_ r- ,_,,� �
<br /> ,
<br /> not exCend m• ��.vstpane tt�e du� ciatc of tlic: emuniiil�• in�t:ilhna�nt� rePcrred ti� i» �rxrarruX;.hs 1 aiid `l hereof (�r
<br /> ctrunRe the umount ot sur,la iny0allments.
<br /> 10. Burrower Not Released., i:xtension �f tl�F � iiue for � xa�•n�ent or �.i5o�iiSicrtti��ai uf ainarGizntiur� �f the sumF
<br /> ' oecured vy this iVlurt�;age �rautecl �,y I.�ndcr io any swccessor ii� iniere�t oi B�iruwer 5}�ali iaot. operate t,o nlease, '
<br /> r in any :manner, the lisY�ility -oi t��e ori�inal Rorroµ•ei• und Bon•o�vrr', sur,cessars �i� interest. I�ender sEiwl! npG be
<br /> required' to commenre proceeQings sgainst siicli �ucces�or oi• reiusc to �xtend tirne for �>Ayment or otherwise modif}•
<br /> amorGizAtion of bhe sums seoureci l�g� this \ �ortgi�ge li�• renson .ai :� ny <lemancV �nacir kiy the ori�inal �3orrower at�d �
<br /> Borrower's suacessore in ic�terest.
<br /> ' � 11. Focbecraace by Leader 1Not a Waiver. Any forbenranci l>y Le�Sder iu execaisit�g any� ri�ht or remed;y
<br /> � �p iiereunder, or othenvise afforded by aE,�>lzcahie la;� , slial. •iot be a «•si�er of ar precSuue 'th� exe:eise �f a±±y r±g};ti
<br /> „_.� or renaedy 'hereunder. Tii� I�ruiruremenr, of insur:�nce oi• tlze pa�•anent oi taxes or ocl�er lieris or churges b} Lender
<br /> ' �j shall not be u wuiver of Lencler's right ta aeaeler:it.e tt�e �n,aLuritp of it�e ir�debte<ir�ess securea by this 14or@gage.
<br /> ; � 12. Remedies Cumulative: :Yli rernc:diies pro�•Scled in t,h 't� \fortgage are distiaicG and enmulativr to any other
<br /> i Q right rir aemedv under tlris \ Iort�agc oa• i� ff'urzicrl h�• l:��v ��r aquitp, a.nd nia,y br eaecoisccl conevrr�ntly, indep.end• ` ;
<br /> ; ently c�r successively.
<br /> � � 13, Suace�sors aad Xssigns Bonnd: Join1 �d Sevezal LiabiliEys Cegtions. 'i'he co�•rnants and K�reements
<br /> ^ herein coritained shail k�inc] , and ti�e risl�ts Iiereumder �ha.1t inura tu. tk�c respe�tivr� suace�sar� :�nx1 aysigns af Lender `
<br /> unel Borrqwer, sul�ject tn tl�e pravisi�r�, of paragr:c � >In 17 hereof. :�II e�ti•eiaarxC: .�n�l a�grre•mente of Borruwer shall
<br /> ; be jotnG and several. Th� ea�,?inn� :xn�l !�:•:ading.� at tl;c ��.zruKrsi��li:= of lhis � Iort�;:zke :ire fnr r:ons•enie�ace o.nly ancl
<br /> are not to be used to int.ernret or rlefirie th.e �irurisii�iis li�reor.
<br /> 14. Notiee. Any notic� tso Bursower t�ri,rrideci tqr in rhi> \lorrt �u�;c ehtill hc �;i�•c�n trv ncuilirig such ziotice by°
<br /> c�crtified mail a�idressed ta Bc�rro��•er .it rl �e� Fro{icrty .�dclre�s -tnteal hc1o«• . cxcc�i�C ior �cn�� ❑otice retauireci under
<br /> pnragr3g?h 18 l�ereof to 1�c �;i�•e❑ tu 134u•ri��vc: � in t)�o vn.inner �� r��:crilrec� h,y ;jppliea�l�Ir la�r. .atay ��otice prcir�idecl
<br /> forint'hi� 13�rtgage Shadl Eir, de�ii�cci to I�a�•c heon g�:•etr tu I3orro��•c�r ��•hen j;i�•en iri the mAnn,cr �iesi��aKteei lierein.
