� �
<br /> prior to en[ty of a judgment enforcing this Mort,gage i .f: (a) $orrower pays Lznder ail sutns whiofi would be then due under
<br /> this Mortgage, the Flotc and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no aaceleration qccurred; (b) Bor-rower cures alt
<br /> breaehes of any other covenants or agreemenLs of Borrower eontained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br /> expenses incuzred bp Lender in eY�forcing the covenanu and agceemenYs uC Borr.awer contained in this Moctgage and in ;
<br /> � enforcing'Leadec"s remedies as provided in paragreph 18 hereof, ineluding, but not limited to, rtasbnaate attoe�y's feeS; and
<br /> (fi Borrower takea such action as Lender may reasnn.ably cequire to assurc that the Iien of this Mortgage, I.ender'a intetesf '
<br /> in the Property aad Borrowcr.'s obligation to Pay the sums seeured by this Mortgage shatl continue unimpaired. Upon auch 1
<br /> % paymen't and cure by Borrower, this Mprtgage and the oh&bat6nns secured hereby shaVl remain in full farce and tHect as if
<br /> ' no acceleratioo had occurred-
<br /> � 20: A�ignnnen[ of Renq; Appointmeut of Receiver, I.ender in Possessioa. As additianal security hereunder, Borrower
<br /> hereby auigns [o Lendee the r,ents of ths Ptoptrty, provided Yhat Borrower shall, prior to acceieration under paragraph 18 ' °
<br /> ' �, hercof or abandqnmenC of the Property, havt the tighx to collect and retain such rent's as they txeome dut and' payable,
<br /> t Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or abandr�nment of Che Property. Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br /> ; judicially appo�nted recCiver, shall be entitled to enter Sr�ton, take possession ot and manage che Property and to toftect Yhe
<br /> 9 rents of the PcaperCy, inciuding ihose past due. AI9 rents collected by Lender ur the receiver shall be applied fint to payment
<br /> of the co4ts of management of the Froperty and collection of rents, including, but not limited ta, rectiver's fees, premiums on
<br /> ' receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, �nd then to t.he sums secured by this 1litongage. Lender and the recerver
<br /> shalt be liablr to accaunt only Eor those rents aetually rtceived.
<br /> ;� 21. Future Advaacqc. i7pon requtst of Borcower, Lender, at Lender's option prior ta re7ease of this Martgage, may
<br /> makt Future ,Advanccs ta Borrower, Such FutuTe Advaoces, with interest thereon, shall 6e secueed by this Mortgage whern
<br /> evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. Ae no Cirne aha11 che principal amaunt of the
<br /> � indebtodness seaurtd 6y this Mortgage, not induding sums advanced in accordance herewith ts� protec4 Che seaurity of this
<br /> ' Mortgage, exteed tht originai amount of xhe Notc �fws USS . . 5.rOQQ.:00 . . . . . . .
<br /> ; 32 Releau. Upon payment of alt sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall disrhargc this tulortgage without
<br /> charge Ro Borrewer. Bqrrower shall pay all eos4t of recordaei'on, if any.
<br /> d
<br /> = Yx Wrrrress W�exeos, B�rrcawer has executed this Mortga .
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<br /> � Oc� thu . . 1.2fh . . , . day of . . . . A{�,r i t . . . . . . . , 14T8 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publie
<br /> � duly comm�ssioned and quali6ed for saxd county, personaUy came K�NN�7ii, p., ,NJQQEE�yV. AND .ELAJ NE .E _ . M10DEROW
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