_ � �,
<br /> priot to entry of a judgment enforcing thi9 IvIortgage if_ (a) Barrower pays Lender all sums which would ba then due under
<br /> this Mortgage, tht Nott and noies securing Future Advanccs, if any, had no acceferatioo occucred; (b) Barrowec oures aii
<br /> breaches .of apy other covenants oe sgrxments of Borrower tontained in this Mortgage; fc) Borrowec pays all reasanable
<br /> expen�es ineurred' by I:ender 'tn enfotcing fhe covrnan�c ahd agceements af Borrowec contained in this Mortgage and in
<br /> enforcing Lende�'g remedies as provided in paragraph i fi hereof, including, but not limited co, reasonabt'e attorney's Eees; and
<br /> (d) Horrower takes auch action as Lender may reasona6ly requiee to assure that thn lien pf thic Mortgage. LendeYs in;erest
<br /> � in the Pcoperty and Bor[ower's obligatioq tq pay tha sums secured by rhis Mortgage ahall conlinue unimpaired. Upan auch
<br /> i paymentand cure by Borrower, this Mbctgage and the obligations secured hcreby shall remain in full force and eHect aa iE
<br /> no aeceleration had occurred.
<br /> 20: As�Sgnmeot af Renb; AppolMmenR of Beeefvtr, Lender in Fossesslon. As additional security hereundet, Borrower '
<br /> hereby essigrt;p to Lendtr [he rents of thc Prpperty, provi�ed ihat H�rrower sha11, prior to acceleration �nder paragraph 1B
<br /> heteoE or abandonment of thc Properry, have Che right to aalleci and rerain su¢h rents as they becdme due and psyabla
<br /> l3pon acceleration uader paragraph F8 heceaf op abundonmene of the Pcoperty. Len�iec, in pers�a, by agent or by
<br /> judicially appointed rece'rver, shrull ba endtle�i to enter upon, take possessi�n of and managt the Propeccy and ta cc�llect the ,
<br /> rents of the Property, includiqg chase past due. A11 rents collec[ed t�y Lender ar the rectiver shall be applied firsr to pay[nenx
<br /> i of thc cusu of management qf the Property and colloction oE rents, including, but not limited t�, receiver s Eees, pcemiums on
<br /> recrtivec"s bonds and reasonable gttorney"s fees„ ancl then ro thc sums socured by this Mortgagc_ Lender and the receiver
<br /> shalF be liable ro accou�t oply for those ren4s aetually received,
<br /> 21. Future Advqncat. Upern request of Barrowec, Lender, at Lender's aprion prior to release af ch. is Mortgage, may
<br /> � make Future Advances to Borro.wer. Such Future Advances, with interest t.hareon, shall ba secured by this Mortgage when
<br /> ' evidenced E�y promissory notes stating tba4 said notes are secwred herehy. Ar na time sha17 the principal amount of the
<br /> ' inde6tedntss secaced by tliis Mortgage. not including sums advanced '+n aecordance herewith to protecc the security of this
<br /> ivTortgage, exreed the origin�l aYnount of the Note ptus USS . �,� . QO�•.44. . . . . . .
<br /> 22. Release. Upon payment of alt sums secured 6y xhis Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this Morcgage without
<br /> cl�acgG to Bocrbwer. Borrawer shall pay all cqsts of reeordati�n. if any.
<br /> Ix Wrrrzess WH��taor, Borrower has executed this Mortgage.
<br /> � . r���� .��-�'!!�: . •. . . .
<br /> . . . ^ .
<br /> D � Steven Le i n i n �—Bo.rower
<br /> V
<br /> .`.�/. ��'.'� �'�:� . . . : :(,!�:��i.�� <?�S-.� . . . . . . . . .
<br /> Sandra Lein inger � —8o""'*F
<br /> {�� $TATE bP NESRASIGI � . . H�� � � . . . . . . . . . _ . .
<br /> . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . COURIySS : '
<br /> ; Qn this . . . . . . . .I.,�tb . . . . . day of. . . Apr.i. l . . . . . . , . , 197. 8 . . , before me, the unders'igned, a tVotary Public
<br /> � duly commissioned and quslified [ar said couaty, persnnally came A . . 5TEYEN. .LE lN 1 NGEJ2 .AN� . SRNDR/� •LE ! WJ MGEf2
<br /> r h.usb8n11. 'r�nd .W i f2,, . ,e,dCh . i 0 . h:i � .and . ner. sxMtn . r, i ghi'. and . as . spnusdt � tth,� ta me known to be :he ` � '
<br /> �. identical persan(s) whose name(sJ are subscribed to the faregoing instrument an� acknowlcdg,ed the execuuon
<br /> : , thereof to be . .'Yh61I'. . . . . . . . . voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> � Wimess my hand and notarial seal at . . . . ,G,r,aqd . 1 SJ �.Rd , . AlebraS.ka . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . in said county, the '
<br /> * date afaresaid.
<br /> � . � ,<,.
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