<br /> f;' 15. [Tttiform Mortgage,• Goveming Law; Severabilily. 'Chis lorn� af uieirtga�;e coczataines ttmiform coti•ennnts � �'
<br /> iur nxtiibna! uie and nori-uniform co�•enax�is �vitli lirnitcrl �•ari;�.tions I��^ jurisdi�;tion to eonskitute a uni[orm se¢u-
<br /> rity insErucnerrt c�vering renl prr�perty-. I'liis \Iar[ ga�;e rhali F�e governe�i Fr�• tl�c law uf the juriec!'rction in whioh
<br /> the Property is loaated. In the evant tl� at 1IlY ��rovic�on or etausc of tl�is Dlort�;a�e or the �Tote con(licts svith
<br /> npp2icable latv, such ronfl 'tct shul,i not affect oil�er �zravisions ai tliis \Iwr'tgagc or thc \Tote whioh cun k�r given
<br /> effect without tl�e r.onfiictirig E�roc'csion , itnci to C6ie end the �?iorrsion� o'f tY�e :\lorbga�e :tnrl the Note are decl8red
<br /> W be sawerable.
<br /> 16. $orrower"s Copy. $arro�eer shall be iureiislird a� erorifo�aaied copy of thic \[ortgsge at the L�me of execu-
<br /> tion or after recorclation liereat.
<br /> 17. Tr�ssfe.r of 3he Properly; Alssucnpticn. If ali or sny ��art �t t}�e Praperty or ah inietest thecein ia sold
<br /> ; � ortransferred by Borrawer �vithouL I.ender's Frrioa• written cor�sent . excludin� �A1 tii,r, e�rea,tion o-f a lipn or eneum-
<br /> ` i branne fiu�ordinate to this \Iortgu�e. (, bj Y.he creation of a E�urrfiasc iuoneq seeurity int,erest tor hvusehold ap�rli- ` ;
<br /> snces, (c) a transfer by d.evjsQ, de�cent or hv o�+cr�tir;n of IaM1�� uf��n thr death ot a joint ienunt or idl the grant of
<br /> any lexsehold in,terest of three yeai� �r 1���. aic�t cmitaininn ttta �F>tiryn to j�urchase, Lender may, at Lender's optibn,,
<br /> dec1are all the sums 5ecurecl by this VSorb�agc to Ize i�nniei�iaitely duc �nd pa}�able. T:eri�ier shall kaave �vuived such
<br /> ;`; option to ueeelerate rf, prior tn tlie calc or trunafer, Lencier aud tl�c ��er�on Co wl�am the Prapzrty is zo be sold pT +;
<br /> ( crans(erred tear.li agreetneni in writing Llr�t, tiie cYi+dit o� sucl� ��erson i� s3tisfactory• to 1.ender an3 ttaat thc interest 'i ' '<
<br /> payable on t-#�e sums secvre�i Uy this �tortga�;e sl�nll be ai �uclr raCe ss I,ender shatl renuest . If Lender has waived �`
<br /> '` ; „
<br /> ? the optidn to accelerate provi3ed in this paragraph 1 i ssnd if Borrower's succesebr in interest has erecuted a writ- s ;
<br /> { ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by T.ender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under `
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> ; If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance ;
<br /> ; witL parsgraph 14 hereof. 3uch notice shall pro�•ide a periocl of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br /> i mniled within which Borrmver may pay thc swns declured due. If Borro�cer fails to pay such sums prior ta the
<br /> ,! eacpiration of such period , Lender ma}•. �vitliout furthcr notice or �icmand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> ? mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> ` i
<br /> � ��ON-UD7IFORM COVENA\TS. BOI'1'O\CCI' i111CI LCIICICI' fUCt�1Q1 co��eiiant tind agree as follo�vs :
<br /> 18. Aeeeleratioa; Remedies. Escci�t us pro�•ide<! in ��urngr:�� �h 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any
<br /> eovenant or agreement of Borro�eer in tl�i� \fortFa�c, inclucling thc covunant� to pay ��'1�en duc any sums secured
<br /> by this \4ortgage, Lender ��rior to acccleration ,liull n�:iil noficc to Borro�cer as � �rorided in paragraph 14 hereof
