� � �
<br /> 78- U Q 218 5 ,-., �
<br /> 10. 7'hxC rhe Mort�agor will keep tfie huiTdint;s upon said prrmises in ���d re�uir, a.n� neither comrnit nor permit waste
<br /> upon said lattd, nor suffer the said premises io he use.d 6'ur any unlawful perr�ose .
<br /> I I . That if the premises. ar any parK ch�reof, t�e conde-mned wnder the power uf eminenr dumain , or acquireJ for a pu��ic
<br /> use, rhe �iama�es awarded , the praceeds fi�r thn taking ot, or the con�ideration fc�r snrh aequisitinn , ro the extent �f tAc full
<br /> amount uF indebtednes upon this mortgage �nd che note which if i. given to aecure remaining un.paid , ace he:rehy assigned by the
<br /> lNortgagor [o the Martgagee. and shatl be paid forthwich ta said Mnrtgagee co be applied by Mhe laiter on 3ccoun't �f 4he aext I
<br /> maturing ins[allments of such indebtedness,
<br /> 1�. TMe 61�rtgagor further agrees rhat .hould' thu muttgage and the note secured herehy n�t bc eligible for in-
<br /> sueaece under the National Hausing Act wiYNin 4 mGnthe fram f,he date hereaf (written statement of any officer
<br /> uf che Uepartment of Housing and l�rban Devetopment or authori7ed aga�t i.f the Sccreiaty c�f Howsing and Urben
<br /> Acvtlopment dated subsequenr to the 4 zaonths time (rom the date of this mur�:gage , decli;ninyt zo insure said
<br /> notc and this mortgage, being deemed eonclus�ve pr��f i�f such ineligihiliey r, the Martgager �r huld;er �f the note
<br /> ma,y , at i1s optian , dectart all sumc securred herehy immeiliately due and payable.
<br /> 13. Thab �f the MortRagor ta'rls to make any pavments of mc�ney when the same become due. or faili to c�rnf�rm to and
<br /> comply with any of the �onditions or agretments c.intained in this mortgm�te. or the note w hich it secures , then the entire princi-
<br /> pal �um and acccuod intetest sh�ill at once kree�me due and pavable , af thr eleetion of rhe Mnng:rgee ; and thi� mortgage may
<br /> Yhereupon 6e forcd�5oa� 'emmedia[ely tor thr whole of saiJ money , interest , monthFy payments, costs, �round' rehts , Eaxes an.d
<br /> the cost qf extendingthe abstracr of title frum the date �f this Iqan to the time oP commencing such Yoreclosure s.uit, and a rea�
<br /> sooable attorne}•'s fee. all �f which sh�ll be included in the deeree af tfureclosure ; and the contract emb��ied in this moctgage
<br /> and the note sa¢urod hereby , shall in all respects bc b�verned, concfrued and adjudged by rhr laws of N. ebreska, where the
<br /> same is made.
<br /> The covenants hercin con[ained shall bincl, anG fhe k�enefits and adv�nt:��es shall i�sure to, the respecrivc heirs, �xecutors.
<br /> aJmioistratwrs, successurs and assigns oF Lhe paruies hrrntu. Wh�ncver ustd . the sin�ular number shal! incluCe the plural, thc
<br /> plural the sin�tulac, and [he use. of any bender shall lx applicnble to a19 genders.
<br /> 7'he foregaing eondition�, all and' singular, Ixins perfarmed accord'ing t� their n:�tutal and le�al import , this conveyance
<br /> shal( be void and said pramises teleased ut the expense of the Morcgagor, tatherwise to be and remain in full foree and e'ffect.
<br /> Ifv WITN' ESS WHEREOF, thc Mort�tagacls) hn ve hereunto set their hand(spche day and qear firs[
<br /> ab�ve written .
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> �A�,' tiJ����"� � -�r- . ... r SEAL j �
<br /> � �, J [ SEAl . �
<br /> -�ELA—S�SSE .E���J��/YaT�S_�,^��'7 ( S�AL J
<br /> f SEAi. I
<br /> [ SEA4 �' ': ";.
<br /> . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . GPO 94/ -7 �8 `� . . � . . . . ;:.
<br /> 1 ss:
<br /> CQUNTY OF HALL � •
<br /> On this 13th day of April . A.D. !9 78 , before me, TAML SUE BROWN
<br /> a notary publie in and for said County , personally came
<br /> to be the identical erson $ whose name e are . personally to me known
<br /> P affixed to the above and fore-
<br /> going instrument as Mortgagor, and they have acknowlcdgcd the said instrument and the
<br /> execution thereof to be their votuntary act and deed , for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> In � testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed by notaria15ea1 at GRAND ISIAND � NEBRASRA
<br /> on the day and date last above written. �
<br /> MSL CODIl`2ISSION EXPIRES ifNERLLMYTYt - itabdM�nslu /�J � . � .
<br /> TAMI SUE EROWN Notary Pub/ic
<br /> SEPTEPIBER 26 � 2981 . My Comm. Exp. Se►t. 2i. 19E1
<br /> �led for record this day of A.D. 19
<br /> at o'clock M . , and entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> rccorded in Sook of Mortgages, on
<br /> Page of
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> _. {
<br /> . . . � � . . Y y � �. �.
<br /> . . . . . . � . .;.� .lt_
<br /> . . . . . . I �4A }I .
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<br /> : _ . . . . . . . . . . . . �e: -� . r���;�:
<br /> _ .. �
<br /> . . . . . FMA-2743M ( 10-77) �
<br />