t-- �
<br /> pnor to enCry of a judgmeht enfnrcing this Mortgage iE: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due undtr
<br /> this Mortgage, fhc Note and notes secqring Fu[une Advances, if an,y, had no aeceleration qecurred; (b) Horrower cures a11
<br />" breaches of any othe� sovenants or agreements nf H�rrowet containecl in Chis Mortgage; (r) Sorrower pays all reasonable
<br /> expenses incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agreemants of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br /> �nlarcing Lcnder's rernedies as provided in paragcaph lA hereaf, including, but not tisnitad to, reasonabie attorney's fees; and
<br />= (dl Bomower takas -such acdon as L.ender tnay rcasonably require ta assute thar the lien of chis Mortgage,, L.ender's interest ' ?'.
<br /> in Ede Praperty and Bortower's obligafion tq pay the sums secured by this Mort,gage shali continue unimpairtd. Upon auch =;`
<br /> payment end cure by Borrower; ihis Mortgage and the obligations secured hore6y sha11' cemain in fulf force and effect �s if
<br /> �ao acceieration had occucred.
<br /> 30. A�Ignment of Reats; Appointmenf o[ lteceiyer, Lender in Rosu�9ion. As additional securi.ry hcraunder. Borcower
<br /> hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, ,provided that Borrowor shalT, ptior co acceleration under paragcaph 18
<br /> hereof or abandonment of the Pcoprrty, have the righe co collect and reta:in such renu as Yhey hecome due and ,payable>
<br /> Upon acteleration under paragraph 1 R heeeof or abanclonment of the Pruperty. Leader, in person, by a,gent or by
<br /> judiaially appointed rtceiver, shalE be ontitled ro enter upon, cakc possession bf and manage the P,coperty and to collezE thc
<br /> r�ents of rhe Propetty, 'rnrluding thcrse pasf due. All rr.nis cpUected by Lehder or xho receiver shalf be applied fiYst to papment
<br /> of the costs of management of the Prciperty and collection of rents, mcluding, but not lim�ted to, receivar's fees, prqmiums on
<br /> rcceiver's bonds and reasonablo attnrney`s fees, and then to the sums secured by Ehis Mortgage. t.ender and the ceceiver
<br /> shall 6e liable Co aceount only tor those rents actually received.
<br /> 21. Futtire Advances. LJpon request of Ba�rqwcr, I,ender, at Lender's aPtion prior to relcase of this Mortgage, may '
<br /> tuake Futuc$ Advances to Borrowet. Such Future Advanees, with interest thercnn, shaiC be secured bg this Mortgage when
<br /> evidenced by pmmissory notes stating ih�t said noSes are secured hereby. A[ no time shall the prirYcipal amount of Ch� '
<br /> indebtedness sccured Isy this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in acaoedance hetewiah to pratect the security af this
<br /> Mottgage, txceed the original amounY ot the Note plus US3 . . . 6 , 57,5 . QQ, , , _ „ ` :
<br /> 22. Release, Upon payment of all sums sccured by this Murtgagn. Lender shall dixharge this lhtortgagt without '
<br /> ct�arge to Sorrower. Borrowtr sha.11 pay ali cpstc oF rei:ordati�n, if any.
<br /> IN WITN�E$S WiiYREOI�, Borrower hati executed� this Mortgage. � . .
<br /> . ��.? �-.�-'( �. . .�.�A.Ql.� . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> Randy L . 1-1 i a#t � -sorrow.r
<br /> . _w?<��i� . '�?; . 'J. / . I. .. .✓.�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.
<br /> Susan p . Hiatt --Ba�� �
<br /> � ;" � � �
<br /> $'I'ATEUFNEH1tA5KA. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . H��� .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . CULLDtySS : . ' . . ;ic.
<br /> Qn this , . . . . . .I �th . . . . . . aay of . . . . Ap.r. i; 4 . . , . . . . , 1g7.$ . . , before me, the undersigned, a Notar,y Public •.
<br /> daly cammissianed and quali5ed fqa said county, personaily came . .RANDY . L. . HI.ATf . A[Vi.l .�aUS9h1 . D. . HLA"CT, . (;
<br /> hV54and, s"I:�;d .w i fe. . ,e,�Ch . i � . h� 5. .and . be1'. �w.n . r, i �h�'. and . as . spa.use .o# th� to me known to be the '
<br /> identical persoa(s) whose name (s) ace subserilsed to ihe fnregoing instrument an�l ��nowledged C6e execution �;
<br /> thereof to be . . .th�i n . . . . . , . voluntary act and deed. ^;
<br /> Witness my hand and notazial seal at . . . . . . . . .Gcand. .Island , . Nehr.aska . . . . . . . . . . in said county, the
<br /> � ��;
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission expires: /j - a 3 — 7 � . . .�.+����?�f�"�l. . .�f?�'�h :'!'. `.C/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
<br /> . . Notary Publie - � �
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