<br /> ' � specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; 12 ) the :tiction rcquired to cure .uch brench : ( 3 ) a dutc, not les� tlian thirty days
<br /> ? from the date the nolice is mailed to 13orro���er, h�• �chich .uch hreleh must bc cured ; and (41 that fnilure to curc
<br /> E auch breaeh on or before the date specified in rLe notice wsy result in acce(eration oC the sum� secured by this
<br /> 3 . 3fortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured on or beforc the date specificd in thc notice, Lender
<br /> st Lender's option ivay declare nll oi the sums secumd by tl�is \Iortgugc to be im�nediatcly duc and payable
<br /> ` ! svithout further demand and may foreclose this �Iortgu�c by judicial proceeding. I.ender shall he entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding ull expenses of foreclosurc, including, hut not liiuited to, cuats of docu�nentary evidence,
<br /> 1 sbstracts and title reports.
<br /> �
<br /> ` j 19. Boaowoia Right to Reinstate. Notw•ith�tanding I,ender'. ucceleration of the sums secured Iry t.his
<br /> ; Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceeding� begun by Lender to enforec thi, �lortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a jud�;ment enfoTcing this �iortgage if : (al BorroK•er pays Lender all
<br /> ;i sums which would be then due under this �Iortgngc, thc Note nnd notes securing Future �d�•ance_, if any , had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (b ) Borrower cures all hrenches of any other co�-enants or a�reecnents of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays ull reasonaible ex�iensc� ineiirced b�- I.ender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> ; and sgreements of Botroner contained in this \Iort�a�;c and iu cufurcinR Len�icr:� re�uedics as pro�•ided in para-
<br /> ' ` � graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to , reasonaUle attm•nep's fec� : and idl Borrowcr takec such action as
<br /> ,, � Lender maq reseonably require to assure that the lien of this \iortgagc, I.ender's interest in thc Property and t
<br /> � Borcower's obligation to pay the aums secured by thic \fortgn�c shnll continue unimpaired . Upon auch payment ,,;� -' »,�
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations �ecured liereby �hnll remain in ftill fw•ce and effect as if
<br /> �. � no acaeleration had occurred. .��` �
<br /> ; . ! 20. Aasignmeat of Renis; Appointment oi Rsceiver; Lender in Possessioa As additional security here- I �LL � d
<br /> , ,� . under, Borrower hereby asaigns to Lender the rents of thc Property. pro�•ided that Borrower shall, prior to acceler- : , ,;
<br /> ' ; stion unden paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents :=z `
<br /> t r=" `
<br /> as they,become due and payable. h c ,�
<br /> ; i ' Upon,acceleration under paragrapli 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yroperty, Lender, in person, by agent � ' ` .� ,.�,
<br /> or by judicially'sppointed rnceiver shall be eatitled to entcr upon . tukc poc�e��ion of and mana�e the Property - " '� _
<br /> ' ". and'to" collect the rents of the Property, includinR thosc past due. All rents collected by Lender or tl�e receiver
<br /> shall be applied firat to psyment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, includin�, but.
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rnceiver's bondc and reasonable attorney's fees . and then to the sums
<br /> seaured by thia Mortgsge. Lender and the receiver shall be linble to account only for thoce rents actnallV recei�•ed .
<br /> �
<br /> 1;
<br />