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� . � <br /> 78� U0215.? <br /> rMa►RTGAGE 1 <br /> THI9 INDEN'1'UitE, made thia_. 12th __day of__Apri2 <br /> . .__.... 19�_ �_78. 6y aad� bekween . � <br /> Tlt�t(3TEi7E J. CASEY AND RpM�NA x._C:ASEY, husbaad and w3'Ee:�e�ch 3n h,�.and.her_Q��,rSgh�_ <br /> and as spause of the othez,� <br /> : of:— �aY�- _,.��yoty, Nebraske,as mprtgagor � end�Grand..Inland,Trust Company of G.rend.lelend a corporation � <br /> o�ganized eatd exietii�g undeF�the I�wa of hlebraxka wiCh its principal of�ce aod plece of bueinegs at Grand Y.sland, Nebraiska,ea moctgagee�; � � � <br /> WITNESSETH: That eaid mor;gaRur�.._._,far and in aoneideration of Che eum of_. <br /> ***Three Thausand Four Hundred Ten and No/XObths*** � ^ y�� <br /> ___,_ __-------- ---�_—.—��._:�nou�fa��4]40 06�_ . —_�. <br /> the reeeipt of which ia hereby ecknowledq3ed,do_,._.,by thea�pceseptx mortgage and warrenG unW eaid m' <br /> �8a8�,ita Bu�p�s 4nd assigns. � � <br /> .,.� <br /> � forever,all the following deacribed real eatate,situated in the C aunty of_.__Ha 11 � � <br /> � and StaCr of Nebeaskn,to-wi6: � ..,—_..-'.—.---..—..— � . . <br /> TH� SOIlTHERLY NILdETY—ONP FEET (91') OF LOT SIX (6) iN BLnCK 1WE�1Ty—FIVE (25) IN <br /> CHARLE$ Wt1SMER.'S pD-DSTION TO THE CIT7f O� C.RAIV7> ISLAND, H/�I,1. COUiJTY, NEFSFrASKA, <br /> AND AESCR:IBED AS FOLL,OWS: COMFtENCING AT THE S(�UTHWEST CfJRNER �F SAII:1 x,OT SII{ <br /> (6), 'T'HF.tdCE RUNNING EASTERLY A7,ONG AND IJPON TF1E 50UTii£RI.Y LINE C1F 5AZL L(�T T4 TH£ <br /> SOUTHEAST CORNEg OF 5AID i,�T SIX (6}, TFiEtVCE ?�T�RTH�RLY AT.I)Nr, p,yp t£P�N Tt;E FAST'EfZZ,'Y <br /> I.TNE O'F SAID LOT SIX {6) A DIST'ANCE OF NI:QETY—pNE FEET (91'), THEYC� WESTERLF AD1D <br /> PAItAI.LEI, Tq THE 5�[J'�}IERI.Y LINE OF SAID LpT SSX (5), TO Tl{E WEST. LZNF. nF SALD L(DT <br /> SZ]C (6), THR.I�ICE 5�UTkIEItLY ALnNG pNb ppp�1 'C�E hr(,;STF.RLI' F,INE dF SAIn Lp1' SZX (6) A <br /> DISTANCE nF NIhfE'Cy—ONE FEET (91') TQ THE P(1INT Ol• BECIA�ININ'G. <br /> Together with all Ae9ting,air conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment and fistures.including xreeas,awnings,storm windows end � <br /> dooro,end window ahadea or blinds,veed on or in wnnection with said property,whethez the same are now located on said property or he�fter . <br /> pinced thareon. . � � . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with nll end singular the tenements,hereditamenCs and appurtenances thereunto be• � <br /> longing, or in anywine appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor�..hereby covenant—_with said � <br /> mortgegea that_�he 3r—gTe ,at the delivery 6ereof,the lawful owner�_of the premises ebove conveyed snd described, <br /> ! and ara ��of a����defeasible estate of�;.heritanee therein,free and deer of all encumbrances,and that_they_wi11 � <br /> :j .werrant a�defend the titie thernto forever against the claims and demends of all persons whomsoever. � <br /> ��PROVIDED ALWAYS,and this inatrument ie azecuted and delivered w secure the peyment of the sum of <br /> ***Three Thousand Four Hundred Ten and No/lOOths*** <br /> with tntereet thereon,together with auch cturges and advances aa ma be due end D°�ars�$ 3.410.00 � � <br /> ' Y peyable to said morGgagee under the terms and rnnditions <br /> '.j of t6e