anthorfity to concey the same; snd that grnntor wnrrants and will
<br /> def�nd the title to said premises against tlie lawful clairni of ail persons �cliotnsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of tlie death of either of tde granteea,
<br /> the entire fee title to tl�is real property shall �•est in the surviving grnntee.
<br /> Dated / "!a^ e-� a U 19 7�
<br /> ,
<br /> ...._................. .................__.............................._...... Ga��.�i..�...Gs'�'�......`.C__._...... ...__...y....._..................... „. :':
<br /> �wrence . F`�
<br /> .... ..__.���.'... . _:.....� ....._.....................
<br /> ....... ...................................._.............................._.. �
<br /> Fawn L. F y . :
<br /> - _ STATE OF ......�.e�a:n�.r.4........................ County oF ........._f�cL�?.._..........._.._.. _.__.: .
<br /> Before me, a notary pnblie quali£ied for said county, pereonally came
<br /> Lawx�enc�e 'E. Fry and Fawn L. Fry, Huabaad and Wife, each in His and Her own
<br /> rright �ad as apouse of each other
<br /> �ovvm to me to be the identical perxon or pereona who signed tlie foregoing instrument sud acknowledged -.,c--
<br /> `the a3eeution thereof to be his,her or their voluntary set and deed.
<br /> ; ��v:� � � � � "
<br /> • Witness my hand and notarisl$eal on � � /-rr �i � 19.__.....8... � �',.
<br /> _w .. . ._..�......«....__.��.........»......)y
<br /> . •. ' �.. 6REGORY D.ROBERT3 �� �T'"":..'._,..... N
<br /> . otary Public �"'��;., ��
<br />� . ' CENERAI NOTARY—.State of Nebt2 � ..._.: �.. . ..--........._�. - .
<br /> . . • "``
<br /> . ........� , ..Ki
<br /> . .Mr Ccmmcssion.Expites- � . � . . . �J�� ' .:
<br /> Au➢Mst 5.1978 My commissioa eapires � ........., 19.��.... ,�Fr. * �
<br /> ........:.Y..:.`..`.'�...............
<br /> Forna 42 To be epproved bq Nebraska State Bar�ssaciation F°��a'Ou a'-•L"�TM N`°..
<br /> ,..., _...,, ,. , . ,,..�.��.�_-�, �
<br /> ..� __. „_, �...
<br />