� �
<br /> � �8-�U 0 2 � 61 . ,-�,.,
<br /> no0 nxtei�d ur l�psC�one ihe due clatc of khr� int�iitlil�� in.t .rlltuents :�ePerre+ l ta i�� ��ac;igraplrs 1 3nd 2 iiereof �r
<br /> cLang� che ainount nI suct� ir;stal.l�r,ent-.
<br /> lU. Borrower Nct Fleleased_ i,x-tension o .f tlie tiinc f�r � �nyiueiit or trroel 'afica-ii�n cif amortiz.ation of Lhe surnH
<br /> �ecured .b,y ti�is Vf;ortgage �raptecl �y I.ender Co any� �ucceseor i�i iut�re�t ei B�rro�ver slinl3 irot a�esate ta relessc,
<br /> in any ina?iner, the Niak�il�3;v ot thu orig�nsl Borroivei• and B�rco�� ar 'y su:�cessore; in interest. Lcnder shi;l,l noti be
<br /> I re�uired to commence proceedii�gs agai,ryst sueln surcessar or reiiwe� tu extetrc[ time fAr puyment or otlaerwise modify T
<br /> �morEizatipn of bhe sumc .��urec� in• t3'iis �lnrt,�a�e I�y ceasu�� o[ uxry demut�d m:tcic bv kl�e origihal Borraw•er snd
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> 11. Forbear�ce by Lender Not a W�aiver. rY[�y forbearancc by T.ender in exetcisin�; any right or remedy
<br /> 1 hereunder, car othenvise a'fforded by spn7icubir_ la�c�, sh:tll not I�e n waiver of or �re�lnd� t1�e exeraiac af any right
<br /> or remedy 'kaereunder. The procuren�ent of insursnce oi^ tlic ��ayn�c��t �C taxes or uther ]ien� or char�es by Lender
<br /> ,' shail not Fie a waiver of Lendar's right t� sccelernt� thc anacuriiv of tt�e indebted�resa secured b3* this Mortgage. ?
<br /> 12. Reia�edies Cumulative. All remedies Jrro�•icleci in tiiis .ltortga�e �tre riist�net and eumulative to any other
<br /> right or reniedy under t6ic \Iort�age c>c affnrclrr{ lry I;iv�• or c�� � uity , an�i n�a�t• lir ex�rristd eonc�tcmntly, in�iepenrZ-
<br /> entty qr nuccesaivel}•,
<br /> 13. SuCeessors �d Assigns Bouad: Jaint �d Sevezat Liab"slity; Captions. "Che c��•ennr�ts and ugreemente
<br />: herein aontained shall bind. :tn�l the ri�l�ts liereiander .�ti,aPl inurr to, Ch� sea{�er.69ve siiccessorR arnri usaigns of T,eader
<br /> suct lior'roweq subjeet to tite psovicions oi �>nr�gr:ipli 17 Lcrec�t. :111 e<���c+nanta uri�i :agreccncnts c�f Rorroacer slnall
<br />' be joint and several , The ra��iions arid ]iea�iings cit th,c ��ai•u�ra{�hs c, f thi. ] I�rtgu�c sre fur cun �•e��ience anly and
<br /> a;re npt Lo be used bo interpre� ur �irfi.nc thc � �r<�a+esio�i� i�ereof.
<br />� I4. Nbti.Ce. AYIY 1tOt1CL t�0 13urru�ver �»•orid�e�i tor i�i thi� \.IortKci�c .hul.i br �;i��ea: h�;y mailin� �urh notice by . � . � �
<br /> eerCified iiaail ciddressed to I3orra«•er ui tLc Pro7�errv :�cicliee; �tatecl l�elu�c , cxc�rf�t iue• :im• nc�iiee required under
<br /> parabr:iph i8 )�ereof t � be y;iven to Bocroe� er ir� the �vxswner i�n�,eril�ecY b}- :�E>��licablo Iti�v- , :1ny notice pror-icleci _ ''
<br /> for in this \fottquge �hall }rc dee�ni>d fa 11fl�•e becu gi�•i�n tv i3on•�wc•r ��•lirn ��ix•en in t � �e innnner �ir�siFnute+� herein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Martgaye; Goveming Law; $e�erability. '1'hic for�n of nrorty;sge cumhine; un�farm c.�venunCa
<br /> for nstional use and n�n-u�iiiorm eovenarrts �viCl� lirniicd �•:�riafi�ns l.�y jurisdictio�t + o constiitute u �,nitarm seru-
<br /> rity insbrument coveri�r� real �rrp�erty. "I'his \ 1ut•tgx�r. eh:ilt I,c yu�•<�rned b�• cP�e lax�� oE ihe je,risdictio[i it-� which
<br /> the Pr,operCy is located. Tn tl�� event thnt auy provision or clairse oi t15i� \iortgase nr t}ne Note conflicts �vith
<br /> appl'icable lsw, such conHief slinl ] nat uffc�r: crtlicr provisions at' tl�is tlui�tga�e ar the \ute tivhich cat� be given
<br /> i
<br /> zffect without th� r,onflicting ��rU� isi�ai, aard to tlais end tl!c r�ro��ision,s of ilie \lortgag¢ an�l tlie 1Vote are declared ?>
<br /> Go Be sev.erable.
<br /> 16. Bqrrawer's Capy. Bosrcraver st�all i>c furrris-hed a corrformeci edpy- of tliis �fort{;n�e at the tiine of exeCu-
<br /> tion or sfter recordation kyereof.