ptpmieaory ao[e of even dete herewith end secured hereby,executed by eaid moKgagor�_to yaid mortgagee,peyable as expressed <br /> in aeid note,and Lo eecuze the performmce of eL the terme and conditiona contained therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated � � <br /> herein by t6ie reference. � <br /> I��°�'°inteatioo end a8+'eement of the partiea hereto that this mortgage ahall aleo seeure eny future advancea made to said moKgagor_g._ � <br /> . by eaid mortgagee,and any sad ell indebtedness in addition to the emount abuve stated whict,said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to <br /> eaid mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book eccount or otherwine.This mortgage shell remein in full force end effect between <br /> 46e partiee hereW and their heita,peraonel representativea,succeasors end aeaigns,until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br /> adveacee.are peid in ful:with incerest. .. <br /> :�' The mortgagor S hereby asaign_to said mortgegee el�rents end income arising at any and all times from said property and <br /> hereby authorize anid mortgagee or its its option,upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all reats and income <br /> ' � therehom and appty the eame ta the payment of intereat, principel, innurence p�emiume, taxea, aseesemenla, repairs or improvemencs <br /> S neceeeary to keep said property in temntable condition,or to other charges or paymenta provided for herein or in the note hernby secured.This � <br /> � rent aeaignment ahall wntinve ia fotce uotil the unpaid balenee of said note is fully peid.The taking of possesaion hereunder shall in no maaner <br /> ���.p�e°t°C�����6a8'�+�Lhe collection of eaid eums by foredoeure or ocherwise. � <br /> The failute of the mortgagee to aeeert any of its rightn hereunder et eny time ehall not be construed as e waiver of its right to essert the <br /> seme at aay Lter time,and to insist upon and enforoe atrict camptiance with ail the terms and provisions of said note and of this mor[gnge. � <br /> If eaid mortgagor g s6ap cauae to ye pad to yaid mortgege¢�he en�ire a�ouat due it he�eunder,and under the Lerms and provisions c, <br /> of said aote Lereyy ae�,yee����]����p��advaneea,and eny euteaeionn or reaewals thereof in accordence with the terms and provisions � <br /> thereof,ead it eeid mo ���+ <br /> rtgagor�_ehell comply with all the provislons of said note and of this mortgage,then these presents ahall be void: --"' ���,�` �. <br /> � otherw'ae Eo remein in full foroe and effeet,md eaid mortgagee ehall be entitled to the poaseasion of all of said property,and mey,et its option, ?' <br /> deoJere the evbole of eaid aoce sad ali indebtedneee repreeented thereby to be immediately due end payabie.and mey foreclose this mortgage + � <br /> . or�take any ot6ar legai action to pivtect ita right.Apprainement waived. � ! , <br /> Thie mortgege aLell be b' c . <br /> inding upon and ahall eaun eu the beneftt of tha heire,executqre,edmjni�y���.g�aucceaeors end assigns of the 3 <br /> �P�W�Part7ee heceW. � <br /> ax � <br /> ps� ' <br /> IIV WITNE33 WHEREOF,said Mortgagor�_,LayLberaunto ae� �l.eir -hand � the de and <br /> writtea. � � � �_ y year first above <br /> .. . . . _ ... . ,�- <br /> � p • •$ -Y <br /> ��o K. Casev � <br />