r � --�
<br /> ..__.. �� _s-�=ua2�� :-,. . _ _ _
<br /> _._ _ _ _ _ __
<br /> � 108•B—SURVIVORB►dIP WAR�R-ANTY pEED (Revised '1967) 'PLb�attm�u.Oenai�l BayD�7 Rbase,Llneoin, Setr.
<br /> ?F
<br /> 1; KNOW ALL ME�T I�I'TFiESE PR�SENT4,7`hat We� Daniel G. Jaeger gnd Marlene A. Jaeger�
<br /> i� eaah in his and her own z'i.ght and as spouse of each other, �;
<br /> + NESRASKA D�CUMENTA�iY. �'s
<br />� �� S"I"AMP TAX �TA7�MEf�IT AT7ACMED ri
<br /> il �.P� 14 393`8
<br /> ;! �� ,herein calted the gzantor wbether o�te or more,
<br /> '` $�F3Y
<br /> � y- Thonsand Nine Hundred bollsrs & no/100bhs (532,90Q.t70) '
<br /> ;';'
<br /> c' received from;gzantees, does grant, bargain, sell couvey and confisnl�into Randy L, Hiatt and Susan D.
<br /> :� H3att, husband az�d w�Se,
<br /> �t
<br /> �� as joint tenents with right of survivorship,aud not as tenants in e�mmon,the following descri6ed reni property in
<br /> �! Connt
<br /> Hal1 y, Nebraska -
<br /> �'
<br /> � A1i o� Fraetional Lot Five (5) and the Wester].y Eight and Two Tenths (8.2) feet of "
<br /> y1 F'ractional Lot Four in RuSt's Addition and all pf Fractional Lot Five (5) and the � �;
<br /> Westerly* E3ght and Twro Tenths #'eet (8.2�) of Fractional I,ot Four (4) in Fractional
<br /> j': B1ock Severcteen (17) in Sctximner'$ Addi.t�,on. Both Addat,i,ons in t�e City ot �rand
<br /> ;; Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> ;I
<br /> i�: �
<br /> EI � �
<br /> To haee snd to hold Lhe abave described premises Lagether with all tenementa,heredi-Lament$gad appnr-
<br /> ;% tenances t6ereW belanging unto the grantees and to their assi�ns, ur to tLe heirs and asrigns of Che aurvivar ot
<br /> Chem Forever.
<br /> '? And grantor does hereby cavenant w•ith the graiiteer�and �vit.h their assi�ns an�i with the 1�eirs and essi�ns
<br /> of the�urviror nf tbem that grsntor ia l.x�•fu11y seised af said premises;that ihey are free �rom rncunibranee
<br /> ;� except easements and restri:ctions of reeord
<br /> jthat�'8ntor has good tight and lxwful authoritv to ¢on�•ev the same; an3 Lhat grantpr �varrantt� an�i wi11 defend '�
<br /> �� the titYe to said premises against the lawfuI claima of all persons whomsoever. s�
<br /> �a It is the intention of all parties hereto that ia the ecent of the death of either of the grantges, the entire
<br /> �� fee simple title to tLe real eatate shall vest in the•aurviving grantee.
<br /> #,
<br /> �� Dated L`Z�-� /L�� 19 7�
<br /> �;
<br /> �i ,� �
<br /> f� .................................................. ...Daniel G. Ja ger ... ................. .`
<br /> i� .................................................. .................................................. <<
<br /> j# � �
<br /> .................................................. ..!_�..��-!r!c%',?c..1�..;�.�t�±. ..............
<br /> �} Marlene A. Jaeger
<br /> E �
<br /> 1� STATE OF.....,Nebraska....... , Countp of...Hall'................ .....................................
<br /> ,i �
<br /> ij Befor me a notary public qualified for said county2 personally came Daniel G. JBegeT and
<br /> 1; Marlene �. .�seger, each in his and her own nght and as spouse of each ather, ,:
<br /> ;I ,:;
<br /> ii
<br /> .,
<br /> ,�
<br /> iy lmown to me to be the identical person or persons who eigned the foregoing inetrument and acknowledged the
<br /> �} eseeution thereof to be his,her or their voluntary act and dee
<br /> �i ' `��
<br /> �� Witneea my hand snd notariel aeal on. ............ ....�.�0 .... . 9. .c�..
<br /> l�' ��•11i1r0Aw10� .C.���:�tS�t�E"..�?.:0.G.��.Notary Pnblic
<br /> O�I�t!/.1LA� ..... ..
<br /> t�:. '^ �Md�ri►4►M��.1M1 My commisaion e:pires..��a.��.........,19�.1._ � i
<br /> i „
<br /> ��- s�az� oF .....................� ._ _ �'`+
<br /> , : �,
<br /> x � �. ; "� � .
<br /> j � ` nnty ......: ........................ f
<br /> Co�
<br /> Entered on nnmerical indez and fited for record in Lhe Regiater of Deeds O�ce oP said County the
<br /> ..... 'dap of....................�,19..... ,at...._......o'clock and..•••......minutea ......._...M., ;
<br /> � ,..... . .
<br /> ,
<br /> aad recorded ia Book....................of....................atpsge..._............. •
<br /> :#��
<br /> .�
<br /> �'
<br /> �� .............................Reg.of Deeds........
<br /> ........... .............De ut ;
<br /> __.'_�i__ By ............. .. p y
<br />— --___�_ ...--- -......_.. _ _.... _._ �
<br /> .�.
<br /> _ - -_ ---__ _ _ _
<br /> il
<br />