<br /> 17. Trmos(er of the Property; Assumptioa. If all �r aii�• pnrt of the PYnpeetv� or a�i interest tl�erekn is sold
<br /> or transferred by BorroH•er witihout Lender '�; p�rior �vritden consent , excliading fai tf�e crea.tic�n of a Iien or emenm-
<br /> brance :�uUordinate to this �ioiK�a�c, 1l� 1 t{rc ireci�ian of :i ��urchu<r in�ncy �.�eurit� intere�t for liowsehol�l appli- � ;;
<br /> ances, (c) � trnnsfer b,y �le�•ise, de*suent �r by �Ezer�Y,iun of lai�c upan the deatlr of a joint tenanu ar {�i ) the grant of
<br /> any leasPholcl interest of fkiree ycars in• lese not cuntaining un o�;rkion to ��nr�cl�nse. Lender may, nt Lender's apCion,
<br /> declsre aH tihe surns se.cured by thia vlort�nge ro bu irucnediztcel�^ +iue ancl payah}e. Lender shall hawe waiveii such
<br /> option W ac�relerate it, ��rior to tlxQ suli� or transfer, Lender aa��� Hie ��eison to w•),ron� [hc 2'ropert}� is to be sold or
<br /> tiranafetred reael� agreement, iia wntiu�; t3ist tlie credit of suriz � ier�on is sartisfacEory to Lender itnd thaB �he interest ';:
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this �iortgage shall be at sucii ratc as Lender shall requesL If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borro«•er', successor in interest 1�as executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I,gnder, Lender shall release BorroWer from all obli�ations under ;
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall mai! Borrower notice of acceleratian in accordance `
<br /> �vitl� paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice aliall pro�•ide a periocf of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due, If Borro�ti•er fail, to pny such sums prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, Lender may, �c-ithout furtl�er notice or deinand on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> �'ON-UNIFOAM COVENANT6_ . SOC1'O\�°CP .1ril1 LCI1lIC1' tUl'Y�II@1' CO�'C17i1Rt 12]!� agree a� follows : ,� . .
<br /> 18. Aeeeleration; Remedies. Excetn sss pro��idc�l in � r.trugr.i� �h li hcreoP , upon Borrok�er's breach of any
<br /> covenant or agrecment of Borrower in tliic �Im•t�;:tgi�. including t6c coven:xnts to pay �5'I1CI1 due any sums cecured
<br /> by this \1ort.gage, Lender ��rior to acceleration .hssll muil notice to Sorro��•cr us �n•o�•idcd in parngraph 14 hereof
<br /> speeifying : { 1 ) the breacl� ; !2 ) the action required to cure sucl� breacl� ; ! 3 ) a datr, not Iess tl�an thirt}• days
<br /> from the date the notice i� �uailed to }3urro�cer. Ir}• ��� I�icli �ucli brcacf� �uu,t be cured ; and ( 4 ) that fai(ure to curc
<br /> such breach on or before tLe date cpecified in the notice may result in accelrration of the sume secured bv this `
<br /> 1�lortgage and sale of the Yroperty. If the brencli is not cured on or betore the date specified in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declare all of the sums secured by thi, �iortgagc to be IR1111C(�IICCIY due smd payablc
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose this \iortgnfie by judicial proceeding. I.ender shall he entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosurc , inclu�ting, biit not limited to, r.osts of documentary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and tiWe reports.
<br /> 19. Borzow�is Right to Reiastate. \Totw�ith�tnnding I.ende�'s ucceleration of the sums secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha�-e any Proceedings hegun by I.endcr to enforce this vlortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judRment enfaprinR thi� \tortgage if : fa1 BorroWer pays Lender all
<br /> sums which wauld be then due under this Jlortga�e, tLc \'ote nnd notes seciiring Firture Ad�•snce�, if any, l�ad no
<br /> acceleration oecurred ; ( b) Borrower cures all brcachcs of nn}• other co�•rnantc or :t�rnementc of Aorrowcr con-
<br /> tained in Lhis Mortgage ; (c ) Borrower pays all reu�onable expenses incurred b}• I.ender in cnforcing the covenants
<br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in this tiIortgage and in enforcing Lender:. remeclie� as provided in para-
<br /> gx'sph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reuson:tble attorney '� ice: : and Id ) Borrower takes such nction as �
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien ot this \lortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and �,,h,
<br /> Bonower's obligation to pay the aums secured by tliis \Iortgnge .�hall continuc unimpaired . Upon such payment '�<-""'�
<br /> and cure by $orrower, this Mortgagc and the obligations �ecured I�eret>�• �hall reinain in tull force and efiect as if �
<br /> no scceleration had occurred. ' ` '��+ :
<br /> 20. A�signmoat of Re�s; Appoiatraent of Raceiver; Lendar in Posseasion. As additional security here- ` ,=i ''
<br /> under, Borrowe} hereby assigns to I,ender the rents of the Property, provided t6at Borro�ser shall, prior to acceler- � .
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have thc right to collect and retain such rents ,
<br /> as they become due and payable. � � �y y
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereoi or abandonment of the Yropert}-. Ixnder, in �ierson , by agent � "3' - 4 ="
<br /> or byjudiciallyappointed receiver shall be entitled to enter u}w��, lake po�„e.sioi� oC und inunage thc Yroperty
<br /> and to collect the rents of the Property, including those nast due. A ❑ rents collected hp T,ender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first Lo psyment of the coste of management of the Propert� and collection of rent., including, but
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rccciver's bonda and masonable attorn�y'� f��= , nn�i th�n to the �ums
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall bc liable to acco�int only for thosc rents actually recei�•ed . I
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . _ I
<br />